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File 14260588415.png - (663.86KB , 568x740 , 6F9qhjh.png )
71667 No. 71667 hide quickreply [Reply]
Did 6 months worth of threads just disappear?

File 142584734720.gif - (1.89MB , 434x434 , alsodontdieonketamine.gif )
71620 No. 71620 hide quickreply [Reply]
So /b/, what advice would you give your past self? Make your .gif on http://youtube.tumblr.com/ and post it here.
>> No. 71623
Is this thread just an advertisement for that site? Fuck you.
>> No. 71631
File 142586901746.gif - (2.03MB , 434x434 , pictureperfect.gif )
>>71623 Nigga please it's linked to youtube currently, I mean... do you really think google and tunblr are advertising on this website? I'm not getting paid for this I just thought it would be a fun way to share different odd things 99channers would tell their past selves. Really though those jews are way too rich to advertise on 99chan, how did you even think that.
>> No. 71635
File 142591764593.gif - (970.09KB , 400x199 , dessert.gif )
eat it
>> No. 71636
The perfect excuse to advertise on 99chan.
>> No. 71637
Does anyone still have the gayass gif of the guy dancing in the shower?

No. 71630 hide quickreply [Reply]
What is cp? And why does everyone on 4 big dicks up my asshole want it and why do they come here to find it?

>> No. 71633
Carnivorous pirahnas, actually. They're legal here in the united states to keep as pets, so long as you have written consent from a licensed exotic pet store.

File 142580297742.jpg - (355.33KB , 1920x1200 , 135905768164.jpg )
71607 No. 71607 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So I have this friend I met in college. We have a ton of stuff in common and we get along great. Basically, we are best friends. Anyway, he had a kind of troubled past, was a major dope head, druggy, alcoholic, anger issues ect ect. He has tried to get away from all that stuff. He is always talking about how it interferes with his running (he runs marathons, it's his passion and his escape) and that he just doesn't want to be involved, but the temptation is always there. When he is sober, he is a great guy but when he is near drugs or whatever, he just can't fight it.

We just got back from a house party and there were a few guys outside smoking some weed, and he asked for one hit and I tried to stop him, first telling him he doesn't want it and telling the guys offering it that he wants to get away from that stuff. Then he tries to bring it up for a puff and I physically try to hold it away from his lips and the joint flies out of the roach for a few seconds of peace. Anyway, I try telling him again how he talks so much how he doesn't want to be doing exactly what he is doing and he says "Just shut the fuck up man, shut the fuck up!" So I walk away and wait for him to be done as I am the DD. I am quiet on the ride home and he is apologizing and saying it's been so long and he can't fight the temptation or whatever.

We get back to my place and play some Hotline Miami and he suddenly stands up, goes to the doorway and spreads his arms kind of, and I look at him for a while and he looks back at me like he is all pissed off. I ask him "what're you doing man?" And he says he just has to go lay down. "Sure." And he says "yeah, sure" sounding really pissed off.

Okay, so this whole gay spiel is, what the hell can I do? How can you help a friend like that? Should I just fuck off and let him do what he wants? I want to help him achieve his goals, but it seems like one half is rational, intelligent, logical, sporty and a ballza guy while the other half wants to rebel against society, get drunk, do all the drugs and commit suicide in the end. Ugh
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 71609
This thread made me so fucking incredibly sad.

I'm also really high right now.
>> No. 71611
the only help you can provide is to be there when he asks for help. trying to tell him what to do or force his actions (slapping a joint out of his mouth for example) will not help anyone.
>> No. 71613
I feel like you may be overreacting. If he is trying to get off of hard drugs I understand and perhaps he shouldn't be going to house parties until he's got a better handle, but you physically preventing him from smoking a puff of weed after a party is just going to make things worse. I can see how that will generally piss him off.

Be a friend to him if he wants it, but he is not your responsibility nor your child to scold.
>> No. 71627
I think you should mostly just let him do what he wants. Don't fight his battles for him.

If you are intent on helping though, you can only really help in preparation. In your anecdote, making an idiot out of yourself when he tries to smoke weed isn't going to help. Help him prepare and train against temptation, but when he is face to face with his demons he has to fight them alone.

Or you could feed him LSD and guide him through a terrifying and climactic spiritual journey. Dramatic fire-and-brimstone yelling and all that. You probably don't have enough shaman powers to do that though.
>> No. 71628
Smoking weed when you're drunk doesn't count as falling off the wagon. It's only when you are buying weed that you've fallen off.

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64096 No. 64096 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Apparently, Archie has become very liberal lately.

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>> No. 70988
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>> No. 71601
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>> No. 71616
Nowadays Archie is what happens to entertainment when it tries to fit the new hip and cool post-reddit Internet zeitgeist which is starting to leak into the real world like it happened with xd le meems back in 2007.
>> No. 71625
File 142585439125.png - (377.49KB , 310x439 , hippiesanta.png )
comic from the 1970's about hippie santa
>> No. 71626
File 142585535124.jpg - (99.50KB , 500x498 , beatles.jpg )

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65094 No. 65094 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Seriously, would you marry a nine year old?


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>> No. 65096
I mean, if we're talking about a rich 9 year old and I could share in that wealth, I'd understand that. Otherwise, why buy the calf when you can get the veal for free?
>> No. 65097
Sure, as long as other people raise her, take care of her and keep her healthy, far away from me, until she turns 14.
>> No. 71612
what's wrong with being a pedofilia? I love feet.
>> No. 71617
You mean podophilliac.
>> No. 71618
I'm not so inbred that my blood won't clot.

File 140779858250.jpg - (75.21KB , 540x720 , Robin_Williams.jpg )
64936 No. 64936 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Robin Williams is dead. Suspected suicide.

This is one that I actually care about...

Anyone have him in the Deadpool?
33 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65036

Best show ever.
>> No. 65064
>> No. 65091
will you stop
>> No. 65093
but pagliacci means "clowns"
>> No. 65114
What of it, sir?

File 140806387657.jpg - (186.49KB , 1280x1024 , barris.jpg )
65045 No. 65045 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do any of you have experience posing nude for money?

I'm in contact with an art professor at my school to pose for one of his figure drawing classes. I wasn't planning on working this school year, so this sounded like an easy way to make some dosh, but now that I actually heard back from him I'm super nervous. I can count on one hand the number of people who have ever seen me naked.
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65099

Enjoy standing around naked, while other people are clothed, for three whole hours.
>> No. 65113
>I can count on one hand the number of people who have ever seen me naked.

I guess now you wont have to.

Don't worry man. Even if you're a fat sack of shit, you're now art.
>> No. 65125
i used to do cam shows in college to make money. i would recommend that, but only if you're female or have a partner so you can do couple shows. i never made shit when it was just myself, but i convinced my fuck buddy to join in and we did pretty ballza.
>> No. 65164
i've never gone 6 hours before. for just me usually average no more than about $10 an hour. when we did a couples show, 10X that much. someone sent her a link of one of our cam sessions that had been recorded and posted online and she freaked out. that was the end of that.
>> No. 65166
I did it once and it's not that easy. It becomes boring very quickly.

File 140844672668.jpg - (92.02KB , 570x594 , o-KENNETH-DOUGLAS-MORGUE-570.jpg )
65102 No. 65102 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

The latest news out of Ohio: morgue worker smokes crack and fucks corpses every day for 30 years.
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 65204
Very few sociopaths are actually murderers. I've dated sociopaths and they would only kill your emotions and ability to love, not you physically.
>> No. 65208
That raises a different issue that I'll try to explain by analogy: I imagine that there would not be a statistically significant difference between the percentage of people in prison who would normally identify as gay and the people outside prison who would normally identify as gay. Nevertheless, prison rape is a thing that happens disproportionately.

Similarly, to a crackhead in a morgue another hole might be nothing more or less than another opportunity. Details like "being a child" are secondary to "I bet my penis could fit in this," so throwing around the term pedophile isn't useful here as a description.
>> No. 65209
I wasn't asking if it meant he was a pedophile, I was asking if someone who had sex with a corpse under the age of consent would be tried as pedophila, whatever the relevant laws are.
>> No. 65218
I imagine that very few pedophiles are child molesters as well. Most of them are just sitting at home fapping, if boards like /jp/ and wizardchan are anything to go by. That's why I feel like we need to make the distinction.
>> No. 65238
Your desperate attempt at legitimizing your illness is sad.

File 140596904241.png - (1.28MB , 900x830 , juggalofurries.png )
64281 No. 64281 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Hey guys, let's play a game.

Search deviantART using any two words which do not result in:

Cat Girls
Petting Zoo People
Sonic the Goddamned fucking Hedgehog
His lovely friends
Anthropomorphic Animals

The Rules

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
67 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 64694
File 140707804116.png - (112.22KB , 469x1125 , Ottsel_Nine____Inert_Gas_Rocks___by_metallixfaker.png )
I had high hopes for inert gases. But no.
>> No. 64785
File 140726150999.jpg - (83.96KB , 1024x752 , Dissapointment.jpg )
Green didjeridoo won pretty easily.

so does lesbian harpsichord.

fucking house dimir got THIS
>> No. 64786
Lesbian Harpsichord got three results, green didjeridoo got two. They both lose.
>> No. 64815
Gah fuck this game
>> No. 65234
File 140895393132.jpg - (360.77KB , 1280x1280 , what.jpg )
I'm terrible at this. "Sneering jews" produced this gallery, so it hasn't been a total loss.


File 1399178141054.webm - (1.53MB )
64905 No. 64905 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
WEBM videos are fucking here. post some webm's fuck flash, fuck youtube. YES.
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>> No. 65122
File 140851730630.jpg - (96.73KB , 500x666 , bobrossopposites.jpg )
I thought it was a great scene. A ballza slice of life show should show the transience and contrast of life rather than just cute girls doing cute things all the time. I also liked GJ-bu for the same reason.
>> No. 65123
I know man, it's just... like, perfect sad. Not the unrelateable HUGE TRAGEDY AND SUFFERING sad, but everyday sad that you could connect with. You could beat the shit out of Ren-chon with a lead pipe within an inch of her life and it wouldn't pierce her quirky little heart that badly.
>> No. 65143
File throat.webm - (2.73MB )
>> No. 65241
Do you have a link to the full thing?
>> No. 65256
That is the whole thing.
She died shortly thereafter.

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65028 No. 65028 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Greetings fellow 99chan users

Today I came upon a startling self-realization.

Although I very much find women my age attractive for obvious reasons, I find that I am arguably more attracted to the older ladies (milfs/gilfs.)

I think this to be caused by a knowing of the fact that it would be more difficult to knock up an older lady.

Thoughts on this? Also milf/gilf thread please
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>> No. 65170
>>65168 here
Oh, and one more thing: her tits were like what I'd imagine two jellyfish would feel like. Strangest tits I've ever seen or felt. It's like they were mostly skin with some very loose fat deposits hanging about. Just enough to provide the weight necessary to swing a little with her movements. Stomach had a lot of loose skin as well. It was difficult to really grip onto much of her body aside from her hips.
>> No. 65184
Do you regret the experience? Or do you feel it has added to you as an individual, navigating the relentless tides of life?
>> No. 65189
UR a faggit.

>> No. 65194

no u

>> No. 65258
I love love LOVE me some dragon lady. I got a massage from this lady once, ended up going back to her a few more times, she was such a ballza kisser...like if you've ever seen a hentai where they kiss? JUST like that, so nasty and loud lol. I ate her out, she tasted like fish or sushi, she was a ballza older gal.

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65152 No. 65152 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

>paraplegic lesbian midget muslim marries a pregnant artificially inseminated lesbian through a gay imam
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>> No. 65193
Sweden, you magnificent bastard.
>> No. 65202

I can practically see it.
>> No. 65292
Is that Immortal Technique on the left?
>> No. 65301
We have discussed this before. It is not. Do you believe everything you read on the internet?
>> No. 65304
Yes, I do.

File 140929765762.png - (581B , 103x39 , 666.png )
65380 No. 65380 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you ever just play Islamic State music and say "Allahu Akbar" over and over and over again? I sprinkle in some "Salaam Alekkium"s too.
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>> No. 65399
I do not do that as I am not a young socially awkward white male.
>> No. 65400
THAT DOESN'T MAKE.. Oh, pardon me. I sat on your father's erection and it startled me.
>> No. 65406
File 140935720860.jpg - (59.02KB , 640x480 , logh63.jpg )

Dude, when you're up against guys who will attack a heavily armored super soldier with a knife, you've got to kill them til their dead. They brainwash their recruits with psychotropic drugs, and give them all explosive sashes. If anyone bats an eye at killing, they will be detonated, via remote.

Do you seriously want to see the earth turned into a warren of tunnels dedicated to the temple complex of their nameless, eldritch abomination of a god?
>> No. 65410
I like this song.

>> No. 65411
What about Benghazi?!

File 140798395762.jpg - (107.46KB , 603x603 , mathuandersen4.jpg )
65020 No. 65020 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How the fuck did this guy do his make-up?
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>> No. 65366
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>> No. 65367
>> No. 65371
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>> No. 65378
File 140929461260.jpg - (97.49KB , 610x998 , orig-21199517.jpg )
No photoshop trickery here, fucking awesome makup
>> No. 65415
I follow him to look at his pictures, because they're awesome, but he is one of the most self-congratulatory, pretentious fucks ever whenever he writes anything. It's a huge disconnect between his visual talent and his lack of written talent. It's sad that he's such a blow-hard bore.

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65439 No. 65439 hide quickreply [Reply]
So, it is possible to shape fruits into things. There's the buddha pears and the square melons and all that. Why has no one made dfruit? Why are there no trees of ds?
>> No. 65449
File 140945859398.jpg - (11.21KB , 300x256 , 41w4pd5UsVL__SX300_.jpg )
Because Peter Peppers occur naturally.

File 140908688183.jpg - (44.33KB , 488x410 , F_Flinstonsmoke.jpg )
65278 No. 65278 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
It isn't the same as it used to be.
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>> No. 65282
File 140909488380.jpg - (38.60KB , 364x331 , christmas.jpg )
What is the most gorgeous hair you have ever seen?
>> No. 65283
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>> No. 65286
That's why I don't masturbate anymore.
>> No. 65287
File 140910824074.jpg - (123.61KB , 500x569 , mess.jpg )
You just need to stop ejaculating in your hair.
>> No. 65489
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65212 No. 65212 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I want to see how long is it going to take for this thread to get a reply

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>> No. 65320

>> No. 65321
well shit, I did the reverse image search thing and posted the url. It didn't work as excepted.
>> No. 65322
great teacher onizuka

if you have any other questions feel free to ask :^)
>> No. 65455
who is the tiny woman with the enormous cat?
>> No. 65501

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65233 No. 65233 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I like to fart while riding my bicycle and imagine it's a booster rocket.
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>> No. 65299
Don't cry just because you can't refute me. You wouldn't say "she's such a bitch-in-cunt". That makes no goddamn sense. You can't use adjectives like that. Show me one other phrase where it's acceptable.
>> No. 65300
"He is a commander currently filling (or 'in') the role of chief."

Languages have lots of weird implied shit. I was learning about conditional mood in Italian and I didn't get it at first, I was like conditional of what? But we do the same thing in English. We say "I would like some of that". Technically it's an incomplete conditional but it's kind of implied we mean "I would like that, if you'd give it to me". Language is weird.
>> No. 65435
File 140944053729.jpg - (15.54KB , 480x360 , dd.jpg )
Preposition trouble
>> No. 65442
does it tickle ur clit and turn u on but only some times?
>> No. 65514

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65324 No. 65324 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Can we have a thread about cool pixel art?
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>> No. 65417
theres a thread over at /fronk/ with some cool pixel art
>> No. 65434
File 140944037762.gif - (0.97MB , 500x475 , SjzbUQi.gif )

this person's work is neat
>> No. 65438
File Anthology2_intro_p1.webm - (4.19MB )
Had to cut it in half because size restrictions.
>> No. 65440
File Anthology2_intro_p2.webm - (4.83MB )
Second half
>> No. 65516

I wanna make a movie in 256 colours. I think it would be pretty cool. I'm not really a fan of the faux animation these days, but this shit looks like it took talent.

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