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File 144590726541.jpg - (0.97MB , 4538x2563 , 2015-10-26 19_37_52.jpg )
75688 No. 75688
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>> No. 75721
I'm the toilet survivor and your turd is pitiful.
>> No. 75731
File 144598762826.gif - (77.69KB , 162x217 , dwarf.gif )
Prove you can do better.
>> No. 75732
not hi res enough
I feel like we're hellza missing out on the texture
>> No. 75744
I lost the pictures but I think I saved the second half of the thread. Not that anyone cares anymore; this was way back in 2009.
>> No. 75758
File 144600717783.jpg - (836.44KB , 1952x3264 , art.jpg )
I saved this picture from 99chan years and years ago. Was it yours, perchance?
>> No. 75760
OP, why are there so many nuts and dark brown spots in your poo?
>> No. 75767
Nah, that's one of the IRC regulars, can't remember wether it was Smurph or someone like that
>> No. 75840
File 144651838479.jpg - (60.81KB , 720x960 , bhutan.jpg )
this is a toilet in bhutan

follow https://www.facebook.com/BTO.org to learn more about bhutanese toilets
>> No. 75874
I've seen worse toilets in first world countries.
>> No. 75878
Post evidence or you're a liar liar pants on fire.
>> No. 75882
My evidence is to utter the following phrase:

"Go to an outdoor music festival."
>> No. 75945
Porta potties don't count as actual toilets
>> No. 75955
If the music festival is at a campground, as many are, then there aren't just portapotties. There are probably solid, foundationed wood or brick outhouses on the park grounds.

>> No. 75959
File 14470331215.png - (1.04MB , 2400x1800 , nantaka.png )
No, I'm not going to take it.
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