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File 144362796169.jpg - (67.94KB , 473x480 , image.jpg )
75081 No. 75081
I'm quite surprised that this site gets more traffic than MasterChan lel
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>> No. 75082
I'm quite surprised that your throat gets more d-gargling traffic than your mom's lel
>> No. 75083
What's masterchan?
>> No. 75087
A site that seems to be devoted to pedophiles posting pictures of underage girls, last time I checked.
>> No. 75088
Well then no shit it's inactive, looking for that stuff on the surface web is retarded.
>> No. 75099
File 144367553247.gif - (317.41KB , 300x166 , 1352616860111.gif )

I remember going there for shits and giggles twice, either before knowing what they were actually hosting or before the CP was posted en masse.

Most of the boards are thankfully clean, but dead. Similar to the thousands of 8chan boards with one or two posts. I think the entire premise was to not have the ability to delete ANYTHING all in the name of free speech. As you can imagine it was fairly disastrous even before the pedos flocked to it.

As a side note, Ive had to stop going to several other relatively inactive imageboards because half of em don't clean up after these assholes. At least 99 keeps it real.
>> No. 75123
I got upset with 8chan because I had heard it was supposed to be a place to talk about anything without censorship, but, as such, that's a two way street. I found some boards about Asatru/Odinism/Norse Neo-Paganism and it ended up just being a bunch of edgy people talking about how much they hate blacks.
>> No. 75402
basing your imageboard on the premise of no censorship is just asking for everything to turn to shit

you do that and you end up with nothing but racism and jailbait boards

the 99chan way is better because it embraces the cold, curating hand of the mod to guide the development of the board

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