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File 141877735659.jpg - (151.42KB , 1600x1600 , candle wax.jpg )
68751 No. 68751
best chapstick?
this stuff don't work for shit
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>> No. 68758
Your lips must be fucked cuz that shit is the best. I've had the same stick for upwards of two years. Moisturizes my lips like a motherhooligan.
>> No. 68771
File 141884165228.jpg - (55.29KB , 640x474 , sehat-com-pk-roaccutane-20mg-cap-30__90734_zoom.jpg )
The only way I can see Burt's being ineffective is if you were on Accutane or something similar, which can cause chronically chapped lips. My sister had quite severe acne and was on Accutane for a period as a teen and she needs to put on chapstick several times a day even now in her late 20s.
>> No. 68780
I use it all the time, it works well. I get dry lips a lot. I think it's because I can't breathe through my nose a lot. My nose is crooked and sometimes I can only breathe through one nostril, especially at night. I sleep with my mouth open a lot. Not sure why, I remember I got a soccer ball kicked into my nose as a kid and my nose bleed a lot because of it. Also I used to snort cocaine, that might have something to do with it. I talked to my doctor about it and asked if he could refer me to a specialist, but he basically just told me to use chapstick and drink more water.

I never knew this, I was on accutane a little bit as a kid. Maybe that has something to do with it too, weird.
>> No. 68796
Yeah, dry, cracking skin is one of the most common side effects. My sister was on quite a heavy dose for quite a long time and the side effects hit her pretty hard I think.
>> No. 68828
OP, you do realize that you need to remove the lid first before applying it, right?
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