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File 144303571827.jpg - (71.29KB , 460x287 , momma.jpg )
74977 No. 74977

John Lennon wanted to pork his momma. Do you want to pork your momma?
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>> No. 74980
Not at all in any way shape or form. Interestingly though, I DO have a HUGE fetish for being doted on by overweight, big assed japanese women.
>> No. 74985
No, I wanna pork my half-sister and my cousin.
>> No. 74990
File 144310698039.jpg - (255.21KB , 455x669 , lardbutt.jpg )
You have ballza taste. As far as fatties go, the asian fatties are probably the cutest.
>> No. 74991
Please, do go on. What are they like and why do you want to make sweet love to them?
>> No. 74999
I wouldn't make sweet love to my cousin, though. She's merely attractive. In fact I think I'd probably be extra rough with her; she's not exactly an affable person most of the time.

My half-sister, though, is a completely different story. I mean I do genuinely love her, after all. Pretty much the only other person with whom I share surname that I genuinely love. Oh and she's gorgeous, of course. I may be able to love but that doesn't mean I'm not just as shallow as anyone else.
>> No. 75004
No but I find the idea of incest, especially mom-son incest, to be very arousing.

I almost sexed my cousin once but she isn't blood related.
>> No. 75016

Weirdly, I have the same fetish, and have an adopted cousin I want to fugg real bad.
>> No. 75124
I have a theory that my mom has wanted to have sex with me since I was a child. My parents are divorced so in some way I think I always had to be "mommy's little man." She definitely slides into "toxic parent" every once in a while and starts hanging on my arm in some way but my dad is actually way more clingy I just have stopped talking to him. hellza I think it's all pretty normal, we all spend a lot of time around each other and need to display affection for each other physically to be healthy, lines get blurred... hellza everyone just has to keep a clear head. We all have "strange thoughts." Don't we?

My grandpa tried to get me to admit my cousin was hot recently but I just obliged him by pretending to be completely disgusted instead of simply bored. Neither of my female cousins have ever significantly interested me because they both look visibly like me. They have your genes for christ's sake, isn't that purile disgust enough to turn you off of the idea completely?
>> No. 75129
>no results

excuse me, I appear to be lost
>> No. 75137
We were doing great, you fuck
>> No. 75160
Sometimes in certain photos, my girlfriend looks like my mother, but only from certain angles when she smiles. I'm worried that other people will notice when they see her facebook photos and think I'm acting on an oedipus thing.

Other times she looks nothing like my mom. My girlfriend is one of those people who looks completely different - the the point of looking like a whole other person - from photo to photo.

In person, the only thing they have in common is being short and generously-bootied.
>> No. 75161
>I may be able to love but that doesn't mean I'm not just as shallow as anyone else.
You're creating a false contrast between love/affection and physical attraction. Just because you are capable of finding people phsyically attractive does not mean you are shallow. Often, that attraction is an aspect of love; that's the essence of being in a romantic partnership: a mix of romantic love, friendship, and physical attraction. Obviously there's more to it but those are the cornerstones.
>> No. 75162



>> No. 75167
Why thank you sir.

I can't look at the Op pic without shaking my head and thinking "Look at those NOSES would you?" But they are kind of gross and weird anyhow lol
>> No. 75173
>> No. 75192
Goddamnit this site is full of incest\
>> No. 75223
File 144431906012.jpg - (99.77KB , 610x427 , 99chan.jpg )
99chan is the Great Britain of the internet. A small, isolated place that lingers as a shadow of its former self where the limited population just swirls around in circles, inbreeding (in 99chan's case, intellectually; in the UK's case, literally) to the point of mental retardation, bad teeth, and weird soft, jowly faces, and despite a desperate need of new blood to spice up our dying economy and shallow gene pool, we react viciously against new immigrants who do not immediately integrate into our inbred-and-crumbling-yet-still-clinging-to-the-illusion-of-superiority society.
>> No. 75224
Well, actually, also literally in this case. I should have never added anyone from here on facebook.
>> No. 75227

The incest analogy is a fairly accurate, both figuratively and literally. Does no one remember mom BJ guy?
>> No. 75248
The only person who comes to mind is the guy who audio recorded the time he got his mom to give him a blowjob. It's still floating around out there.

Incidentally I have fantasized about my mom giving me a blowjob but would never act on it.
>> No. 75250
I do but I forget the specifics. What was the story behind it again? He was going abroad and wanted to have a BJ before he left so he kept trying to convince her to do it? Remember when we made those animated cartoons on Xtranormal? I did one about that guy.

My favorite was the one about submarines. It's too bad that sight is gone now. I had it bookmarked and was sad to find they're all gone.
>> No. 75401
ok potato man c u later bye-bye baby

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