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File 144772125416.jpg - (171.26KB , 1368x912 , 20parisfeature1611a.jpg )
76087 No. 76087 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Fuck, marry, kill.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 76090
The choice is always kill, not murder. What if it's self-defense? The whole question is one that presupposes that either you're going to murder someone, or that a specific and rare set of circumstances will come up where you have no choice but to kill them, like having to mercy kill. Because I'd mercy kill my beloved waifu if she were in pain.
>> No. 76091
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Would you look her deep in the eyes one last time as you snapped her neck?
>> No. 76092
That goes without saying. I never liked the choices because they suggest that all three cannot be acts of love and compassion.
>> No. 76093
Marriage is a stupid social construct. If we divorced, the girl would get the kids and half my money. I think that's bullshit.
>> No. 76096
It may be a stupid social construct, but marriage has a smart marketing team. The wedding-industrial complex has a great racket going on with their claims of "you need to buy all this shit or else you'll die alone." Also, that was brilliant how they socially engineered same-sex marriage into existence, because nothing makes people want something more than being told they can't have something that someone else can have. You're welcome for being pressured into marriage and having to go through messy divorces, gays.

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75946 No. 75946 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
If everything is meaningless, why can't I stop thinking about this one girl?
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>> No. 75964
Who is that lady?
>> No. 75971
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Since James Bond is very patriotic and a very horny womanizer, how come he has never seduced a sexy version of the Queen of England? Why is the Queen of England so rarely sexualized?
>> No. 75972
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Shit's just wrong, man. It'd be like wanting to fuck a young, hot, Martha Washington.

There was also a pretty short window where she was hot, and that was only with a ballza amount of makeup. By the 60s is wasn't uh... yeah.
>> No. 75980
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Why hasn't James Bond seduced British princes?
>> No. 75991
simone de beauvoir

her partner was sartre

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75777 No. 75777 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What is the most heinous crime a 99channer can commit?

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>> No. 75931
This guy is pretty heinous. Gentlebutt died for your sins, you festering pus-filled vagina.
>> No. 75934

Paisley is the only proper theme you pestering, fus-filled mangina.
>> No. 75956
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Hello Maddox in 2004
>> No. 75966

I still come occasionally I just stopped bringing it up.
>> No. 76011
>I just stopped bringing it up.

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75688 No. 75688 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 75878
Post evidence or you're a liar liar pants on fire.
>> No. 75882
My evidence is to utter the following phrase:

"Go to an outdoor music festival."
>> No. 75945
Porta potties don't count as actual toilets
>> No. 75955
If the music festival is at a campground, as many are, then there aren't just portapotties. There are probably solid, foundationed wood or brick outhouses on the park grounds.

>> No. 75959
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No, I'm not going to take it.

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75695 No. 75695 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So, Ohioans are slated to vote on the legalization of medical/recreational cannabis (Issue 3) on November 3rd. There's probably a few of you on here. Thoughts?


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>> No. 75893
It turned out to not pass. Opinion polls show most Ohioans supporting legalizing the devil's lettuce, but opposing the issue in the way it was presented which would have given the guy from 98 Degrees and some Hindu witch doctor lady a government sanctioned monopoly over the right to grow weed.
>> No. 75895
Yeah, the whole "only these 10 companies can do it" thing probably would have turned me off as well. I still would have voted for it in all likelihood but that was a pretty BS move. Just do what Colorado and Washington did and it would probably have passed, but noooo now the rest of the east coast and midwest states are going to be timid about their own efforts.
>> No. 75924
>> No. 75926
If I were a more conspiratorial type I'd say that the reptilians/Illuminati/Rothschilds/whoever orchestrated the whole thing and had Responsible Ohio run such a shitty campaign on purpose to drive down public support and keep the herbal Jew illegal.
>> No. 75927
Nah it was just the normal back room bullshit. The only way certain big money interests would throw their weight behind it was if they had a personal stake in its success, and when light was shown on that it became "the issue" instead the merits of pot legalization.

So the anti-pot people got to feel like they were scrappy underdogs fighting for principle, and people who were already on the fence got pushed to the anti side by the shenanigans. Leave it to Ohio, I guess.

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68355 No. 68355 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
happy turkey day bundle of stickss

what are you thankful for?
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>> No. 75872
Sex is physical reproductive organs, gender is rooted in identity and is a construct or concept, not a physical manifestation.
>> No. 75892
So would it be gay sex if the turkeys in the pictures posted above were sexually female but male by gender?
>> No. 75894
It would be exactly as gay (or not) as a woman fucking the current cross-dressing iteration of Chris-chan.

Incidentally, what would an autistic turkey be like?
>> No. 75896
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>> No. 75909
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I am grateful for the fact that there was once a roman governor called Cumanus because that name is wonderfully homosexual.


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75897 No. 75897 hide quickreply [Reply]

I hate filthy jew york and wish the city would just die, but i like weed.
>> No. 75898
go to amsterdam
>> No. 75899
Their weed is shitty and so is their prices. Plus aren't there muzzies everywhere over there now?
>> No. 75900
They are still outnumbered by Gypsies.

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75877 No. 75877 hide quickreply [Reply]
Fuck I hate ice cream
>> No. 75885
Shut up, Matthew. I have pictures of your penis and if you don't delete this thread, I'll post them.
>> No. 75891
His name is Zachary aka "ZipZap Thunderlightning", not Matthew.

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75697 No. 75697 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

Is it true that sexual promiscuity can screw you over later in life? What are your thoughts on this?
51 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 75879
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The Cont. (from >>75864)
>it's meaningless unless you're planning to . . . justify prejudice. (if a man came at you with a wrench and you ran away, that would be prejudice) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice
>regardless of how statistically "correct" those generalizations are.
So, I'm curious, what if the generalizations were 100% accurate and said that all left-handed people will kill at some time in their life? Would you still disregard them? Because the truth is that around half of marriages end in divorce and around 66% of those are initiated by women. That means that women will file for divorce in approx 17% of all marriages. That is statistically significant enough to affect individual considerations because it is easily likely to actually happen to any given individual.

30 homicides per 100,000 people compared to maybe 4 or 5? Sure, 30 is 6-7 times higher, but given the 100,000 it's still not hugely likely. Basically, you can't judge someone by what groups they fall into unless the numbers are high enough that there is a ballza chance that the behavior/attribute in question will present itself. It's rare to find a group that has such a high rate of any attribute. 1 in 3 is enough to warrant taking significant precaution, especially when your livelihood and your family itself is at stake.

>The only thing I particularly care about is that people have the choice to do whatever it is they like.
Can't make a choice without info, and people often fall into predictable behavioral patterns. The numbers clearly show this.

Lawl. "Correct" in quotation marks. "Information and knowledge don't matter, only how I feel matters". You know what? I honestly do still wish you a happy Thanksgiving. Not to piss you off. I just want all of us to have a ballza day. Fuck your turkey with KY gravy for all I care. Whatever it is, have fun, you guys.
Dr. A., signing off
>> No. 75881
File 144669796096.jpg - (7.56KB , 226x223 , pants = life.jpg )
Another thing about pants is that pants are like war. Say you have some pants, multiple pairs, more than enough pants. But you see that your neighbour has two pairs of pants that are great and you want them. His waist is a little bigger than yours; he's a 34 to your 32. You know because you asked. And you see his pants and you think "those are a little too big but if I bring the waist in, they'll be just perfect." Which is like women. Women own a lot of pants. Because women own a lot of shoes. And shoes go with pants. You might even say that you wear shoes beneath pants. I'm not saying that, but you may. But anyway, so women have all these shoes, and as a result, all these pants. But women only like certain types of pants. Sometimes they want something showy but most times they want something simple that fits right. You see, it's all about the fit. The fit of a pair of pants is a lot like chess. You move the pants around the chessboard until you capture the king pants. Which is what women want: king pants.

If they can't have king pants, they'll settle for the next best thing.
>> No. 75883
File 144669810961.jpg - (92.14KB , 499x662 , PantsDontFit.jpg )

deleted my post to look for a better picture of pants, but since I got a reply I'll just re-post it.

Hypothetical pairs of pants are not the same as pairs of pants actually owned, is that what you're getting at?

>When there is one type of pants, and they are not ballza, who is to blame? The world, because there is only a single pair of pants.

But there is never a single pair of pants. At one point in time, unless she grew up in a society where children get betrothed, the woman was single. She had to make a choice between a thousand different men. If the pants she chooses in the end aren't perfect she won't blame the world, she'll blame herself for not trying on other pants before making a purchase. She will go back to the store and attempt to exchange the unwanted pants for a better pair.
>> No. 75884
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And one more thing about pants: if the pants don't fit, you must acquit. Women want to find the right judge to acquit them. And when they can't find that, they try on many pairs of pants. Thousands of pairs. And when she finds the wrong pair, she won't blame the pants. She'll blame herself. And the pants. Because pants don't have feelings.

Because they are pants.

>> No. 75890
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If women owned no shoes, do you think they would give up wearing pants? Could the solution be to make women go barefoot?

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67494 No. 67494 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Thrift store thread. Found anything cool lately?
87 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 75850
I know nothing about knives, but I just want to drop by and say that you have made a hellza neat find. I am jelly. Most Nepali Kukuris I can find online are significantly less ornate than the one you found.

>>One of the interesting things about it is it's strange mix of symbolism, it has an engraving of Ganesha (hindu elephant god) on the scabbard, the yin-yangs are Chinese/Taoist, and the blade has a collection of Buddhist symbols on it.

That's Nepal for ya. In that country Asian religions blend together in a unique way, it's rather interesting. Most people there believe in a local mixture of Buddhism and Hinduism.
>> No. 75851
Post about it in a forum for knife fans. Surely someone there would be able to tell you more about it. We want to know its meaning and history, too!
>> No. 75854
I'm mostly interested in the age of it, that would say a ballza bit by itself. There's one self-proclaimed knife-expert but he lives in a backwater, so I'll have to go this weekend or later. If nothing else he might be able to give a date range on it and assess the quality of the steel. The goldish bits are most likely brass, as there's some tarnishment and discoloration on a part of it, but it is quite thin.

Another interesting factoid about the Kukri is the notch at the base of the blade, there's a variety of different reasons given for this. It acts as something to stop blood/liquid/sap from getting onto the handle, but it's also shaped like a cow's hoof (or teat according to some), or the Om symbol. Other sources suggest that it's the vagina of the blade, meant to mind remind warriors not to kill women/children (as well as cows).
>> No. 75875
I'd be interested in what you learn from it, if you wouldn't mind. Heck, I've already learned a bit. I never noticed the cow hoof shape and never knew the vagina angle.
>> No. 75886
I learned that knives are sharp. Mommy said no no to the knives no no. Mommy spanks me when I am bad.

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66571 No. 66571 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
last porn star you busted a nut to

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>> No. 66673
Don't worry bucko, everyone knows you're smart and cool, you defending yourself so painfully doesn't detract from that.
>> No. 75833
Who is this beauty?
>> No. 75844
BBQ? Big beautiful...quail? Please tell me it's quail.
>> No. 75847
That seemed more obvious than the other acronym, BILS: Bird I'd Like to Stuff.
>> No. 75849
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Big Beautiful Queerosexuals.

Thanksgiving is coming soon, innit?

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75841 No. 75841 hide quickreply [Reply]

>> No. 75842
that doesn't look like a real picture.
>> No. 75843
What the other guy said+ box niid would have been funnier.
>> No. 75846
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I don't get what the big deal is.
>> No. 75848
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you need to be more trusting of things that you see on the internet, of course it is real

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75367 No. 75367 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
My family got hooked into being Jehovahs Witnesess before I was even born, and once I came along I was forcibly pushed into their cult and molested and abused as well as groomed to do the same That shit started when I was around 11 or so, I'm 28 now and it still fucks with me every damn day. I want to get it done and over with but my own family has refused to stand with me on this, so it might be my word versus his, which would be hilarious. I just don't know what to do, you know? I FEEL the weight of it on my soul, it's not something that I can let go, you can't do stuff to a kid for no reason and then get away free and clear. I want to try meeting with him once more, maybe. The first time did he just blathered about my beard being unacceptable for a christian (?) and lied when I gave him a chance to admit his stuff. He went through a whole little ritual and said "Now, since I have stood as naked before you, theres nothing between us, right?" For some reason, I simply asked him if he knew that I had been abused as a child. At that point he cringed and got all jittery, then headed on back to his place.

How would you handle it? WOULD you handle it?
Help a fellow canadian alcoholic out
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>> No. 75560
Too much filler. I don't trust people who like Dragon Ball Z. Too much filler.
>> No. 75561
Filler episodes are one of those things we subject children to because they teach children the virtue of patience. Real life often seems to have filler episodes that only offer a pointless and canonically dubious distraction from the main story arcs of people's lives, so it's ballza that they learn about that sooner rather than later. It's much easier to accept the inevitable pointless bullshit in one's own life when one can see even Goku himself having to fritter away 30 minutes on the hard, tedious work of shouting and increasing his power level.

Of course, filler episodes are something to be outgrown, like Santa Claus or Jesus. That doesn't make them useless concepts, however; you can still learn from them all the same.
>> No. 75566
Your mom is one long fill-her episode.
>> No. 75568
Like that baby carrot between your legs could fill anyone.
>> No. 75832
Oooookay, I'm back to baseline after some...binge drugging, but I wanted to try to keep this thread alive because I will do my best to get evidence abs recordings of all conversations I have with any jws, if possible.

When I made that post in song format I was ludicrously high, so forgive my lack of attention to detail.

As far as that religion goes, it has been completely subsumed by the negative state for a very long time. The members are often fine folks, but being in that sect/cult/religion/lifestyle/ means a few things, which I'll explain to the best of my ability.

1.You (We) are better and special and different from THEM (outsiders). THEY have NO morals, are to be pitied, looked down on and condescendingly "taught" the error of their ways and cajoled/convinced/persuaded/guilted into the religion so that they can be turned into zombie units that go proselytize others. There used to be extensive training and such about how best to defeat any augments and such, but over the years new bible books came to light and the head honchos got sloppy with telling us zombies not to read them. That is what triggered (lol) me, because you don't tell me not to read something, or I'll read it, at least back then. I was big into hardening myself by reading the worst things I could find and seeing how they affected me. I ended up finding dozens of books of the bible that had been hidden and covered up for not a Damn thing.

That sparked a wildfire in me and I tried for months to talk to people in the religion about what had happened, but they just made excuses, even the higher ups.

I'll be contacting the abuser this month and will let you dudes know how things are coming along.

Thanks again for all your help and advice, I'm going to handle this shit and get on with my life. Much love 99

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75824 No. 75824 hide quickreply [Reply]
Where are some ballza places to find business related discussion like stocks, trading, entrepreneurship ? Other than here, I found:

4 chan /biz/
8 chan /biz/

and a few subreddits

Anything else?
>> No. 75825
What do you need help with?
>> No. 75827
zerohedge :^)

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75337 No. 75337 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Is having body integrity identity disorder the same as being transgender, pro-ana or otherkin? After all, all four involve being unhappy with your body.
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>> No. 75506
>strange consequences for our race.
Like the creation of a Kwisatz Haderach through centuries of controlled breeding.
>> No. 75514
So we should only have psychiatrists because what they do is a hard medical science and we should not have psychology, counseling or therapy? Or we should not strive to articulate more ethereal or ephemeral aspects of the human psyche, only those that can be identified and measured as physical or chemical phenomena?

What are you saying? Or are you just a 20 year old STEM major angry because you (probably erroneously) think the guys in the arts and soft sciences are getting laid more than you?
>> No. 75783
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Would it be bigoted to classify nullos (people who desire to have no genitals) as mentally ill? What about people who desire to have no gender?


>> No. 75818
is adam spiegel the guy that der spiegel is written about
>> No. 75819
No, you're thinking of his brother Spike.

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75683 No. 75683 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
rate my gf
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>> No. 75787
Instead of grumpy cat it would be

bumpy cat

>> No. 75788
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>> No. 75803
wow this website fucking sucks

>> No. 75809
You can't use 99chan's official tagline without permission.
>> No. 75816

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75799 No. 75799 hide quickreply [Reply]
Can you smell women's minges at nudist clubs? I mean, if they're not covered they must kick off a bit of a whiff, right?
>> No. 75800
If anything the smells should be less obvious without having some fabric to trap and retain all the pussy juices and ass stank.

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75769 No. 75769 hide quickreply [Reply]
How many Illuminati does it take to turn out a celbrity's illegitimate daughter?
>> No. 75770
Three. One to cup the balls, one to beat the shit out of it until it coughs up blood and a third to film it for thw snuff industry.
>> No. 75771
Did you catch this week's snuff film yet? Elvis Presley and Henry Kissinger beat a street urchin to death. Best episode in a while. Can't wait for next week.
>> No. 75772
I only caught the part where your mom was slowly dismembered.
>> No. 75773
Also, yous a ho.
>> No. 75774
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guise this is sad ;-;

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75717 No. 75717 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Why does it feel so wrong to eat or drink through your nose? The food is gonna reach your stomach regardless of which hole it goes through.
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>> No. 75737
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Saliva plays a big part in digestion and helping the bolus to slide down the throat.
>> No. 75743
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That's a funny word for penis.
>> No. 75755
Theoretically speaking, what would happen if you spent a year ingesting all your food through your nose?
>> No. 75757
There would be no problem with your overall health, but it would probably severely damage your nasal canal, causing inflammation. Especially if you're using tubes like all those bondage porn videos I watched. How the food gets to you hellza has no effect on your overall dietary health, though.
>> No. 75768
The smell of food affects the way you experience taste, right?

What if they sold special scented sticks that you would stick up your nose while eating certain foods? I wonder if this could be used to make disgusting foods like liver more appealing.

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75689 No. 75689 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Have you ever hit a woman?
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>> No. 75699
sure. she liked it. she would provoke me just to hit or choke her and then it would turn into rough crazy sex. i left her after about a year of it. it was too intense. i don't want to punch and choke a girl everytime i want to get my d wet.
>> No. 75719
Son, where do you keep your nuts? Hanging from your navel or something? It's very easy to protect your jewels even if your arms are engaged.
>> No. 75728
How? Do you just squish them behind your legs so they can't be hit from the front?
>> No. 75730
Come to my place I'll show you a couple of ways to protect your bollocks without having to go all bufallo bill on us.
>> No. 75738
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Check out this fool. He can't retract his sexual organs into his torsal cavity during combat!

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