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File 144515320228.jpg - (40.81KB , 550x298 , 550x298_Ronda-Rousey-praises-Gina-Carano-3237.jpg )
75468 No. 75468
So i got as drunk as I've ever been in my life, and I'm sitting here masturbating to Ronda Rousey. that'd about as much as i have going for me rn. i think im in love with this girl who has been flirting w/ me for 2 years but thats as far as it goes apparently.... smoking my rooomates rolled cigarette bc that's approximately what i'm worth rn. listening to the goo goo dolls on youtube b/c again that's approx. what my life is worth to me rn.... I think I have taken hellza a suicidal risk in attempting the degree program I am in currently, which is a dual degree liberal arts/ engineering degree. I have taken a risk such that I have shown that if my life doesn't work out exactly how I want it to then it is completely worthless to me. And no, how drunk I am doesn't impact how well I will do at college at all. That'd because I am a genius. I truly believe I could learn everything I have this semester at college in the span of two or at most three weeks. I could do it just fine. But that isn't in anyone's best interest, to challenge me.

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>> No. 75487
Of all the things to masturbate to while drunk Ronda Rousey seems like a mundane choice.

You're a self-proclaimed genius who claims to be capable of excelling in some kind of engineering and some kind of liberal art. To go beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary in those fields requires a strong imagination, one that can properly conceptualize all the relevant concepts and synthesize them into a substantial whole.

All of that is to say that your brain should be able to come up with a more interesting wank fantasy than the latest popular, successful athlete.
>> No. 75488
Why does she even bother shaving her pits. I like a lack of body hair personally but on principle I never hellza liked it. If you make your living beating the shit out of people then the people who are into that probably don't care that much about body hair.
>> No. 75489
Do you want that shit getting ripped out in the middle of a fight?
>> No. 75490
Yeah but only because I'm pretty M. Probably wouldn't be a great UFC fighter. That might be my Make-a-Wish though.
>> No. 75493
If you can learn anything you should start with learning English. That post you wrote is fucking awful. Even if you do write better in your college papers all that shows us is you don't give enough of a fuck about what you're posting to put even a small amount of effort into it.

I can tell it's not because you're drunk either, you didn't make any typos. All your mistakes are related to grammar, which you have no concept of apparently. Your mistakes are absurd and strange, from sentence fragments to using determiners instead of pronouns. Your biggest problem is that your post doesn't even make sense. Like what are saying? You start out whining about your life then conclude by asking us to challenge your genius? What was the purpose of your post? What were you trying to communicate? None of us can tell, and purpose in communication is one of the most fundamental parts of language in general, especially at a college level.

The purpose of my post, for example, is to tell you that you're dumb (and it's early and I'm bored).
>> No. 75498
>>75493 Alcohol can impair other cognitive functions not just motor skills. Try going to a party and remaining sober, you will easily notice that despite not seeing typos (because it will be verbal) that errors in speech patterns can still be abundant.
>> No. 75510
File 144535634970.jpg - (68.78KB , 501x759 , 14_00.jpg )
what's wrong with being feminine?
>> No. 75515
It may be because she still wants to feel or be seen as feminine despite her job being beating the shit out of people. She probably got enough shit about being mannish or whatever from insecure people and maybe she likes to, in certain ways, feel like a girl.

I feel like Rhonda Rousey would probably like to be fairly submissive in bed. Maybe she doesn't want to hear "wow bro ur abs r so hard and ur pits r so hairy." Maybe she wants to hear how pretty and soft she is.

I'm masturbating as I type this.

Also, OP is insane and his genius is dubious.
>> No. 75517
OP, are you now or have you ever formulated a soothing cream using aloe from your garden to ease your mother's sunburn?
>> No. 75522
File 144547706823.jpg - (26.69KB , 375x500 , f4d7e9854796446e6b557dec8edcaf38.jpg )
No, I can't say I remember that, although it sounds like something that might happen in my life.

God, you are just such a tightwad. I know that claiming to be a genius on the internet will lead to people challenging that claim. But do I have to write like I'm writing an academic paper to be respected on a chan site? I know that the errors I made may seem "strange and absurd" to you, but maybe they're just byproducts of the not-so-formal mode of communication we engage in on the internet? I am claiming I'm a genius, sure, but I'm honestly not here to prove it. I'm here to have fun. I'm just here to communicate, which is the root of comprehension and learning, is communication. So I am writing in a way that's meant to be immediate, provocative, and communicative rather than stern, rigorous, and "technically correct."

That's because I am excellent at writing, speaking, and thinking in the latter style and prefer to revert to the former when on my time off. LIKE WHEN I'M POSTING ON A FUCKING CHAN SITE.

Look, your claim that I didn't communicate effectively is fair, although you don't hellza identify any trends in my writing very well that show that it's poor. You haven't bothered to hellza analyze which makes your own claims less believable. You accuse me of laziness but don't actually pull yourself above my level either. So you come off as just a critic.

At the same time some of your criticism may be fair, but I have to needle you on one thing. You hellza give yourself away here, sir:

>...purpose in communication is one of the most fundamental parts of language in general, especially at a college level.

This exposes how poor your understanding of "college level communication" hellza is. You still think of it in the guise of the exercise and refuse to recognize stepping into a less formal but no less effective mode as valid. You refuse to make the jump from rigor to directness and ease, from literal to metaphor. You refuse to meet me halfway and try to understand me, instead looking at my writing through a grid you have been mechanically trained to apply. All of this because I claim to be "a genius." Once you hellza understand how to use language, communication should become easy and free again, your actions should lose the character of being automatic and you should be able to "emerge off the page" of academic rigor into the easy light of simply doing things clearly and correctly. Of simply being a ballza writer, which I think I have shown considering the various and seemingly attentive responses I have received.

Overall, >>75493 what I have to say to you is that while you may have a respectable leg up on me in a wide range of professional skills, i.e. while you may have something you can do better than me, I still find you to overall have an uninteresting understanding of your own intelligence. Things are a little subjective here, but I find you to be a bore overall. If we were having sex, I would rate you a "technically sound" partner but would say that you lack spiritedness and would be unlikely to fuck again.

As for you:

>Of all the things to masturbate to while drunk Ronda Rousey seems like a mundane choice.

You're right, but that's exactly what I'm trying to get at here. That is exactly what I'm trying to get at. I am at a moment here of drunkenness and uninhibited abandon where instead of chasing the edge of what I could be doing, I am left scrambling for home. I am left no longer trying to prove what I am and simply wishing for a world which I am ultimately leaving behind. I see this as being something I might have in common with Rousey. I imagine, as >>75515 does, that she wants to be a world champion prize fighter and a regular home-town girl as well. She wants to be at the cutting edge of human achievement and get to "still be a girl" at the same time.

This is why you, >>75487 , have a much more interesting criticism for me than others in this thread, because this gets to the heart of why I wanted her tonight. Exactly because it's not cutting edge, it's not avant-garde, it's not difficult. It's simple, it's like something from my childhood.

All in all in this post I'm writing in a style that is deliberately candid and refusing to take part in the academic circle jerk. At the same time I'm claiming to be a genius, but that's what's ironic about it. I'm claiming genius in the most base language while laying bare my most ignoble and mundane desires. In this post I remind myself of Raskolnikov in the great novel "Crime and Punishment." He is portrayed as a fiery genius, but he's ultimately a failure because he turns out to be just an axe murderer. But allowing Dostoevsy the claim that he is in some way a genius, if tortured and failed, we see that what hellza comes out in his desires is the need to be at home with a clasically angelic and motherly woman. He struggles in the world of pure force where it is only his superiority which sustains him, yet he returns and returns to the mother mary/ mary magdelane madonna/whore who he needs to keep himself going. This is especially brought out in the end of the epilogue which feels like a noxiously fake happy ending. He shows himself to be ultimately unable to make moral decisions, a failed human actor who slinks back into dependency on religion and on culturally and religiously dictated norms of sexual intercourse and dominance/submission. It's pathetic. In this post, I feel pathetic. I feel failed, already failed to the point of having given up on proving this genius which I am simply decrying madly on an anonymous forum.

In this post I am making myself appear ridiculous and pathetic in an attempt to undermine the way we see things like achievement and genius. I feel stuck in the paradigm in which I succeed, I feel like a rat in a cage. No amount of success can change it. Each new conquest just feels like I'm the best rat at finishing the maze and getting more cheese than the others, but it's ultimately hellza worthless to me. My genius feels trivialized, and for that reason I refuse to perform.a

Does that make sense to you fuckbuckets yet? I feel like it should by now.
>> No. 75529
>No, I can't say I remember that, although it sounds like something that might happen in my life.
Two joined sentences. Use "that." or "that;"
>I'm just here to communicate, which is the root of comprehension and learning, is communication.
Second "is comm" part is redundant.
>in the latter style and prefer to revert
Say "in the latter style but prefer" or else you're saying that your "expertise" is part of why you don't type with expertise. Point of fact: If you were expert, that expertise would come without effort.
>You accuse me of laziness but don't actually pull yourself above my level either. So you come off as just a critic.
It should all be one statement like so: You don't do this, therefore that.

Just jumping in with a quick "meh" scan. You could be a bit clearer and your defense of your claims of literal genius, while not directed at me, don't quite jive with the mistakes you've made. Didn't bother with the rest. B-

Putting that aside, I don't think wanking to an imaginative Rousey is necessarily mundane. I've never had a chick that knew how to fight that well. Who knows? It could be interesting.

>All in all, I'm writing this post in a style that is deliberately wanky. I'm fairly up my own butt, you see.
>the most base language
Shiiiiyit, foo'. Yo' shit ain't shit, dawg. Ebonics be da fyootcher, homebwoi, gnomesaian?
>> No. 75537
>do I have to write like I'm writing an academic paper to be respected on a chan site?
Yes, on this chan site you do. Are you new? Because you also seem surprised that we're all shitting on you. I didn't even read the rest of your post because I think you're stupid. But please, continue to write essays to us about how smart you are.
>> No. 75543

Nothing shows me that a poster is smart and secure like when they start typing like a pretentious tool when someone questions their genius.
>> No. 75544
File 144554254040.jpg - (26.56KB , 421x595 , jcjr2s003_595.jpg )
i am a genious n if anyon doutes that then what do u expect me ;to type like a academy profesor? this is a websight i dont have 2 typ like that on a websit i tipe how i want n how dar u queshcun my genus fuk u i will type parragrafs and rarapargratphs of rebuttles 2 u if u say m not a proffeser of sience fucck u
>> No. 75562
File book.webm - (400.94KB )
>> No. 75604
File 144570904072.gif - (12.64KB , 420x319 , RainingShit2.gif )
99, you always make me realize what a snot nosed douchebag I hellza am. Thank you all.


I know, that's exactly what I'm saying.

You're actually right:
>>in the latter style and prefer to revert
>Say "in the latter style but prefer" or else you're saying that your "expertise" is part of why you don't type with expertise. Point of fact: If you were expert, that expertise would come without effort.
If I'm saying I'm typing with relaxed rigour because I've transcended its bounds then I shouldn't be using the word "revert." I'm saying I'm NOT reverting to a childish mode of speech but rather am displaying consummate maturity in my more cavalier style, so revert is the wrong word. The fact that I said revert gives away my own self doubt.

I'm not suprised to be shit on! This is the shit factory! This place is like a shit rain.
>> No. 75605
We prefer the term Shittery

>> No. 75617
File balls.webm - (122.65KB )
>> No. 75622
>If I'm saying I'm typing with relaxed rigour because I've transcended its bounds then I shouldn't be using the word "revert." I'm saying I'm NOT reverting to a childish mode of speech but rather am displaying consummate maturity in my more cavalier style, so revert is the wrong word. The fact that I said revert gives away my own self doubt.
What are you even

You are insane
>> No. 75628
Stop now or your next ban will have as many hours as your previous one had minutes.
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