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File 141809557020.jpg - (170.63KB , 913x1304 , gnomeheels.jpg )
68612 No. 68612
What do you hope to receive for Christmas?

I'm getting shoes from Irregular Choice.
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>> No. 68615
Ooooh, do those come in a mens 13?
>> No. 68616
File 141809576034.png - (159.70KB , 360x360 , discobunbun.png )
Not sure. The site is http://www.irregularchoice.com/
>> No. 68617
File 141809578563.png - (174.41KB , 360x360 , manheadshoes.png )
I like these because they are really creepy.
>> No. 68618
File 141809624031.jpg - (176.66KB , 1024x1024 , literalkittenheels.jpg )
>> No. 68619
You know, these shoes would be great for making fetish videos. Imagine a giantess forcing little men to hold up her feet!
>> No. 68621
File 14180967372.jpg - (226.46KB , 570x1113 , littlecutekittycats.jpg )
Catholic knick knacks, particularly ones associated with neat saints like Gertrude de Nivelle, patron saint of kittycats.
>> No. 68623
External Hard Drive for my chinese cartoons
>> No. 68635
>> No. 68644
Patron of cats AND gardeners? So who am I supposed to pray to when the stray cats outside shit in my garden?
>> No. 68647
Uh, to Gertrude, dumbass. She'll make sure the kitties have somewhere better to poop than your garden. She'll create a win-win scenario.
>> No. 68650
File 141824310613.gif - (958.07KB , 400x225 , 140154757313.gif )
Cats don't deserve a saint, they are godless, hedonistic beasts who revel in sin and indulgence.

But they're just so fuzzy wuzzy and cutesy wootsy.
>> No. 68654
File 141825422331.jpg - (11.95KB , 151x225 , coffee.jpg )
Fun fact: the patron saint of coffee and the patron saint of unattractive people are the same person, Saint Drogo.
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