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No. 68319
  Heard Obama's last term is ending. Who gon' be the next president of the US?

As a Euro peon, I got no clue on who the candidates are, how they are chosen nor even what the chances these candidates might have of winning.

Hope it's not a basketball american again, lol, am I right? Fo real doe, a lot of uncool bs went down with Bobambo in office. Where's the 'change'?
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>> No. 68320
>I got no clue on who the candidates are

Neither do we. There are no candidates yet. Hillary Clinton is almost certainly running, but we don't really know who is going to run on the Republican side, and there's even a chance Clinton might not get nominated.
>> No. 68321
>who the candidates are, how they are chosen

It's actually a hotdog eating contest. The real reason that foreigners can't be president is to keep that little Chinese kid from becoming president for life.
>> No. 68374
OP, what the fuck was the point of this shit? Oh, duh, I don't know n music be careful because stupid amounted caps carboy.
>> No. 68375
I was lampooning people who make pathetic and desperate attempts at expressing themselves and trying to get other people to interact with them by asking faux-naïf questions and making references to moronic internet memes.

Are you really that DUMB that you didn't get it? LOL
>> No. 68378

And I was lampooning people who get overly angry at those pathetic and desperate attempts.

Are you REALLY that CHUMPISH that you FELL for my ELABORATE RUSE?
>> No. 68381
The word "elaborate" can be used as both an adjective and a verb.
>> No. 68385
What's a verb?
>> No. 68414
>> No. 68426
File 141736204170.jpg - (22.90KB , 360x430 , obama-papercraft-robot-toy.jpg )
Let's see, gas under 3$ a gallon and falling. US is now approaching self sufficiency in energy supplies. Swarms of killer robots haunt the skies of our enemies. Nato alliance coming closer than ever. Carbon treaty with motherfucking China. Employment rate up. Hell, even I have a job, and because of Obama I can keep my insurance.

The funny part is, he's a winner. No matter what you say, he's done the maximum he could do. Who is this magic candidate who is better than Obama? Yall niggas want Mike Huckabee to whip out that old testament d, and actually enforce federal marijuana laws? Fuck yo couch nigga.
>> No. 68432
Quiet, 99chan's Token Black Poster. Go sit in your corner with the half-native guy.
>> No. 68433
I have balk friends but I believe balks should have their own country and we can have ours but it's not racism.
>> No. 68435
File 14173989508.jpg - (331.57KB , 1280x960 , tumblr_ndbc9aaOVp1t7bqozo1_1280.jpg )
how do you attribute gas prices to the president? gas prices are down bc production is up thanks to fracking.

please provide sources for energy self sufficiency. all i see is that fracking could produce enough natural gas to supply domestic needs but that will either destroy our land or not happen bc it will get banned. (likely the former)

also, tits.
>> No. 68436
what do presidents do, anyway?
>> No. 68440
>> No. 68441
>> No. 68452

It's contextual irony. High gas prices were one reason Bush was laughed out of office. For double irony, the now maturing oil ventures responsible for this change, came about solely due to the high prices of the Bush era and resultant speculation.

Downward pressures on gas price:

1. US production increases. The US overtook Russia as the top natural gas producer in 2010. In 2014, the US overtook Saudi Arabia for oil production, producing over 11 million barrels a day.

2. OPEC is cutting prices to save market share. They believe a market readjustment is in progress. It is better for them to save market share than prop up the price, as they believe they have more staying power than new US ventures. The US ventures believe their pockets to be deep enough to survive. This could turn into a spectacular price war.

3. Due to sanctions and falling currency, Russia is now totally dependent on oil exports (even more so than before), and is on record at willing to tolerate gas at 60 dollars a barrel, mostly because they have no choice, and have already locked thirty year contracts with their biggest partner eg. China. This statement undercuts any OPEC attempt to stabilize the price.

For geopolitical reasons, reducing the price of gas can be considered economic warfare against Russia. As oil is the blood of the world economy, this has resulted in a stronger US dollar. The US is rebounding despite the end of quantitative easing.

The emissions target with China is the greatest achievement of the current administration. China has mathematically committed themselves to more carbon neutral energy than the US has. Furthermore with China on board, this sweeps the rug from under other laggards, as China is rightly seen as a tough negotiator (just look at the pennies on the dollar deal they are paying for Russian oil). US business interests can't claim climate regulation will make them uncompetitive, as the biggest players in the energy market are either on board with Kyoto/Beijing, or are under economic sanctions.

My only criticism of Obama is he has taken the totally wrong attitude with Turkey. Turkey's claim to NATO is geographical. It negates the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Do not expect them to be a productive member of society. It only drives them to Moscow's orbit.
>> No. 68511
File 141766753111.jpg - (7.34KB , 275x183 , fairuza balk.jpg )
>balk friends
I know a guy who used to date Fairuza Balk.
>> No. 68514
Was she neger
>> No. 68516
File 141767067368.gif - (1.02MB , 400x225 , fdfahtrsbdtg.gif )
>Neger was a German torpedo-carrying craft generally described as a human torpedo which could not submerge, but was difficult to see during night operations.
>> No. 68517
so negers from garmins
>> No. 68522
Obama is a piece of shit bastard. Anyone but him will do.
>> No. 68555
File 141784990510.jpg - (18.02KB , 720x405 , crimes-and-misdemeanors-woody-allens-rape-case-get.jpg )
President Woody Allen it is then
>> No. 68592
I'm voting for Hillary.
>> No. 68594
I will vote for whoever promises the most things and tells me what I want to hear.
>> No. 68622
That's gay, I'm just gonna vote for whoever I can have a beer with. As long as they're likeable, they must be a great leader of nations.
>> No. 68706
  America sounds fucking terrible.
>> No. 68709
It is. Everything about America is depressing and shitty. Even those having a ballza time or leading ballza lives. Shitty, sorry lot.
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