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File 144591096635.png - (1.67MB , 1000x1000 , fat wanker.png )
75689 No. 75689
Have you ever hit a woman?
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>> No. 75690
I sparred/grappled with girls/women all the time, but I've never hit one in anger or with the intent to hurt. Never hellza had a reason to, I guess. Men tend to be much more confrontational and violent, so even if you don't want to associate they force the issue. With women you can just stop giving a shit and disassociate.
>> No. 75691
File 14459190199.jpg - (17.30KB , 154x190 , abusevictim.jpg )
One time I hit my mom with my baby bottle when I was a few months old. She got a black eye.
>> No. 75692
When you hit anyone, what stops them from stomping you in the nuts? How come all fights do not become nut stomping fests? Stomping the enemy in the nuts seems like the fastest way to end a fight with a male.
>> No. 75693
This is exactly why we should #killallbabies

The nuts aren't too hard to defend if you expect it coming. It's why self-defense courses teach women to hit the nuts and run, because it won't work a second time.
>> No. 75694
How does that work, though? The man has two arms to restrain the woman or protect himself, the woman has four limbs to kick or punch with.
>> No. 75699
sure. she liked it. she would provoke me just to hit or choke her and then it would turn into rough crazy sex. i left her after about a year of it. it was too intense. i don't want to punch and choke a girl everytime i want to get my d wet.
>> No. 75719
Son, where do you keep your nuts? Hanging from your navel or something? It's very easy to protect your jewels even if your arms are engaged.
>> No. 75728
How? Do you just squish them behind your legs so they can't be hit from the front?
>> No. 75730
Come to my place I'll show you a couple of ways to protect your bollocks without having to go all bufallo bill on us.
>> No. 75738
File 144599137151.jpg - (70.01KB , 425x282 , laughing-and-pointing.jpg )
Check out this fool. He can't retract his sexual organs into his torsal cavity during combat!
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