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File 144526513462.png - (290.66KB , 682x554 , moth.png )
75492 No. 75492

If you were wealthy enough to participate in this auction and win, what would you name this moth? The possibilities are endless, 99chan.
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>> No. 75497
Fuzzy flappy futterfuck.
>> No. 75501
jews did 9/11
>> No. 75502
>> No. 75664
>>Winning bid:US $12,600.00

ARE YOU KIDDING? That's ridiculously cheap for something this neat. Shit yo, I was sure the price would rise into the hundred thousands. Now I am saddened by the fact that I could not have participated in this auction.

Would it be difficult to fly to some jungle in the middle of nowhere and discover a new species? I desperately want to name a creature "fartmaster doodoobutt".
>> No. 75666
just have a baby and you can name it whatever the fuck you want
>> No. 75667
File 144582107185.gif - (280.15KB , 500x400 , ohnoo.gif )
>that feel when you realize that Beyonce probably doesn't care about the fact that she has a rad-as-shit horsefly named after her ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaptia_beyonceae )

>Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus probably aren't even jealous

>no one cares about horseflies and moths
>> No. 75668
My baby probably wouldn't be mentioned in nerdy books (or any worthwhile book, for that matter) unless it was born with six arms and a butt on its head :(

My baby would never be protected from extinction by animal rights groups, nobody would care if my baby went extinct

My baby would never be responsible for infecting people with strange exotic diseases

My baby would never be a cute larvae and would never shed its exoskeleton

My baby would probably grow up to be a stupid boring banker that everyone would forget about
>> No. 75670
>My baby would never be responsible for infecting people with strange exotic diseases
That's what my parents thought too but look at me now you don't even want to know what I've been spreading
>> No. 75673
File 144582225237.png - (235.66KB , 1148x516 , hitler.png )
Now, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was different. When someone named a species of blind cave beetle after him, he sent them a thank you note.

Adolf Hitler is more polite than Beyonce.
>> No. 75676
He's prettier too :3
>> No. 75677
File 144583439462.jpg - (50.33KB , 300x411 , trousers.jpg )
Damn right.
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