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File 141693360148.gif - (86.89KB , 600x600 , noise.gif )
68312 No. 68312
I figuratively cannot stop writing inane shit to strangers on the internet!!
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>> No. 68322
prove it
>> No. 68324
File 141699310535.gif - (748.43KB , 320x180 , ass2ass.gif )
i figuratively can not stop bouncing on cocks until they ejaculate in my bowels
>> No. 68325
I'd watch that movie.
>> No. 68326
Wait, I already did. Nvm.
>> No. 68371
What film is this? looks like a nice humiliation scene.
>> No. 68372
Requiem for a Dream. It's rather famous for being depressing as hell, and the universal favorite movie of high school hipster film buffs.
>> No. 68373
That doesn't work when you use that word to actually mean the misconception of the other. You're not being witty or cute. You're just being annoying.
>> No. 68376
haha ok
>> No. 68379
File 141720270249.jpg - (76.26KB , 742x742 , Owls dont play.jpg )
Rainbow Bus Club, I think we should break up. You're getting really clingy and since you're so preoccupied with me, you haven't really developed as a person at all.

You're... getting a little dependent. And i'm a free wolf, lonely but untamed.

I'm going to start sleeping with your sister.
>> No. 68380
File 141720399240.jpg - (348.92KB , 600x446 , sato_yan2.jpg )
If I can't have you, no one can, Gaius.
>> No. 68384
File 141722493635.jpg - (22.38KB , 320x240 , take it you whore.jpg )
Here's that video of a man fucking a vacuum cleaner you ordered, Mr. Bus Club


Jah Bless
>> No. 68546
Why is there literally no cure for boredom yet.
>> No. 68549
There is and always has been. It's called setting and accomplishing goals.
>> No. 68560
That's for fags, why isn't there just a pill I can take or something.
>> No. 68563
Please tell me you're running for president in the next election.
>> No. 68564
Son, do you know what "drugs" are?
>> No. 68567
You mean like soma?

Anyway boredom is important. Never kill time to get rid of it because it forces you to be more creative.
>> No. 68646

That scene in particular is kind of famous for being narmy, though.
>> No. 68648
ehss tuh ehss
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