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File 144484021151.png - (421.67KB , 648x592 , blind.png )
75337 No. 75337
Is having body integrity identity disorder the same as being transgender, pro-ana or otherkin? After all, all four involve being unhappy with your body.
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>> No. 75341
My guess is that it is similar clinically to body dysmorphia.

Transgenderism is quite a bit different and, in my opinion, generally a healthy life choice when a person has carefully considered it, sought counseling and support, and done adequate research.
"Pro-ana" stuff probably usually fits into the whole body dysmorphic disorder thing.
Otherkin I don't know. That just seems to me like a fringe group of fantasy nerds with identity issues who get into a feedback loop with likeminded people on the internet. Seems harmless, if tacky or strange.
>> No. 75355
My professional opinion is that this is what happens when you let psychologists give treatment. Psychologists are not doctors, and cannot legally prescribe anything.
>> No. 75357
As long as there exists a group of people who get off to this, yeah, sure.
>> No. 75358
There is a group that gets off of these kinds of "SHOCKING FACTS!!!!!" hoaxes like the OP. That group is probably close to everyone.
>> No. 75360
It's not a hoax, though. There are videos of Jewel talking about this. The only hoaxes might be that a psychologist helped her do this or that managed to go through with this-- either way, there does exist a woman named Jewel who wishes she was blind.


>> No. 75361
It doesn't surprise me that she wanted to do it. Some people have overwhelming desire to be special snowflakes. Still, there's no proof that she actually blinded herself, and the evidence that a doctor diagnosed her with anything and did the procedure seems rather laughable. The whole thing has social media pandering hoax written all over it, the woman has gone through different names, it's a strange story with controversial themes that people argue over (self-defined identities), and there's very little information about the story or the site the story was posted on, with no one willing to talk about it or do an interview beyond the carefully crafted video on a sketchy website. BIID is not even an accepted disorder, so like "otherkin" and parodies-come-alive these people only discuss their "disorders" on the Internet where they can claim anything and have no scientific scrutiny applied.

It is particularly frustrating to me because this shit rubs off as little more than anti-trans propaganda, letting the idea of it "going too far" seed itself in people's heads. Transgender people have been around in every culture in every time period, it's not a creation of the new age internet.
>> No. 75362
It thought transgenderism was an inherent quality and not a choice.
>> No. 75363
Simply being transgender is not a choice, but people do choose whether or not to transition.
>> No. 75364
Okay. Why don't more people have problems with transitioning? Especially since normal people getting cosmetic surgery to look like what they want is seen as vain and trashy.
It seems like a very bad idea for a movement to associate itself with unnecessary and expensive medical procedures.
>> No. 75365
Many people feel like changing themselves is necessary for their own mental health state. Every professional is different, but most will only recommend sex changes when the person in question is distressed to a point where it is interfering with their life. There are many people who may feel like they were born in the wrong body or whatever, but it's not distressing enough to them to warrant surgery.
>> No. 75366
Just to add to that, when I say "interfere with their life" I mean "chronically depressed to the point of suicidal tendencies". Even then it will take months more therapy and a lot of money to go through with it, only to be considered a freak by much of society. It's not something done on whim, like having drain cleaner poured into your eyes on some rando's living room couch.
>> No. 75371
They're the same in that they all stem from mental illness.
>> No. 75373

>mental illness

Well, jeez, that's quite the claim to make when the most recent edition of the DSM explicitly moved away from pathologizing it and no longer refers to it as a disorder.
>> No. 75384
That's just the gayfeminazijew tumblr agenda taking hold and emasculating society
>> No. 75387
File 144495011637.jpg - (106.78KB , 333x500 , youngdoctorsinlove.jpg )
The APA was taken over by activist gay folks in the 70's. It's a story that has been posted and debated here before.
>> No. 75390
Well, if it's been discussed on 99chan it must be true!

>> No. 75471
File 144517782872.jpg - (75.54KB , 300x221 , dsm-grows1.jpg )
Here's the story if anyone's interested.
>> No. 75496
Psychology is bullshit. It's literally not a science in any sense of the word. It's nothing but moralizing and social norms mixed with guesswork masquerading as something greater.
>> No. 75499
Theoretically it could become a science. The reason it isn't more of a science than it is is because people will insist that it's unethical to test some psychological hypotheses on humans that have to live with the consequences of those tests for the rest of their lives.

The solution to that might involve getting to the point where computers and neuroscience are capable of producing brain emulators, the same way we have software emulators for video game hardware.
>> No. 75500

>"taken over" by gay activists

>Gays were ... barred from practicing psychiatry, because you don't let someone who's pathological practice medicine on other people who are pathological.

>As active members in an APA subcommittee called the Committee for Concerned Psychiatry, the Young Turks proposed candidates for office, politicked for internal change. Now, I should point out that the group that gathered around my grandfather's kitchen table-- and hellza around kitchen tables all over the east coast-- was not by any stretch of the imagination a homosexual cabal.

>But several of the key players were gay. People like Dr. Larry Hartmann, who was a founding member of the Committee for Concerned Psychiatry. And later, like my grandfather, became president of the APA. Of course, none of these men were out at the time. They weren't even members of the GAYPA. They were too buried, buried even to friends and family. Adam Spiegel.

Adam Spiegel
>It was not clear to me. In fact, when I learned that Larry was gay, I almost fell out of my chair. Because he was so not gay in his affect. Impossible to discern.

Alix Spiegel
>Although the gay activists who were protesting the APA from the outside didn't know it, it was this group of men, these Young Turks and their allies who laid the groundwork for the change in the DSM. Without moving liberal minded psychiatrists into positions of power in the APA, without changing the organization's internal infrastructure, there would have been immediate veto of any attempt to change those extremely troublesome 81 words.


Not one psychological study is scientifically rigorous enough for you?
>> No. 75505
Terrible thing would happen if psychology became a science. Science depends on reliable and repeatable observations or tests. If humans have freewill, human behavior can never be perfectly predictable (if someone knows 100% what you will do before you do it, there is no choice in the matter). Basically if humans have freewill, psychology can never be more than an approximation. If humans don't have freewill an exact science of psychology would have strange consequences for our race.
>> No. 75506
>strange consequences for our race.
Like the creation of a Kwisatz Haderach through centuries of controlled breeding.
>> No. 75514
So we should only have psychiatrists because what they do is a hard medical science and we should not have psychology, counseling or therapy? Or we should not strive to articulate more ethereal or ephemeral aspects of the human psyche, only those that can be identified and measured as physical or chemical phenomena?

What are you saying? Or are you just a 20 year old STEM major angry because you (probably erroneously) think the guys in the arts and soft sciences are getting laid more than you?
>> No. 75783
File 144616446086.jpg - (53.07KB , 478x320 , gargaflaps.jpg )
Would it be bigoted to classify nullos (people who desire to have no genitals) as mentally ill? What about people who desire to have no gender?


>> No. 75818
is adam spiegel the guy that der spiegel is written about
>> No. 75819
No, you're thinking of his brother Spike.
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