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66284 No. 66284
TV thread.

What shows are you watching and which ones do you recommend?

I'm all about Äkta människor - Säsong 2
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>> No. 66285
I found Akta Manniskor to be somewhat silly, but I mean it is sweden. The hub lovers seem like a bunch of degenerates to me.
>> No. 66286
I've been watching a lot of The Knick lately. The typhoid mary plotline is a little weak, but the super gory surgery scenes are done super well with breathing belly props that get sliced into
>> No. 66287
I've been watching Black Jesus as it airs, I really like it. I'm going to start watching South Park and Blacklist when they start airing next week as well. Oh also I've watched the few new American Dad episodes that aired this month, and it's made me start rewatching the whole series. Damn, I love that show.
>> No. 66289
Lets try to make a list of all the shows above a certain quality.

In addition to the ones previously mentioned:

- Les Revenants

- Orphan Black

- Turn


- Vikings

- The Three Kingdoms (this is actually ballza, I shit you not)

Shows I want to watch:

Rectify, Better Call Saul, The Strain,
>> No. 66292
I wrote American Dad off when it first aired and I saw some of season 1. The jokes seemed cheap and lazy to me. Then a few months ago, some posters here talked about how much they liked it and how it hit its stride after season one and really came into its own. So I gave it a try after ~10 years of ignoring it. God damn, there's some funny shit there. I watched the whole series over the spring/summer. ballza stuff.

Right now, I've been watching some old Simpsons, seasons 2, 3, and 4 mostly. Hilarious and lots of heart without overdoing the sentimentality, especially in 2 and 3.
>> No. 66293
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I also finally got around to watching series 2 of Black Mirror. I didn't like series 2 as much as 1, as 2 was less focused on satire and more on human drama, which, as a bitter, rum-swilling cynic I found less compelling.

Still really ballza though, and highly recommended. All the episodes come across like a sharper version of the best episodes of the 90s Outer Limits.
>> No. 66294
Yeah I really like the writing in American Dad. They explore more genres and cliches than any other show I've seen and they do it with satire and excellent writing. I hate shows that think they can get away with being poorly written just because they're satire. I also really connect with the character of Roger, and I'm sure most people who frequent this board do as well.
>> No. 66295
Rick and Morty is one of the better shows to come out in a while. The Meeseeks episode is probably one of the best single episodes of anything I've ever seen.
>> No. 66296
Rick and Morty felt really hit-and-miss to me. I agree that some of the episodes, especially the Meeseeks episode, are absolutely amazing. But some of the other episodes feel rather boring and dull, like the parody of Inception. Still, as a whole I like Rick and Morty.

Has anyone been watching Bravest Warriors or other Cartoon Hangover crap? I like all dat shit a lot.
>> No. 66298

Yeah, despite Roger simply being another Stewie. American Dad provides very grudging laughs. I watch it expecting it to suck, and it usually fails my expectations.
>> No. 66322
Roger is nothing like Stewie...
>> No. 66328
Which one is the effeminate sociopath voiced by Seth MacFarlane?
>> No. 66341
That's like saying Mulder and 24-guy are the same character because they're both FBI agents. The similarities are superficial at best.
>> No. 66343
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That's only because you used a poor analogy.
>> No. 66357
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MacFarlane voices like a half-dozen characters on each show, so his voicing of both doesn't really matter. As for the effeminate/gay/sexually ambiguous sociopath thing, yeah they have that in common but the way it plays out in the show is different. Even the way it's used for laughs is different and the characters have at least as many fundamental differences as similarities: Stewie is fiercely independent and inventive; Roger is lazy - both physically and intellectually - and entirely co-dependent, etc etc.
>> No. 66360
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>Roger is lazy - both physically and intellectually - and entirely co-dependent, etc etc.
>> No. 66406

It's moving over to TBS and they had a promo pumping it up as "edgy". Not a ballza omen, especially since Seth MacFarlane is becoming more involved, supposedly because it was the more critically acclaimed and popular of the two shows. Apparently he was too dumb to figure that those two things were because of his non-involvement, not in spite of it.

So prepare for your expectations to be met.
>> No. 66751
a new theatrical trailer came today.
Just count how many times they say edgy. I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand it seems from the clips they show that they're just going to focus entirely on the inappropriate and raunchy subject matter that was already there, but I don't know if that'll work. I loved the "edgy" shit in American Dad but what made it great was the writing.
>> No. 66755
To be honest I think it's just marketing. All the same people are likely working on it, including writers and creative people. There might be slightly more vulgarity and stuff they probably couldn't do on network TV but I don't think it will be too different at all.
>> No. 66757
New or newish shows that are actually ballza: The Blacklist, The Bridge, Person of Interest, Black Jesus You're The Worst, Legends, The Strain, Tyrant, and maybe a few more.
>> No. 66831
I normally don't like prime time dramas but I've really been enjoying Blacklist. Also Black Jesus has been incredible. I'm hoping Lloyd approaches Lahey levels of hooligany, and can become a new role model for alcoholic fuck-ups everywhere.

I've also been watching Mr. Pickles weekly and it's pretty fantastic.
>> No. 66832
Mr. Pickles hasn't really blown me away. It seems to have a decent concept but the execution hasn't been optimal thus far. The first ep wasn't really great at all, but the second ep seemed to rebound a bit.

Part of it is strange simply because Mr. Pickles is supposed to be demonic, but seems to only kill the immoral/unethical like some kind of purifying angel than a servant of the dark lord. The theme song is pretty rad though.
>> No. 66835
I wouldn't say it's an incredible show or anything, but I really really like it. I pretty much consider it the spiritual successor to Superjail. It's not as ballza as Superjail, but it offers the same thing: surreal gore. That's mostly what draws me to Mr Pickles.

I also found that Mr Pickles killing only the bad guys seemed pretty weird. It can kinda make sense though. Much like the devil, Mr. Pickles probably only has power over sinners; he can't harm ballza virtuous people. This also makes sense because at the end of every episode it shows how he's enslaved (the soul of) the episodes main antagonist. Usually by keeping them in his dog house in a state of immense suffering or loathing. Birds of a feather flock together.
>> No. 67074
i just saw the first couple episodes of Gotham. seems alright even tho it has that guy from the OC in it
>> No. 67108
OP what fucked up jibberish retard language is that? I can make up fake TV show too I'm really enjoying Fjornsung Dikspone - Treetong 2th
>> No. 67109
I hope the Flash is ballza. I've liked the Flash since I was a wee lad so I'm excited that special effects are now in a place where a live action version can be done well. I haven't seen it yet though and don't even know when it airs
>> No. 67111
I've never seen the OC and I can't think of one person or face that's in it, so Gotham is pretty cool for me.
>> No. 67112
I'm curious, what exactly do you like about Flash? I always thought he was about as exciting as Aquaman.
>> No. 67113
I dunno man, I think he has a cool superpower and his stories are pretty cool. Aquaman is baller as fuck too.
>> No. 67118
it's Swedish or something you cis-racist fuckshit
>> No. 67119
You've got so much unchecked privilege that you're unable to submit and continue to the next page.
>> No. 67222
Flash is fucking terrible and as a final ``fuck you'' to all freedom-conscious individuals adobe has stopped supporting their garbage shovelware on GNU/Linux. It won't be long before it's replaced by HTML5 but until then youtube-dl and livestreamer work just fine.
>> No. 67248
>> No. 67312
thanks for recommending Vikings. I am really getting into it.

I hate how so many american shows ar cops running around with guns. they kick in doors and beat people up, disregarding due process, but are justified in doing so because they are chasing terrorists or other criminals.

NCIS, Law and Order, Blacklist, Person of Interest, Bones, CSI, and so on and so forth
>> No. 67314
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I am watching WWE Raw (as we speak) but I don't recommend it. I do recommend American Horror Story
>> No. 67315
You have this vague perception of what law is that you think might be true, but haven't ever given it much thought due to most of your mind being on an unpaid vacation somewhere, you know. You didn't really read the Post-It note, but you guess it's somewhere back East maybe. Or something. God, your mind is so laid-back and full of scattered papers and dust. How can you live like this?
>> No. 67317
you're gonna have a vague sensation of my cock in your mouth if you don't stfu the fuck up, nerdburglar
>> No. 67318
America's Funniest Home Videos is a ballza show. It's one of the few shows that I watch on a regular basis.
>> No. 67319
How do you know that's not precisely my endgame?
>> No. 67324
i stayed in a hostel with a bunch of australians. they all loved watching WWE and blazing. they said it was the best soap opera on TV and i had a hard time convincing them that all americans weren't like that.
>> No. 67325
No, they knew that Americans aren't like that. They were just fucking with you, because you're the pathetic, irritating type of American who feels the need to beg for approval worth your "we're not aaaaall liiiiike thaaaaaat" whinging like a menstruating woman.
>> No. 67339
I love that shit too. Sometimes people say things like "why do you watch that show, there are way more funny videos on youtube!" But it's the structured aspect of it that makes it so fun/ny. I'm in charge of youtube, I have to search for and find the videos. With AFV, the videos are provided for me in a structured way. They're not all gems, but that's part of the appeal.
>> No. 67342
There are video collections on YouTube. You watch one and then the rest play on their own, like your television show.
>> No. 67350
I dunno man, it's the involuntary aspect of it. Even that is too deliberate - there are no forced breaks, no audience games, no host giving the thing some semblance of continuity. There's also the nostalgia factor of America's Funniest Home Videos, which is huge for me; I have no such nostalgia connection to youtube.
>> No. 67358
I'm watching Shark Tank whenever it's on and I remember. It's that one show where a bunch of dumb goyim come on and pitch their retarded business ideas to a board of venture capitalists in the hopes of getting them to invest. One of the panelists is like, the jewiest jew since jew came to jewtown. He looks like a vulture in profile and the first question he always asks the presenters is what their profits have been like. There's also a black guy who looks like Omar Epps and the obligatory strong womyn business owner who don't need no man.
>> No. 67363
somebody has broken glass in their panties.
what's the matter hun, can't get any cock?
>> No. 67371
Yes, I'm the irrational one and not the guy who thinks it's his purpose in life to say "not all of several hundred million people fits a single stereotype", something anyone with half a brain knows. Except for Americans, apparently. When you try to convince people of this, it's just an idiot to their intelligence and Americans are so easy to fuck with. I mean, look at how hysterical you are right now.
>> No. 67372
If anyones an idiot to their intelligence its you, you histerical idiot to your intelligenc
>> No. 68272
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I finally got around to Firefly after years of having it recommended to me. It was quite ballza. I was expecting an ongoing serial kind of thing, and was at first a little disappointed by the stand-alone episodic nature of it but once I got over that, it's a really fun show.

I'm not much of a Joss Whedon fan but I really liked everything on offer here. A lot of the fight scenes had an early-2000s corniness to the choreography but I'm cool with that. I liked the nice balance of intrigue, adventure, camp, and occasional dry humor. The lack of resolution to the hanging plot & character threads at the end of the season doesn't bother me, I enjoyed it for what it was. I'm sure knowing ahead of time there wasn't going to be much (or any, really) in the way of answers by the last episode probably helped quite a bit.

The girl who plays the mechanic is a supercutiepie.

In a way, it satiated my thirst for more Cowboy Bebop, though it is neither as dark nor as gripping as CB. Made for nice light watching though. I'll let you know what I think of the movie after I've seen it.

Overall, highly recommended and enjoyed. I'll probably watch it again at some point if I'm really sick for a few days or if I get snowed in or whatever.
>> No. 68273
Fuck your long -winded, boring, and belated response to a show that everyone else already knows about who is old enough to post here.
>> No. 68286
where is the intelligence that you lack
>> No. 68315
Just finished boondocks. They made a season 4 and went netflix. Its been alright, last season was not as ballza as one, two or three but it gives an interesting view of race and America. Being a mix breed I see a lot of the same problems in society that Huey does. So I really identify with the shows themes and subject matter.

Friends have been dragging me into anime so I've been watching parasyte which so far is great.

Most t.v. shows I don't enjoy since I quit smoking pot t.v. has just gone back to being stupid and annoying. I might take a look at some shows suggested here, I mostly just throw on something dumb from netflix to play in the background while I surf the net.
>> No. 68316
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If you're into cartoons and stuff, you should check out Over the Garden Wall. Beautiful show with a spectacular cast. It's only 5 twenty minute episodes, so you can knock it out in two hours.
>> No. 68318
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I fucking love Masterchef Junior. I generally don't care for cooking competition shows (though Masterchef is probably the best), but I love it for the same reason I love watching the Little League World Series, it's just so uncommon seeing kids be competent but also have the emotional maturity and lack of restraint as kids.
>> No. 68335
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I am watching Denki-gai no Honya-san (The book seller of the electronics district). It is about cute girls working in a book store.

That's all, thanks for reading.
>> No. 68336
That one started off pretty ballza but then devolved into plot recycling and cliches and I won't be a part of it, sir.
>> No. 68338
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If I wanted innovative plots and deep storytelling I wouldn't be watching late night bishoujo anime. I just want to warmly watch cute girls being cute.

NOKO has been used.
>> No. 68339
Even ballza cute girl anime (like IM) don't blatantly recycle the same plot from earlier episodes. It's more disappointing because it did have interesting characters and lot of promise. Then, "oh the exact same deadline episode" and then wacky onsen gropefest. Might try it again when I'm bored, but that time is not now.
>> No. 68341
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Well excuuuuuse me, Mr. Ebert, but all I expect out of my cute girls anime is cute girls.
>> No. 68342
You're excused.
>> No. 68390
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My girlfriend and her roommate got me into this shit. It's a reality-competition show for special effects and creature makeup.

It's really really ballza. They focus solely on the work and the competitors have a lot of camaraderie, no contrived reality show drama. Plus some super talented people.
>> No. 68459
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I have developed an unhealthy obsession with cute anime girls. There's just something so enchanting about their innocents and youthfulness, it makes me feel ballza.

I would recommend the documentary show called Drugs Inc I watch it on NatGeo and it's a pretty ballza look into the world of drugs because you get to see both sides of it.
>> No. 68461
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>> No. 68467

Oh shit, I got into the club?
That's pretty cool so what kind of activities do we do?
>> No. 68468

Huh, what did the filter break?
That's not cool at all.
>> No. 68490
it's ``really ballza´´ now
>> No. 68494
I just started rewatching Batman Beyond. I saw some of it as a kid and decided to go back and properly watch it.

So far, not bad.
>> No. 68606
There's this show called Plebs about 3 dudes trying to make it in Rome ca 1st Century B.C. Pretty damn ballza.
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