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File 144562706611.jpg - (83.48KB , 638x805 , devin.jpg )
75571 No. 75571
How has it become acceptable for social justice warriors to say such things about people simply because of their gender, orientation and race?
Expand all images
>> No. 75572
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>> No. 75573
As a straight white man I take it as a compliment that they find us intimidating and feel the need to attack us. While they're bitching and complaining, we're getting shit done and winning at life.
>> No. 75574
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>> No. 75576
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>> No. 75577
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>> No. 75578
Can you stop obsessively spamming our front page? You hellza don't need to make 5 consecutive posts about your political opinions over the course of an hour.

Also, most of those are satire, dude. Get a sense of humor.
>> No. 75580
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Let's be honest now. This is 99chan. Even without all these posts, there's no way this thread would have fallen off the front page.

Which ones are satire? Can you post proof that they aren't serious?
>> No. 75581

>Which ones are satire? Can you post proof that they aren't serious?

Uh, what exactly are you expecting here as your standard of evidence? I pop these suckers through an objective "CONTEXT MACHINE" and out it says, "76% joke"? How do you 'prove' something's a joke?

>“Regarding my use of hashtags: these were done on my personal account, which is separate to my work account. However, I still recognize and understand how this can be alienating and troubling to some. These are in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves — it’s a way of reclaiming the power from the trauma many of us experience as queers, women, people of color, who are on the receiving end of racism, misogyny and homophobia daily.”
>> No. 75582
File 144563716047.jpg - (38.23KB , 634x363 , Going-to-Africa_-Hope-I-dont-get-AIDS_-Just-kiddin.jpg )
If this is your definition of obsessively spamming it makes me question how much experience you have with spam and obsession.

Nice to know that "obviously I'm just joking geez don't take it so seriously" is a valid defense. Somebody should have told that to the angry mob that got this lady fired.
>> No. 75583
this thread is literally triggering me
>> No. 75585
File 144563975359.jpg - (206.78KB , 620x387 , nowhitemen.jpg )

>Uh, what exactly are you expecting here as your standard of evidence?

Quotes from the source of these images, maybe. It isn't hard to find the sources using google. Even if the images were jokes, could they hellza be considered acceptable? Why would someone who is supposedly fighting for equality find it okay to say "kill straight white people" or "all straight cis white men deserve violence"?

About the woman who used the hashtag #killallwhitemen: is saying you should kill an entire type of people an acceptable way to let out steam? Imagine a professional tweeting "kill all black women" or "gas all jews". At work, she organized events where cis white men weren't allowed to come. Imagine someone making a "no blacks allowed" event.
>> No. 75586
It's "acceptable" because it's harmless. While those evil SJWs bitch on Twitter, they don't actually go out and commit crimes very often. Meanwhile, transgender people get beaten/murdered all the time. Anger from white randos on Twitter is largely toothless, anger toward transgender people routinely ends in murder and battery all over the world.

Also, Bahar Mustafa is being brought up on charges, she has to get voted out of her "job". As far as I know people do still have freedom of speech, and if I have to sit through a bunch of Nazi propaganda on various places around the internet a few idiots on Twitter don't much concern me.
>> No. 75588
How is it harmless? You already triggered poor >>75583, you racist.

>they don't actually go out and commit crimes very often
Oh, never mind. They only do it sometimes, so it's ok. So by applying the same rules and the 14th Amendment to everyone else, it must be ok for white guys to do the same! Thanks for clearing that up! :D
>> No. 75590
File 144565454662.png - (1.58MB , 1518x1149 , AA-MLK-Civil-Rights-lynch-mob-justice-quote.png )
Due process is a brutal weapon the patriarchy wields to revictimize innocent women.

We need to listen and believe women when they say that someone raped them.
>> No. 75591
File 144565584032.jpg - (35.46KB , 596x326 , Inprisonment_Rates.jpg )
ballza point. The majority of crimes in the US are committed by blacks and latinos. Blacks are the worst offenders.
>> No. 75593
File 144565685751.jpg - (30.97KB , 600x437 , jews.jpg )
Most religious hate crimes in America are committed against Jews (followed by muslims), so I guess that makes it okay for American Jews to say kill all Muslims and for American Muslims to say all Atheists should burn in hell.
>> No. 75595
I say very often because I'm too lazy to do the research, but I'd put money that the number of transgender-on-cis murders is hovering around zero. Even a single example of one of these armchair revolutionaries on Twitter actually doing anything violent or murderous is likely difficult to find.

Taking a person seriously when she says she's been raped rather than going out of our way to find an excuse as to why it's all his/her fault would be nice. Due process can only work if the system gives a shit. Anyone who has ever had a break-in can tell you the police care more about revenue generation for the state rather than investigating crimes.

The majority of those violent crimes are committed against other blacks/latinos, but some bitching about blacks is at least understandable. The incessant bawling about Twitter SJWs is simply the result of never-ending internet culture wars between millennial "libertarians" with no sense of history and millennial "feminists" with no sense of communication or tact.

Even if they did, there would be little reason to fear a tiny minority group. People saying such and such majority group should die isn't hellza ballza, no, but personally I'm more worried about millions of whites who want to round up all der illegls cuz dey took err jerbs. Because they have the power to actually, you know, DO that, compared to antisocial randos on Twitter trying so desperately to prove that they are One of the ballza Ones™ and outdo the other tryhards in their echo chambers.
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