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No. 68811
  Did you ever perform in your school's/cafe's/christian youth group's/neo-facist bordello commune's battle of the bands? Did that opportunity never exist? What do BotBs (Battle of the Bands [I know typing this out defeats the purpose of the acronym but I had to clarify for clarity's sake.]) mean to YOU, both metaphorically, figuratively, literally, and laterally? Do you have a favorite BotBs performance you could share with us? Please do!

What band in the "Battle of The Bands 2013" video do you feel will have the most commercial success? The most esoteric success? The most back door groupies???
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>> No. 68812
I worked stage crew for many of them, 5 to be precise, the 5th was after I graduated I just helped out because the auditorium director called me asking for help.

I always loved them, especially when the best band would always so FUCK, get disqualified but win in everyones heart. :3
>> No. 68813
Disqualified for what? Performance enhancing drugs?
>> No. 68815
File 141918769858.jpg - (234.26KB , 721x1023 , pepper ann comic.jpg )

Nothing like a line or two of china white before the highschool talent show. I ended up playing the pepper ann theme song and thinking it was the coolest thing ever.
>> No. 68817
I haven't been to many but in my experience the bands are pretty terrible. Not in terms of musicianship, they're often solid in that respect. But the music is just boring. The kinds of musicians who are drawn to a battle of the bands are the same types of people who enter contests to have their song played on the local rock station and are generally not innovative, imaginative, or compelling people musically.

But take what I say with a grain of salt as I like some pretty terrible music.
>> No. 68821
Due to my overbearing mother and the stifling hypocritical religion she was in, I wasn't allowed to listen to music until I was 12 and even then it was for 15 minutes at a time so that satan wouldn't get me through the radio.
>> No. 68824
Well to her credit satan didn't get you after all.
>> No. 68890
Do you know for certain, or are you just assuming Satan didn't get >>68821 ? Kid could be posting from the geographic center of Hell for all we know.
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