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File 14458851923.jpg - (148.67KB , 553x517 , possum.jpg )
75683 No. 75683
rate my gf
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>> No. 75684
What is that image from????? I hellza want to know what the rest of this magazine (presumably it comes from a magazine) is like.
>> No. 75685
File 144588673937.jpg - (45.75KB , 500x667 , datecat.jpg )
>not dating your cat
>> No. 75704
File 14459619525.jpg - (467.14KB , 899x433 , SCAR.jpg )
You know, I was thinking. Applying African tribal scarification on a bald cat could give it a very strange yet likely pleasant texture. It would, in theory, even be possible to write things in braille on the cat so that blind people could pet a cat and educate themselves at the same time. Why, wouldn't it be great if all textbooks were cats and going to school involved nothing more than petting cats all day?
>> No. 75742
My cat girlfriend is a total slut. She has a family down the street but she still comes and meows outside my door. I always tell myself never again, but then I end up letting her in and she walks around snuggling all my furniture and pretty soon she's in my lap.

The worst part is I've seen her doing it with other men (and women!) all over the neighbourhood.

Fucking whore. She's not even that hot. She's all puffy and she lost her tail as a kitten so she has this little nub.

I'll end it between us one day. I swear.

her name is leeloo but I call her stubbs
>> No. 75787
Instead of grumpy cat it would be

bumpy cat

>> No. 75788
File 144618367652.jpg - (57.03KB , 1000x750 , lumpyfur.jpg )
>> No. 75803
wow this website fucking sucks

>> No. 75809
You can't use 99chan's official tagline without permission.
>> No. 75816
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