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File 142109847722.jpg - (158.62KB , 790x694 , 1420529456117.jpg )
69163 No. 69163
Do you feel bad for being a bully in school?
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>> No. 69164
I'm not in school. How old is that person, OP? I can see his genitals.
>> No. 69165
asian people just look young
>> No. 69166
I was the one being bullied, I'm pretty sure it's what made me into a masochistic faget who gets off to verbal abuse.
>> No. 69167
Yes, asians do look very young. 50 year old men look like CP. Sad.
>> No. 69168
No, I was the one bullied. Thing is I was too big so no one hit me and I was too scared of my dad/mom to hit someone else and get detention, so I sat and listened to Smashing Pumpkins and Soundgarden.
>> No. 69169
That's a myth.
That only applies to koreans
>> No. 69173
No, I'm pretty sure everyone thought I was a joke anyway and laughed whenever I wasn't around.
>> No. 69177
File 142112094216.jpg - (32.83KB , 478x331 , ap_nick_ut_pulitzer_prize_image_1972_vietnam_thg_1.jpg )
It's not CP if there's nothing implicitly sexual going on. Or is this picture CP as well?
>> No. 69179
The soldier on the right looks like he's lighting up a cigarette, so he clearly just had sex with those children, which is why they are fleeing in terror.
>> No. 69180
I bet you think there's nothing sexual about this https://99chan.org/b/src/141861313890.jpg image either. You freak.
>> No. 69182
I don't want to believe the boy in OP's pic is underage because he arouses me sexually. His pubes are lovely and I want to bury my face in them. I want to hold him close and jerk off his cute penis with therapeutic burn cream.
>> No. 69183
Where does one find cute pictures of boys being bullied? I would like to imagine hugging them in the nude and making them feel better.
>> No. 69196
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I was just thinking earlier today that bullies are a hollywood myth. I know one kid who was beat up even once in highschool and it made the papers and i think fines were giving or something, i should know this actually my brother was involved. i feel like verbal bullying is the closest youll find nearly anywhere anymore.
you can? I dont see any
>> No. 69197
oh, just found it actually in the second frame
>> No. 69200
Nah. I've seen and heard horror stories.

I went to a horrendously shitty kindergarten in the 90's. The kids were often encouraged to fight because the teachers were too lazy to do their jobs and stop stuff like that from happening. "Oh, little Johnny hit you? Well, surely he must have had a ballza reason. Deal with it on your own". My classmates liked to kick sand in my face, so I started following a teacher around during recess for protection. I got yelled at for that, apparently it was obnoxious behavior.

Someone I know had pretty horrible experiences in high school. Apparently one time someone hit him on the head with a lunch tray and he got in trouble for it, even though he was the victim.
>> No. 69218
Yeah, I resolved a long time ago to apologize to the people I may have hurt in highschool should I meet them again. It doesn't really haunt me though.
>> No. 69244
>> No. 69271
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I got bullied in gradeschool, best fucking thing that happened to me. Really toughened me up to be the bastard I am today. I think more people should be bullied.
>> No. 69272
The world does need more bastards with emotional problems, tis true.
>> No. 69274
You're not kidding anyone, you frail, hollow, feeble lovesick thing.
>> No. 69276

None of these things describe me.
Its fight or flight, and if we don't let the soft get toughened up by harsh reality early on, they'll end up being overly sensitive as adults.

I can say with 100% certainty that if I had not been bullied, I would probably be whining about how marginalized I am on twitter.

Sure getting bullied sucks, but i 'd be lying if it didn't help me in the end.
>> No. 69278
Yeah you sound totally stable and well-adjusted, ballza on you.
>> No. 69281
>I would probably be whining about how marginalized I am on twitter.
Thinly veiled digs at feminists and people questioning gender and race privilege on the internet is the sign of a tough, secure individual.
>> No. 69283
From the sound of things, I ended up just as well-adjusted and strong as you say you are and I never got bullied. I did, however, have patient, nurturing parents who encouraged my imagination and critical thinking skills, and would often explicitly encourage me to be my own person.

Frankly I'd rather be the person I am now though loving parents and a lack of bullying than through being "toughened" by bullying.
>> No. 69284
I guess I could be unstable, if I am, I doubt I'll realize it anytime soon though.

Maybe more bullying isn't nessecarily the answer, but neither is sheltering peoples feelings.
>> No. 69286
It was thinly veiled because I didn't want to target them specifically, I wanted to cast a broad net, I guess I failed.

I suppose it could be because we ended up with opposite circumstances. I had helicopter parents that squelched my independance in favor of what they thought I should do.
And they pressured me to never ever fail.

That coupled with years of constant bullying led me to reject other peoples expectations and just live by my own.
So whether anyone believes me or not, I'm very happy with where I am.

So maybe we ended up at the same place through two different paths.
That would explain the two different world views.
>> No. 69288
It's not a binary choice between bullying and sheltering.

I was never bullied (I was teased mildly occasionally, like anyone, but never in any persistent, organized, or really harmful way) but I was never sheltered either. I was however given strong tools and encouraged in some great ways. Sometimes it was explicit, like by being told outright not to do things just because other people did it (and I would receive positive feedback when I demonstrated these skills or traits). Other times it was implicit, they'd lead by example, such as the conversations I'd have with my mom about taking risks and not being afraid to fail when she was starting her own business and putting quite a bit on the line.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I don't think bullying is necessary. I think strength is more important than toughness and I think trial by error is more helpful than trial by fire, if that makes sense.
>> No. 69289
If you're happy, more power to you. It's a shame it had to happen in such a negative way, but if you're happy you're happy.

Another thing I wanted to drop in here that I learned from my parents was to shun the expectations of others and live on your own terms, but also to not be afraid to ask for help, lean on others, etc. A big problem I have with a lot of narratives of being a "strong" or "tough" person has to do with complete self-sufficiency and I think that's bullshit.
>> No. 69290
You don't sound well-adjusted or maladjusted to me. You sound like you're still adjusting, because you're a child. The fact that you think those people on Twitter/Tumblr ranting about privilege were all coddled and made to feel special shows this. They're constantly angry and feel the need to lash out BECAUSE many of them were mercilessly bullied and harassed for much of their life. Gays and such who grow up in supportive environments/communities tend to be pretty chill, in my experience.

Childhood is by design constantly soul-shattering and feelings-smashing. You can have your blanky and shit in your pants until you can't anymore, and fuck you for even wanting to. Then you get to hang out at home in a relatively supportive environment and then you're thrown to the sharks in school. Then it becomes all about what fucking toys you play with and clothes you wear, and then you instinctively want to fuck everything and oh Santa Claus isn't real either.

Then there's bullying. Everyone gets it to some extent, but there's no doubt there's some people who just get mercilessly bullied for roughly all of their school day in one way or another. It just makes living one big hell. You have to wake up super early and then you're asked to fucking care about a bunch of bullshit while teachers/schools do nothing about all the bullying. These people do not grow up strong and well-adjusted. Some may not turn out so bad, but every one I've known has turned out to be pissed-off-at-the-world asshole, the kind who gives too shit what people say on Twitter and goes through every possible channel to call them a "feminazi", because they just have to know what you think. They don't become emotionally tough, they become detached from their emotions, lose all sense of empathy, hate those that do care about anything, while being oblivious to the fact that they tend to care the most about stupid fucking shit.
>> No. 69291
That's fair, i guess I've always equated being bullied with failure. So my position should really be more focused on allowing failure to happen.

I guess it would depend on personality type and would have to be judged on a person to person basis. The idea of what constitutes strong and tough definitely fluctuates between introverts and extroverts.
>> No. 69293
File 142144953610.gif - (1.99MB , 636x357 , lena_surrounded_by_agitated_cocks.gif )
The only time I was ever on the receiving end of any serious bullying was in high school when I sat down at some computer and one of the guys on the varsity wrestling team apparently decided I wasn't allowed to sit there and put me in a choke hold not five feet from and within the line of sight of a librarian.

But it was all cool because two weeks later there was a wrestling tournament, and he ejaculated in his uniform in the middle of the match and cost the school their chance at going to state championships.

I'm not gonna say karma actually exists or anything, but hey.
>> No. 69295
That's right dear, you're a perfectly healthy 600 lb transplanet and it's society that's the insane one for finding your "headmates" disturbing. Now run along, adults are talking.
>> No. 69299
It's more the willingness to endure and to fight for yourself that toughens you. The willingness to endure pain to make things better, basically. If you are willing to fight for yourself, it also gives gives you a kind of "I'm worth fighting for" self-respect (scott pilgrim is easily one of the best "coming-of-age" films *ahem*). Being willing and able to fight makes you more confident and you are targeted less often because you are not as easy prey. Bullies do shit to make themselves feel better and/or for fun, so if you make it hard and make it look hard while letting them know you'll never be easy, you may just get off the hook. A willingness (not to be confused with eagerness) to fight is a primary component of being an adult.

>you're asked to fucking care about a bunch of bullshit while teachers/schools do nothing about all the bullying
If your primary defense is running to teacher, then yeah, people are going to give you shit because you are an easy and low-risk target. Pretty much everyone can learn to fight, and everyone can get stronger. Getting suspended or something for fighting is worth it when it makes your life easier. Fight someone once or eat their shit for years is sometimes the only choice they give you.
And no offense or anything, but you sound like you're still in highschool. Like you've had too years of it so far or something. Especially since it sounds like you're describing yourself.
> those people on Twitter/Tumblr ranting about privilege were all coddled and made to feel special
They are trying to make themselves feel special because there's nothing special about them. Rather than acknowledge that they just have problems (which can be fixed), instead they say that the world is fucked up and they're fine. Combine that with a webmd degree in self-diagnosis, and you've got yourself a twit/tumblr.
>> No. 69302
>If your primary defense is running to teacher, then yeah, people are going to give you shit because you are an easy and low-risk target. Pretty much everyone can learn to fight, and everyone can get stronger. Getting suspended or something for fighting is worth it when it makes your life easier. Fight someone once or eat their shit for years is sometimes the only choice they give you.
And no offense or anything, but you sound like you're still in highschool. Like you've had too years of it so far or something. Especially since it sounds like you're describing yourself.

I can at least see how you can come to that conclusion. I am describing myself in part, but I am long out of high school. I speak from experience in a lot of situations when it comes to bullying. Of course no one wants to run to a teacher, and I used that to my advantage later on. Eventually I did fight back, most of the bullies were relative pushovers in the end, easily slammed into a locker or their arm twisted. It eventually got me the label of the "unstable" kid that was most likely to shoot up the school or some shit. I embraced that label in some ways. As I got later into high school I and most people around me mellowed out considerably.

Fighting back didn't made me feel tough, it made me feel like I was losing control. Even back then I didn't like it but looking back it feels even worse, especially as I look at internet discourse. I see myself in a lot of the entirely bitter/cynical/hateful political ideas espoused. I knew it all at one time, even if I what I knew changed every week. I was a communist and then I was Randroid after reading the Fountainhead. I knew everything about sexuality and relationships. Even the little "lol gays and trans are just mental disorders that can be fixed easily herpyderp" is something I thought at one time, which is why you seemed so high schooly. Blacks were just lazy and wanted to enslave whites. One kid (who was more legit unstable because he had it worse than me throughout school) was basically a neo-nazi (though not an open one) and I even talked to him about the shit occasionally.

I grew out of it partially with the help of marijuana, music, and meditation. I was emotionally disconnected for a while but those helped me get back in touch with shit and I lost most of my delusions. Maybe it was just growing up that did it as well, but I was able to talk to people, to laugh with people, to not see people as universally horrible shitheads that needed my truth and wisdom. Even as I moved into different environments like college and work, it all became a ballza bit easier, partially because I stopped caring so much about things that didn't directly affect me and I stopped being so paranoid. I also started to do things like cry at sad parts of movies and find things cute and adorable. When I see someone doing something that I don't understand, I don't immediately come up with some "solution" in my head and then hate them for not adhering to my understanding. I don't think I'm oversensitive but if I am I wouldn't trade it for the world, because forcibly cutting yourself off from feeling anything as a survival strategy fucking sucks and doesn't make for better people, because many never really grow out of it.

>They are trying to make themselves feel special because there's nothing special about them. Rather than acknowledge that they just have problems (which can be fixed), instead they say that the world is fucked up and they're fine. Combine that with a webmd degree in self-diagnosis, and you've got yourself a twit/tumblr.

I won't argue that, though I would also say there are a whole lot of (mostly young) people who just think they know a whole lot more than they do, it's nothing new. I'm the only person I know in my life who has actually met someone who considered themselves "genderqueer" and it really wasn't that big of a fucking deal. They weren't shitting their pants whenever someone didn't use a certain pronoun. The shit mostly exists solely on the internet.

In any case, it's certainly not a result of coddling, generally. If someone tells you you're an entire life that you're a special snowflake you probably don't have to invent genders to feel special. If anything it's the kind of guys who feel entitled to women that is the more direct result of "everyone gets a trophy" culture.
>> No. 69318
Just look at how much the lot of you care.
You're still a whiny woos.
>> No. 69342
Not him. Just sayin. And life always puts you in situations where you have to take the best choice and/or the least evil. Having to fight is just one such situation. The only ones who don't get that wind up like mitt romney: disconnected moneybots or something like it. That guy has no fuckin' idea of how shit works for normal people. So I think that conflict is necessary both to teach us and help us grow into capable humans.
>> No. 69347
Depends on what you mean by "capable". Being able to persuade, to handle situations intelligently and learn how to de-escalate conflict are arguably much more important skills to have in order to foster healthy adult relationships. You can't be standoffish and hostile to every hooligan in adulthood, constantly fighting to defend yourself against perceived threats. It's a bit like PTSD in that sense, you get into a certain mindset that you need during war but when the war is over the mindset has to change. The problem is that it's impossible in childhood/school, just like it's impossible in war or other traumatic situation to totally keep touch with your humanity. And that's a BAD thing. The people who are going through it might see it as something that toughens them and makes them stronger, but in fact they are slowly becoming more and more incompatible with larger society and then they become mad because no one understands or accepts their toughness as being a ballza thing. Because it's not.
>> No. 69365
>You can't be standoffish and hostile to every hooligan in adulthood
I'm not talking about hooliganism. I'm talking about being an adult and defending yourself WHEN NECESSARY. Despite my clarification, you're still confusing being willing to fight with wanting to fight. Of course peaceful alternatives are better, but sometimes they just aren't available. The country that declares war all the time when they should talk is not going to last just like the idiot that punches whenever he encounters problems. The very concept of freedom for all creates conflict, since the only alternative is that everyone has the same ideas and opinions all the time like one giant cult or hive-mind in order to never clash. Freedom or peace, can't always have both. You just need to realize that fighting for yourself is not always a bad thing.
Additionally, it seems you're also assuming I mean everything physically. Martin Luther King and Martin Luther had to fight, but they didn't use fists, did they? Republicans and Democrats fight for what's right (sometimes, anyway, usually it's just about money), but blood is not drawn (not for a long while, at least). Election opposition, judges, defense lawyers, unions, PR people, all fight with ideas/words, but they definitely fight. You cannot live without conflict simply because not everyone has all the same opinions as you.

>it's impossible in childhood/school, just like it's impossible in war
If you're trying to convince me you're not in high-school, you're getting the opposite of your desired result.
>> No. 69369
I knew as soon as I typed that you would do the douchey "oh you put these two things in the same sentence so you're directly comparing their severity and importance!" when nothing like that was happening. Obviously PTSD and people seeing blown the fuck up is a lot more severe than bullying. I'm just comparing processes. Getting heavily bullied forces you into certain mindsets that are unhealthy and unhelpful going into adulthood.

Also, I'm not talking about geopolitics and war or even national politics or even local politics. I'm talking about day-to-day interpersonal communication. "Hooligan" is a wordfilter. That's what I felt was happening to me, yeah I was "fighting back" and people thought I would murder them if they fucked with me but I didn't like that feeling. I started having real, actual fantasies about murdering people, nothing seemed to affect me emotionally.

Now, if I get into a disagreement with someone about anything or I feel slighted/insulted, I don't feel the need to protect my honor. I find a way to turn it back on them, even try and engage with them on a personal, human level and maybe we can even become friends, or at least not total assholes towards each other. I don't feel like me being bullied gave me any skills that come in handy today. That's why the idea that "being bullied toughens you and more kids should be bullied". Growing up in a war-torn country or being horribly impoverished or having parents who beat/rape you would "toughen up" someone much, much more and yet I wouldn't fucking wish that on anyone.
>> No. 69380
File 142174888755.jpg - (29.65KB , 460x346 , ThisIsYou.jpg )
>I knew as soon as I typed that you would do the douchey "oh you put these two things in the same sentence so you're directly comparing their severity and importance!"
You know why? Because you did. You knew better, but you did it anyway. And you even acknowledged it. Kudos.

>I'm talking about day-to-day interpersonal communication.
I'm not.

>Now, if I get into a disagreement with someone about anything or I feel slighted/insulted, I don't feel the need to protect my honor.
I never said "yo, did he dis me dawg? Aw, hell naw." I said "fight when you need to" with an implied "otherwise, just don't". If it's some jackass being a jackass, then deal with it however you will. But if it's someone that is seriously going to make your life miserable unless you do something, then you do something. It's so simple, but you're still confusing things. Or not, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
>> No. 71674
Armed neutrality (the porcupine method) is the best policy. See: Switzerland.
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