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68330 No. 68330
What would you choose?
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>> No. 68334

I've logged over 2000 hours in Victoria 2 and EU3 and 4 so if anyone is qualified to rule the world as their personal sandbox it's me.
>> No. 68337
I would prefer a world without hypothetical survey threads. At least real survey threads have something real to argue about.
>> No. 68343
Fisher King I suppose. I enjoy solitude. My second choice would be Dominion.
The Endless Journey is basically the curse of Cain.
>> No. 68344
This has a lot of things we could argue about. For instance, I could call >>68334 a bundle of sticks because picking Dominion would mean he would always be in danger and always be lonely. Anyways, if he picked fisher king, he could spend all day playing Victoria 2 or EU 3 and 4.
>> No. 68345
Nakama seems to have the most benefits and least drawbacks. I'd pick that. Though dominion is a close second I'd rather have friends and many perfect and different lives and life experiences.
>> No. 68346
Having no close friends and being lonely all the time would be nothing new for me, and as for the 12 nemeses scattered about the world, it's a simple matter of just locating them and placating them with favors and trinkets in such a way as to make them fat and complacent and at the same time dependent upon staying in my favor, as the old feudal kings did with their senior nobles.
>> No. 68347
Not that it wouldn't be infinitely more satisfying to be at the head of an army against them and vanquish them one by one, but the blurb says that they would share my properties of immortality and eternal youth.
>> No. 68348
I also think it has the interesting potential to become something like a worldwide sengoku jidai essentially with myself and each of the twelve nemeses each at the head of one of thirteen constantly warring empires. Then it really would be just like my Swedish spreadsheet simulators.
>> No. 68349
Their only reason for living would be to mess with you. They wouldn't stop just because you bribed them a bit.
>> No. 68350
your best bet would probably be to capture them, encase them in concrete and bury them so deep they'll never be able to dig their way out.
>> No. 68351
Since everyone everywhere except those guys are under your rule, you could simply convince the populace that these people are enemies of the...world, have them captured then cut their fucking heads off.

It says you are forever young, and wounds heal including body parts. Now I don't think that means immortal, like the respawning dude that resides in the Fisher house. I figure if you cut off their heads and separate their limbs from the bodies they dude would be dead. If I'm wrong, I guess you could just bury their torso in a small torso sized chest, chain it up and toss it in the ocean.
>> No. 68352
They'd still be human. Which would you rather do for all eternity, plot a doomed rebellion in a dingy cellar or indulge your every whim with all the whores and wine you could ever want?
>> No. 68353
Oh. For a second there I thought you meant you wanted to lock them up and use -them- as prostitutes.

Anyways, not all humans are sane. Video related.
>> No. 68360
>Since everyone everywhere except those guys are under your rule, you could simply convince the populace that these people are enemies of the...world, have them captured then cut their fucking heads off.

It says they may rebel if you rule badly, and you also aren't aware of the identities of your nemeses until they reveal themselves. I don't think it would be quite that easy, especially once you start accidentally killing innocent people.
>> No. 68367
The Sword of Damocles hangs over the head of every ruler.
>> No. 68368
Yeah, if I rule badly. What is bad about putting down enemies of the state? Also I don't think it would be THAT hard to find the other people. Have a shit ton of spys (having the biggest kingdom ever, getting spys shouldn't be that difficult) and just have them keep ears open to people that are super intelligent or extraordinary. Of course the world is a giant fucking place, but I figure having rings in most countries could lead you to finding them. News travels fast. I bet we would hear of someone able to heal wounds or grow back limbs pretty quickly. Especially if you had thousands of people on the lookout for such things.
>> No. 68369
Meth has *not* been kind to Tadpole.
>> No. 68370
>What is bad about putting down enemies of the state?

Typical Liberal sophistry. Fuck off back to revleft you Godless pinko marxist heathen. Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve ok. Benghazi.
>> No. 68388

Or if we're doing things a la carte, some of Road Eternal and some of Nakama.
>> No. 68389
> Swedish spreadsheet simulators.
Why use simulators when you could just buy the Swedish version of Microsoft Office?
>> No. 68437
Nakama is the stupidly obvious choice in the big scheme of things.
>> No. 68439
People don't choose dominion. It is asked of them.
>> No. 68444
I think this is very true. Leading other human beings is a very thankless and horrible job.
>> No. 68445
I second that. If that would be the case, I would instantly take it. Even if Road Eternal had your mate live forever also.
>> No. 68629
Fisher King. I'll sit in a mall of america sized building creating golems until I have an army massive enough to take over the state. And by the time they expire I'll have created so many more it wouldn't matter. From there I'd continue on to take over the USA, then north america, then the world.
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