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65045 No. 65045
Do any of you have experience posing nude for money?

I'm in contact with an art professor at my school to pose for one of his figure drawing classes. I wasn't planning on working this school year, so this sounded like an easy way to make some dosh, but now that I actually heard back from him I'm super nervous. I can count on one hand the number of people who have ever seen me naked.
>> No. 65051
I've never done bude modeling but my ex did and she found it to be a very co.for table positive experience
>> No. 65054
I've had a couple of friends (m&f) do that with no problems, and yet another friend who is a male camwhore who hasn't had problems either. The only slightly awkward thing was that people in my friend group were also taking the art classes, but the only mean things ever said were things like "Dan is disproportionate" which was true seeing as he is a 4 head tall 5'5" bodybuilder. It is a kind of hard to pose for an hour and a half, but not as hard as being a productive member of society. My girlfriend also posed for her friends privately every once in awhile. However, I never posed because paint is expensive and I've a massive distracting dong which pushes the limit between art and pornography.
>> No. 65076
I used to do it, it is a ballza way to earn money and I was treated really well. My advice is to just fucking do it, it can never go that wrong. I once did a nude performance for my degree, I forgot my lines and just stood there facing my classmates. Even that was fine, and that is a proper fuck up.

Anyway it is really ballza money. The only slight downside is that your body is talked about through the context of drawing/sculpture so they will comment on your body, I had this;

"James has quite a big thick neck"
"He's also got small hands and feet"

Which is totally understandable, but I left feeling like a cross between a redwood tree and a lizard.

Also, I didn't get a boner so it was easy.
>> No. 65081
I've been thinking about fucking old gay men for money.

It's not gay if it's for money.
>> No. 65089
What happens if you accidentally get a boner? They're art-types so I imagine that one of two things will happen, either they'll be cool with it and tell you to take a break or they'll freak out and call the cishet rape police and have you sent to the FEMA death camps.
>> No. 65098
I just signed the paperwork today, they said I should start some time in late September. It's $15/hour for a three hour session.

How many sessions did you usually get to do per month? I forgot to ask that because I was still a nervous goober.
>> No. 65099

Enjoy standing around naked, while other people are clothed, for three whole hours.
>> No. 65113
>I can count on one hand the number of people who have ever seen me naked.

I guess now you wont have to.

Don't worry man. Even if you're a fat sack of shit, you're now art.
>> No. 65125
i used to do cam shows in college to make money. i would recommend that, but only if you're female or have a partner so you can do couple shows. i never made shit when it was just myself, but i convinced my fuck buddy to join in and we did pretty ballza.
>> No. 65164
i've never gone 6 hours before. for just me usually average no more than about $10 an hour. when we did a couples show, 10X that much. someone sent her a link of one of our cam sessions that had been recorded and posted online and she freaked out. that was the end of that.
>> No. 65166
I did it once and it's not that easy. It becomes boring very quickly.
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