No. 66734
- (487.75KB
, 500x500
, maru-no-pframeu.gif
You can do a bunch of things to make these. The first step is going to be to take out some key frames which will break it on its own, like >>66667
, but then to get real wonky things like >>66634
you can start repeating the predictive frames where they don't belong. You could also insert key frames in the incorrect position etc., its just a mix and match game. You can tell the first example really only had key frames taken out because only moving things get glitchy, and they might have taken out the guy's head turning if it was there originally (the prediction could also just be blending to look like he is doing the staring thing though). The second example is definitely filled with extra predictive frames because of how everything gets swirly. My attached file is the opposite, with only key frames left.