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File 141765507286.jpg - (30.53KB , 640x960 , 10303370_668465336574233_2536465893110244810_n.jpg )
68501 No. 68501
How would you draw the internet on the side of a cave for later cultures to understand long after the grid falls?
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>> No. 68502
File 141765608865.jpg - (57.97KB , 1152x648 , Untitled.jpg )
>> No. 68503
yeah this
>> No. 68524
File 141772770528.jpg - (111.08KB , 800x600 , future.jpg )
Let this illustration be the only evidence of mankind's brief existence on this planet
>> No. 68525
Gray, I will suck your d bro.
>> No. 68526
File 14177303835.png - (9.00KB , 516x422 , Untitled.png )
My name is Graywilde and I am the proprietor of this website.
>> No. 68530
File 141774121688.jpg - (10.26KB , 141x258 , Seldon.jpg )
I don't draw on a cave. I use my knowledge of the mathematics of psychohistory to predict when the fall will take place, and then I gather a braintrust of scientists, engineers, historians, and skilled artisans and tuck them away in a safe backwater to preserve the knowledge of civilization and weather the storm of barbarism until mankind is once again ready to transmit pornography and cat pictures through the air.
>> No. 68531
File 141774360960.jpg - (452.12KB , 1579x717 , Internet.jpg )
Will they accept Wikipedia as a source or is it like college
>> No. 68541
File 14178195949.png - (51.85KB , 1288x710 , ufhfyf.png )
I'd leave them an alphabet cypher to help them if English is no longer a language.
>> No. 68625
It's best we just forget
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