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File 141870230515.jpg - (376.42KB , 1908x825 , Suicide Bridge.jpg )
68734 No. 68734
What sort of cool local quirks do you have?

There's a bridge not far from where I live called Suicide Bridge, and the road is also named after it. There's a restaurant right at the start of it called Suicide Bridge Restaurant that's quite popular, especially around the holidays.
>> No. 68735
But do people actually kill themselves there or what?
>> No. 68737
Two people definitely did. One person died there but it might have been a homicide. It's a whole fucking story.

It's just strange considering the bridge isn't that high nor an ideal place to kill oneself. The two people who did shot themselves and fell in I think.
>> No. 68744
In one of the parks in my town is a tiled circle. The tiles are colored so as to make a circuitous labyrinth. It's called the clapping circle. It has that name because if one stands in the middle of the circle and claps, a strange high pitched noise will be heard. The noise seems to come from all around you. When I was a teenager I came up with a whole story about why it happened. I wanted to start an urban legend type thing. It never caught on. It wasn't a very ballza story anyway.
>> No. 68745
We've got a similar thing in my city except its just one stone, there's no funny noise and Rick James is buried under it.
>> No. 68747
Heroin, poverty, misery, awful weather. It's like someone scooped up some shithole provincial town from the Russian far east and dropped it down in the middle of Ohio.
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