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File 14171078442.jpg - (38.77KB , 450x554 , turkeyfuck.jpg )
68355 No. 68355
happy turkey day bundle of stickss

what are you thankful for?
Expand all images
>> No. 68359
File 14171104043.png - (1.18MB , 853x480 , ロリコンは病気ですわ!.png )
I'm thankful for my chinese cartoons, the screengrab feature on smplayer, and Chinese takeout places that deliver on holidays. I'm also thankful for GNU with Linux added, or as I've taken to calling it recently, GNU plus Linux.

Also that is clearly a chicken, not a turkey. Unless that guy is twelve feet tall and has a cock as big as my arm.
>> No. 68361
File 14171148815.jpg - (20.08KB , 315x218 , turkeyfuck2.jpg )
Is this a turkey?
>> No. 68363
Yo momma's a turkey, punkass cracka.
>> No. 68364
File 141711934196.jpg - (123.52KB , 640x1136 , image.jpg )
I'm thankful for the United States' lax laws regarding shotacon, and for the Indian restaurant that was open today so that my family did not have to cook.

I'm also thankful for 99chan and the people that keep it running, as well as weed for always being there for me.
>> No. 68365
File 141711962531.jpg - (41.60KB , 443x298 , turkeyfuck3.jpg )
>> No. 68366
File 141711964447.jpg - (38.30KB , 415x311 , Turkeyfuck4.jpg )
>> No. 68387
im thankfull 4 u op
>> No. 68449
File 141745124850.png - (425.39KB , 520x384 , sengwik.png )
The animal sandwich cutters I received yesterday :3c
>> No. 68450
File 141745133547.png - (657.07KB , 522x500 , ber.png )
They also work really well to cut things like bologna or cheese!
>> No. 68454
that's hella gay dude, and this is coming from an actual homosexual.
>> No. 68456
File 141747931362.jpg - (149.52KB , 1600x1600 , sushi_egg_molds.jpg )
I also have some egg molds and some thingies to make sticky rice into cool shapes! I just really like pretty foods. Now I really need some of those fancy heart shaped vegetable cutters to make lovely cucumbers and carrots and whatnot.
>> No. 68457

Egg molds as in, you crack an egg into it and then cook it into a whimsical shape?

>> No. 68458
It's more complicated than that. There companies that makes them in the US. It typically involves putting it in the mold and then leaving it cold water for a while, but success rates are... questionable.
>> No. 68480
File 141753840215.png - (350.57KB , 458x534 , EggPenis.png )
Like >>68458 said, it's more complicated than that.

There are other types of egg molds which you may prefer, though. I can't find any to make fishy eggs, but here's one to make penis shaped eggs.
>> No. 68520
Don't pretend you're a fucking fag spokesman. Go fuck an AIDS African with ebola.
>> No. 68528
im gay
>> No. 68602

your gay
>> No. 75853
File 14465932688.jpg - (23.34KB , 320x389 , bondage.jpg )
It's November again, thanksgiving will be there soon!
>> No. 75855
How does one determine a cooked turkey's sex or gender? That seems like it would be difficult what with the bird's genitals being scooped out with the rest of its internal organs and having most of the secondary sex characteristics get cut off.

This matters because that picture can't be considered gay porn if that's a female turkey.
>> No. 75856
All poultry sold as food is female. Males aren't as meaty and tend to be more aggressive, so keeping large groups of them in the same place doesn't end well. Numbers of males on a farm are kept low and male chicks are culled.
>> No. 75857
File 14466131953.jpg - (25.17KB , 480x360 , chica.jpg )
Well anon, I don't know about turkeys, but I know that sexing baby chickens is very tricky business and that chicken sexer is a job that pays very well. One method of sexing involves squeezing the feces out of the chick's cloaca so that the sexer can look inside its butthole. If it has a bumpy butthole, it is a boy chicken. If it has a not bumpy butthole, it is a girl chicken. I hope this post was educative for you.

>> No. 75858
>sex or gender

What's the difference?
>> No. 75860
I'm pretty sure I once saw some screencap of a Tumblr post talk about transfowl, but I can't find it again.
>> No. 75863
Can animals be transgender?
>> No. 75865
File 144662419567.jpg - (16.58KB , 450x294 , turkishpainting.jpg )
>All poultry sold as food is female

This is why you should stuff a turkish man instead of a turkey for Thanksgiving.
>> No. 75868
File 144662470925.jpg - (699.23KB , 2205x1247 , yugiohfurrythanksgiving.jpg )
>> No. 75872
Sex is physical reproductive organs, gender is rooted in identity and is a construct or concept, not a physical manifestation.
>> No. 75892
So would it be gay sex if the turkeys in the pictures posted above were sexually female but male by gender?
>> No. 75894
It would be exactly as gay (or not) as a woman fucking the current cross-dressing iteration of Chris-chan.

Incidentally, what would an autistic turkey be like?
>> No. 75896
File 144675794241.jpg - (7.16KB , 236x132 , sonictheturkeyhog.jpg )
>> No. 75909
File 144685750621.jpg - (26.70KB , 640x357 , cumanus.jpg )
I am grateful for the fact that there was once a roman governor called Cumanus because that name is wonderfully homosexual.

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