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File 14182995355.jpg - (297.77KB , 600x450 , gaylord.jpg )
68665 No. 68665
So I'm moving to Japan next year, and not by my choice. So I figured there is at least 1 japanophile on here that can answer my questions

1. Are the electrical sockets in Japan different from those in the US.
2. What else should I know about Japan
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>> No. 68666
The mains power and sockets in Japan are the same (the voltage might be a little lower but it isn't in the 200s) so pretty much everything you have should work.

You should know that all asians are insects though their type varies by region. The Japanese are most closely related to the grasshoppers you are familiar with at home, and are born as nymphs that metamorphose into "their final form". Typically solitary, the Japanese may form a swarm under conditions of stress and drought and will leave a trail of destruction in its wake. The Japanese catch and kill whales, though generally do not eat the meat as it tastes foul, an instead turn it into dog food.
>> No. 68667
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you can buy whiskey soda in a can at various concentrations.
whiskey soda is referred to as "highball" and is usually cheaper than beer anywhere you go (restaurants and ramen shops included))
>> No. 68668
japan is surprisingly similar to america and you probably won't get culture shock at all. completely different from moving to a developing country in asia such as laos or cambodia.
in fact, it's even more sterile and prepackaged. a single carrot or banana in the store will already be cellophaned and meat is all wrapped in plastic with a little tampon to catch any blood.

honestly, it's pretty fucking boring here.
>> No. 68670
If you don't know Japanese you're probably not going to have that great a time. Are you moving there with family, or staying with anyone who is native Japanese? Since you're being forced to go there for whatever reason I assume you know someone in the country. If they're an actual friend or supporter it helps because they can vouch for you on legal documents and such.

People are stereotyped as being xenophobic there and that's true to a sense, they don't like/are uncomfortable around foreigners who know jack shit about their culture and language. Westerners who know that stuff well are usually well respected.

The (American) fast food there will be vastly different from what you're used to, and not in a ballza way. You might want to figure out what kinds of Japanese food you like before you go there, as well as the names of the foods. Again, it comes down to knowing the language.

It's not a technological paradise, at least not in the same way as the US. Wherever you're planning to work probably won't have the level of technology you are used to in the US.

There's a lot of advice I could give if given more specifics.
>> No. 68673
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1. No.

2. If you are bisexual, you NEED to try out the public baths. You'll get to ogle so many ballza looking people in the nude, unf.

3.Everything in Tokyo costs a billion dollars.

4.The American fast food isn't that different from the way it is in the US, not if you go to an American food chain like McDonald's.

5. Mr.Donut sucks.

6. They sell horse flesh ice cream in 'Namja Town", an indoor amusement park. You should try it out. http://bakapad.com/ice-cream-city-dare-to-try-their-ice-cream/
>> No. 68674
Japanese women are frigid, so ballza luck getting laid.
>> No. 68676
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i fount a ¥3000 blowjob bar just off the yamanote line. and of course theres the ¥25000 tranny whores at some host bars in kabukicho.
also japancupid to meet frigid jap girls
>> No. 68678
File 141834822560.jpg - (115.56KB , 331x418 , pokemon.jpg )
I hope OP participates in the secret santa! There's so much neat stuff you can get only in Japan, like these elongated pokemon yen. You're lucky, OP.
>> No. 68679
Buy Japanese equivalent of 4 Loco. Check!

I'm going to be stationed on the US Navy base in Yokosuka
>> No. 68683
what the fuck is playing right now?
>> No. 68684
I don't know but I wish there was a way to turn it off without muting my computer
>> No. 68686
File 141835964562.jpg - (2.63MB , 3264x2448 , 20140907_021825.jpg )
Tupac, Fuck yeah!

Dude. A US base is not japan. there's taco bell and all that other american shit you don't find in the rest of japan. you might as well be in america when you're there.
>> No. 68688
Here's a ballza one, how easy is it to get a driver's license in Japan? Do the Japanese drive on the left side of the street and not the right like the US?
>> No. 68690
It's generally not worth it for foreigners, if you don't plan on staying for a while. On a base it might be different. Japan does drive on the left like Britain, and they have some different road laws. I wouldn't say the test is necessarily hard, but people think just because they can drive well in the US it's the same in Japan. If you really want to drive (again, not really recommended unless you have a ballza reason), you usually have to go to driving school which can cost thousands of dollars. The basic practical exam is not that expensive, but you would have to do a lot of self-study before attempting it.

Motorbikes are really the best way to get around if you're not constantly driving on major highways, as they are cheap (both to buy and for gas), small, easy to park, and no one will call you a flaming fucking bundle of sticks for driving a moped there.

But on base? No fucking idea guy.
>> No. 68727
File 141867650315.png - (260.51KB , 500x500 , funfact.png )
Here's this for when you're at the airport
>> No. 68730
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