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File 141801456191.jpg - (1.01MB , 1116x836 , Saint-IsidorePrayer.jpg )
68599 No. 68599
Do you make sure to say your prayers to saint Isidore before accessing the internet?
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>> No. 68600
A relative of mine was sainted in 2010.

Andre Bessette, also called Brother Andre. There's a bronze statue of him in Montreal and numerous Catholics schools named after him in Quebec, Ontario, and I believe one in the States. He was my great-grandfather's brother.
>> No. 68605
I misread that as
>numerous Catholics[...]named after him in Quebec, Ontario
and I was going to make some sarcastic comment about how I'm sure there are lots of Catholics named Andre, but then I read it again and that's kind of cool.
>> No. 68658
Tell us more about him! What did he do to become a saint?

Do you know his penis size?
>> No. 68776
File 141884411172.jpg - (54.65KB , 400x600 , brother_andre_3.jpg )
In life, people would come to him to be healed and he would help them pray to Saint Joseph. He was apparently always very bashful about his role, attributing any cures to the intervention of Saint Joseph and when people would try to thank him for helping them, he would politely rebuff them and direct their thanks to Joseph.

He developed such a reputation that the church had to build him his own little outbuilding to receive visitors because so many people came to see him every day that it clogged up the normal goings-on of the other Brothers and worshipers.

According to my grandmother, he was a very small, sickly boy and as an adult was very frail, gentle, and quiet. He was uncomfortable with people thanking him for healing them, saying he did nothing and it was all St. Joseph but he still received tens of thousands of visitors a year and eventually had to be given four secretaries because he was receiving upwards of 10 thousand letters a month. Pilgrims would come from all over to see him and those who were too sick to come in person would write to him and he would make time to pray on their behalf.

After he died, he was beatified in the 70s. 1973 I believe. And was a beatus for close to 40 years because apparently the Catholic Church has very rigorous criteria for the sainthood. Documentation has to be provided in multiple instances that you have interceded to provide miraculous cures from beyond the grave and a lot of people are beatified who never become saints because there is no "proof" that they have performed miracles.

So in short, he was Sainted for being a standup guy. Even though he's officially Saint Andre of Montreal now, he's still most commonly referred to as Brother Andre, which I think is a testament to his humbleness in life.
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