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File 141631814662.jpg - (157.47KB , 385x525 , pink acid colorful zebra leggings photo2.jpg )
68140 No. 68140
we doing secret santa this year?
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>> No. 68145
I want to run Secret Santa this year, so I can give everyone my address, mwa ha ha. All for me.
>> No. 68150
I hope so! I have neat stuff I could mail.
>> No. 68159
It had better not be urine wine.
>> No. 68170
So what if it is?
>> No. 68176
holy fuck imagine how deformed this chick would look if it was photoshopped at the waist like that and it was a full body pic
>> No. 68189
I'd be game.
>> No. 68405
Tom, is this happening or what?
>> No. 68429
File 14173662488.jpg - (206.96KB , 1599x1066 , a33.jpg )
>> No. 68442
File 141741647322.gif - (10.93KB , 50x59 , confusion.gif )
well, no sticky and no mods.

everyone just post your addresses and we'll do this quick!
>> No. 68443
Omar Al-sharif
2635 Century Parkway N.E., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345
>> No. 68464
File 141750050923.jpg - (6.30KB , 180x280 , omar sharif.jpg )
I got your gift in the mail Omar!
>> No. 68465
Now we're going to go on the terrorist watchlist again, thanks Omar.
>> No. 68586
I only got to participate in the first one. I'll definitely do one this year if enough people demonstrate interest.
>> No. 68595
I have tons of stuff to give. I hope we do this.
>> No. 68598
Can you mail feces if you hide it well enough or will they know
>> No. 68601
Only one way to find out.
>> No. 68662
File 141827570369.gif - (1.62MB , 500x282 , 67hEuaQZnV.gif )
i considered setting up an email account to orchestrate this. but i was just gonna give all the participants my address instead of pairing them up. then i would get all the presents and not mail anybody theirs.
>> No. 68687
Maybe we shouldn't have banned voxenfail. He was very devoted to this place, despite being into some weird stuff. Remember that year he orchestrated the secret santa?
>> No. 68710
File 141858976518.jpg - (83.94KB , 464x456 , $5.jpg )
Yeah it worked ballza that year. [name withheld] did it last year, went on a five day bender and forgot the password to the secret santa e-mail he set up. This year, to keep it simple regs and gray are just going to give everyone $5.
>> No. 68760

Why was he banned again? Just being annoying?
>> No. 68763
He was a pedophile and everyone here assumed he was the main culprit behind the constant pedo threads, I think.
>> No. 68803

But we still have those threads...
>> No. 68830
Guys, Christmas is all but here and we're being all scroogy.
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