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68894 No. 68894

The Last Knights is most easily described as the board game "Risk" where you are just a single army that is part of a country. You are the commander of your own band of soldiers, but you are nothing without the other officers in your country. You have to work together with real players in order to capture cities of other countries until you and your allies are the only ones standing. The game relies greatly on communication between players. There is no storyline but to survive the players are forced to make one within the boundaries of the rules of the game. You can play by training and improving your own soldiers or by being a leader among the officers in your country or even coordinate attacks between your and an allied country.
>> No. 68895
I have a hard enough time convincing myself that life is worthwhile to live in the real world, how could I possibly convince myself that it is worthwhile to live in a virtual one?
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