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File 142580297742.jpg - (355.33KB , 1920x1200 , 135905768164.jpg )
71607 No. 71607
So I have this friend I met in college. We have a ton of stuff in common and we get along great. Basically, we are best friends. Anyway, he had a kind of troubled past, was a major dope head, druggy, alcoholic, anger issues ect ect. He has tried to get away from all that stuff. He is always talking about how it interferes with his running (he runs marathons, it's his passion and his escape) and that he just doesn't want to be involved, but the temptation is always there. When he is sober, he is a great guy but when he is near drugs or whatever, he just can't fight it.

We just got back from a house party and there were a few guys outside smoking some weed, and he asked for one hit and I tried to stop him, first telling him he doesn't want it and telling the guys offering it that he wants to get away from that stuff. Then he tries to bring it up for a puff and I physically try to hold it away from his lips and the joint flies out of the roach for a few seconds of peace. Anyway, I try telling him again how he talks so much how he doesn't want to be doing exactly what he is doing and he says "Just shut the fuck up man, shut the fuck up!" So I walk away and wait for him to be done as I am the DD. I am quiet on the ride home and he is apologizing and saying it's been so long and he can't fight the temptation or whatever.

We get back to my place and play some Hotline Miami and he suddenly stands up, goes to the doorway and spreads his arms kind of, and I look at him for a while and he looks back at me like he is all pissed off. I ask him "what're you doing man?" And he says he just has to go lay down. "Sure." And he says "yeah, sure" sounding really pissed off.

Okay, so this whole gay spiel is, what the hell can I do? How can you help a friend like that? Should I just fuck off and let him do what he wants? I want to help him achieve his goals, but it seems like one half is rational, intelligent, logical, sporty and a ballza guy while the other half wants to rebel against society, get drunk, do all the drugs and commit suicide in the end. Ugh
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>> No. 71608
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There is nothing just YOU can do. It sucks but really the only way to deal with that is rehab, and even that doesn't work long-term in a lot of cases.

A rehab psychologist would probably tell you that the best way to avoid falling off the wagon and relapsing is by simply avoiding places and individuals who indulge in these things. In other words, no more house parties, no more hanging out with friends who may or may not be able to handle it recreationally... you either have to find new friends/hobbies/etc or you will fall back into the pit time and time again.

People like to throw shit at AA nowadays (some of it deserved), but there's a reason those people become "addicted" to AA and only want to hang out with others from AA, because that's the best way to stop yourself from being a hopeless, penniless addict who your family hopes doesn't show up to any family events and generally ruining your life outside of your own short-term immediate enjoyment. But yeah, not a lot of people are willing to do that, hang out with the same people as soon as they get out of rehab and end up in the same place.

Have a cute picture.
>> No. 71609
This thread made me so fucking incredibly sad.

I'm also really high right now.
>> No. 71611
the only help you can provide is to be there when he asks for help. trying to tell him what to do or force his actions (slapping a joint out of his mouth for example) will not help anyone.
>> No. 71613
I feel like you may be overreacting. If he is trying to get off of hard drugs I understand and perhaps he shouldn't be going to house parties until he's got a better handle, but you physically preventing him from smoking a puff of weed after a party is just going to make things worse. I can see how that will generally piss him off.

Be a friend to him if he wants it, but he is not your responsibility nor your child to scold.
>> No. 71627
I think you should mostly just let him do what he wants. Don't fight his battles for him.

If you are intent on helping though, you can only really help in preparation. In your anecdote, making an idiot out of yourself when he tries to smoke weed isn't going to help. Help him prepare and train against temptation, but when he is face to face with his demons he has to fight them alone.

Or you could feed him LSD and guide him through a terrifying and climactic spiritual journey. Dramatic fire-and-brimstone yelling and all that. You probably don't have enough shaman powers to do that though.
>> No. 71628
Smoking weed when you're drunk doesn't count as falling off the wagon. It's only when you are buying weed that you've fallen off.
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