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File 140746426223.jpg - (68.92KB , 500x643 , ramenhead.jpg )
64873 No. 64873
Have you guys ever tried hitting on telemarketers?
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>> No. 64877
No, but I pretended like I was a half out of it old man once and told the telemarketer (who I think was selling phone service) that I wasn't sure but that my daughter would be home soon and could decide. While waiting for 'my daughter' I just rambled on about how I couldn't find my glasses and that my daughter hides my shoes and beats me. I kept her on the phone for about 20 minutes. Considering she called me at my work phone I estimate the combined loss for both companies to be about $50.
>> No. 64878
True story, I got a sprint telemarketer to stop calling me at eight in the morning by hitting on him and telling him I was naked (which, at that time of the day, I was). That was in the mid nineties though, nowadays it would just get me a stalker.
>> No. 64881
I have a friend who is 89 and one time she got a call from one of those phone scammers who calls old people and claims to be their grandchild in need of money for some emergency. My friend pretended to be really out of it, really senile, played along with the whole thing, and then at the very end, after a solid 10 minutes, when the man on the other end was telling her how to send him a money transfer she said "do you know what I think? ...I think you make me sick and you belong at the bottom of the fucking ocean." And then she hung up.
>> No. 64887
File 140753310912.jpg - (129.06KB , 768x1024 , 6Ky7p.jpg )
No cause they could be ugly.
>> No. 64983
>I have a friend who is 89

Why isn't there a thread about this?
>> No. 65067
It's not much of a story. I met her through my ex because they swim at the same pool. Once in a while we hang out on her balcony, drink rum, and laugh a lot. Basically a normal friendship except she's super wrinkly.
>> No. 65090
I imagine being friends with older (I mean much older, 60+) women is cool as fuck. It's like being friends with your grandma but then you drink wine coolers together and tell dirty jokes because she's old enough to have earned her "say whatever the hell you want and get away with it" card.
>> No. 65115
I usually let them talk for 30 minutes, then I remark that I'm too dumb to remember what this was all about and that I'm not interested.

I figure this allows them to practice their lines and I can feel less alone for a time.
>> No. 65289
I have, for similar reasons to >>65115

The way I see it, if she can't deal with a fake creeper, how will she cope when she meets a genuine pervert? I'm in the UK though so most of my "telemarketers" are debt collectors who are just doing a decent job asking for money which I rightfully owe. I am not sure whether or not this makes me a cunt.
>> No. 71796
That happened to my grandma once, they told her they were me and that I/they were in jail in Mexico and needed bail money. Obviously I wasn't, I was in my bedroom in Ohio jerking off to trap porn.
>> No. 71815
You can tell your grandma that maybe the next time she can actually tell the telemarketer that you were in your bedroom in Ohio jerking off to trap porn.

If she wants to act disgusted with you after you explain what a trap is then start pressing her on her own crazy fetishes. Remember: like all human beings, she definitely has a few whether she knows them yet or not. Also, yes, she can still masturbate to them, because even though she went through menopause her clit ain't broke.
>> No. 71822
That Ramenhead band is funky.
>> No. 71887
I feel like you copypasted this comment from Pornhub.
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