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File 141850617643.gif - (101.63KB , 500x377 , FSM1oSH.gif )
68699 No. 68699
gotta say as an extremely infrequent visitor to this site - i would DEFINITELY visit more if you kept this particular song on embed.

A+ work to whoever mixed this hilarity

That is all, ballza day gentlefags.
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>> No. 68700
also, does anyone have a link for this song? for some reason my download addon is not detecting the embed
>> No. 68701
File 141850822232.jpg - (19.75KB , 500x375 , what a country.jpg )

Its like a thing to mix the Thomas the tank engine song. My favorite is Biggy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETfiUYij5UE .

The embed is really annoying though, since it opens in every single tab and just keeps me away from reading so I need to disable it (and forget I disabled javascript) and break everything else or just stay away. Maybe it can be embeded in the frame instead or autoplay video at the top of /b/ like normal? I get the desire to have embedded music but it is obtrusive as hell. I guess its also intrusive too, what's the deal with that?
>> No. 68702

ballza idea
>> No. 68704
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