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File 139275618286.jpg - (105.23KB , 500x333 , room.jpg )
59192 No. 59192
Interior design thread. What's your room like?
9 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 59221
cheesy, nice
>> No. 59223
File 139286540894.jpg - (35.50KB , 500x383 , 1392092358565.jpg )
Because there's not enough window space.
They're all over the rest of my house and I keep a fairly large garden in the summer so it's all bueno.
>> No. 59230
>I've also always liked the idea of a bedroom at the top of a tower.
This has been my fantasy since childhood. In my neighbourhood there are 3 houses with spires/towers and I dream of the day I find that there is a room for rent at the top of the spire.
>> No. 59241
My bedroom would have a transparent roof so that I could watch the stars at night.
>> No. 59247
I'd climb up on your transparent roof and spread my buttcheeks and then shine a flashlight into my spread buttcheeks to make sure that you got a clear view of my rosebud
>> No. 59255
File 139300101541.jpg - (36.36KB , 512x384 , carl's room.jpg )
>> No. 59258
I can't help but imagine Carl staring at >>59247's rosebud in that picture.
>> No. 59269
File 139300480785.jpg - (17.42KB , 344x258 , welles citizen kane globe rosebud crystal image 4.jpg )
>> No. 59324
oh my god is that gunther
>> No. 60985
File 13985725911.jpg - (71.79KB , 720x960 , 16616_208284359377742_727888764_n.jpg )
>> No. 60986
How often do you need to refill those balloons with helium?
>> No. 60988
File 139857364534.jpg - (84.53KB , 760x960 , demonbaby.jpg )
My walls are plastered with holographic pictures of various deities and monsters, there are nepalese prayer flags on my ceiling, there's a T-rex head on the wall and my shelves are full of books and bizarre objects (like this two headed demon baby). There's a blue and green tiger print rug on the floor. I'm thinking of painting the walls black and I really want to put some of those cheap glow in the dark stars on my ceiling.
>> No. 60990
Post that Eva painting in /art/ when you're done, looks pretty bueno.


I was trying to enthusiastically call for pictures of your room, but it just ended up looking like I was frantically calling you a spic.
>> No. 60991
My room is mid-transition right now. I've finished cleaning everything out of it and sanding down the wlls for painting (going with teal and light grey), considering painting ceiling? I'm not sure what color would work for that though.

I have these really ballza plans drawn up for glass shelves on my windows and hooks for vines to grow around. Gonna use it to grow my witch herbs and plants inside lmao
>> No. 60992
My room is blue. It contains a bed, a dresser, and a night table. There is a window. It is covered by blackout curtains. In my room I sleep. I do nothing else in my room.
>> No. 60993
File 13985847859.jpg - (413.96KB , 648x1458 , DSCF1687.jpg )
Here, I made you a collage. Just think: some of the worst posts on 99chan can be traced to this very room.

>> No. 60996
Interior designing your room and then showing everyone what you did is for attention whores.
>> No. 60998
that's the trick, there's no helium, i onli put skotch on the top, and that's all

but i only do this on my bday or special days (halloween, xmas, etc)
>> No. 60999
File 139861550853.jpg - (70.73KB , 698x960 , 1924928_688137121237355_1696465244_n_1__by_asuchii.jpg )
it looks better irl
thank you!
>> No. 61001
Did you paint that?
>> No. 61002
Dude, look at the fucking thread for god's sake.
>> No. 61003
If I were the type to go to conventions and if I saw that at a convention I would buy it. You should get a table at a convention and sell that shit. Have prints or posters made for people who can't afford to buy an original painting. Unless that would violate copyright and the con won't let you do it.

Do you post in /art/ at all? I want to see more of your work.
>> No. 61014
yes! i painted it
it was a hard work, it took me months, but not because its was difficult, but because i was lazy as fuck
>> No. 61015

well actually, a firned of mine tell me to paint it for him, he is paying to me for this

and yes, i thinking going to conventions and sell my paints

but i think i don't have too much material and actually don't know how that work -getting a stand, etc- so for now, i'm selling via facebook, etc

here's my DA if you're interested!

>> No. 61017
I have some experience helping a friend with an artist alley stand at Otakon. It can be a lot of work, and simply getting a table in conventions can be difficult and rely on luck for the big ones.

Still, it can be a bueno bit of fun, you can make a bueno chunk of money and you can have your ego stroked. I can't really talk from experience when it comes to smaller cons, though.
>> No. 61020
You should go on /hor/.
>> No. 61023
Smaller events are generally much easier, as you can usually just contact the organizers directly, on a person-to-person basis instead of having to fill out application forms and so on. Smaller events are also more likely to just plain need people.
>> No. 61147
File 139880469554.jpg - (92.54KB , 500x375 , myroom.jpg )
>> No. 61148
It's brilliant how the almost sickeningly yellow Cheerios cereal box acts as the centerpiece decoration that brings the entire packrat dump together. The room almost looks feng shui.
>> No. 61150
File 13988057042.jpg - (245.72KB , 966x713 , filth.jpg )
>> No. 61162
The water bottles full of piss are a nice touch.
>> No. 61163
I used to seriously live like this for about a year. In fact, my room was a bit worse at the end. No pictures, unfortunately.
>> No. 61164
How did you end up living like that?
>> No. 61165
I went on a year-long bender.
>> No. 61207
I also lived in a place similar to this, though instead of my own doing it was more because my mother brought all her garbage to my place when I moved out.

Now I have nothing...
>> No. 61374
I don't care for that room. The hanging lights are too much and the little bits of tissue paper make the place look too busy.

Plus that black pillow keeps drawing my eye. I feel like it shouldn't. Why have it?

Anyway my room is simple. A bed, a dresser in the closet, a filing cabinet, a nightstand, an armoire with the doors removed and weighted down with a widescreen TV and several consoles, as well as a rather messy desk that at present has everything from leathermans to geodes to gloves to a DSi to tissues to space marines on it.
Plus some video game posters.
>> No. 61375
The fact that the place looks busy is the reason it is so nice, in my opinion. It makes me think of a bizarre festival or the interior of a curiosity shop full of random treasures.
>> No. 61402
Upon further reflection and a night working, I agree. It is nice.
>> No. 61408
I don't like the particular decor, but I like the overall vibe.
>> No. 61414
File 139905211547.jpg - (113.12KB , 1024x1428 , keepcalm.jpg )
Yeah. The keep calm and carry on pillow kind of kills the "magical gypsy curiosity shop" vibe in a way, just because it's a common meme. Also fuck England.
>> No. 61483

My sister danced with Günther last weekend. She told him he was a freak, to which he allegedly agreed.
>> No. 61485
As soon as I get a job I plan to have a place of my own. What is a large 3d printer that I can use to reliably print my own furnishings? With dimensions as low as 2x2 ft I can create my own drawer set for example.
>> No. 61487
If you get a 3D printer you need to fill it with jizz instead of ink and make 3D jizz sculptures.
>> No. 61510
File 139923465366.png - (2.45MB , 1280x960 , MyRoom.png )
Rearranged my room the other day, not quite finished.
>> No. 61511
File 139923482850.png - (698.97KB , 902x500 , MyPosters.png )
Googled my posters instead of taking pictures of them. Zelda above my computer desk and Atreyu up behind the fan.
>> No. 61651
File 139963675059.jpg - (469.16KB , 800x600 , room.jpg )
liek dis
>> No. 61657
Fuck you, that's beautiful. Love the lights. What made you decide to decorate your room like that?
>> No. 71671
File 142606445493.jpg - (1.93MB , 2448x3264 , 20150308_172135.jpg )
I apologize for nothing
>> No. 71675
File 142608492225.jpg - (2.42MB , 3264x2448 , 20140807_140725.jpg )
4 tatami
2 people
>> No. 71680
cute bunk futons dude
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