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75062 No. 75062
This is a long shot, and I could use /ask/ but this might interest some other dudes too. A long ass time ago, when xtranormal wasn't dead, some guys from here made a few movies. Some that I remember are the one where two guys are the last people on Earth, and then there's one with two superheroes in an alleyway with the man trying to hit on the woman inappropriately throughout.

I'm praying that somebody saved them. Such treasures need to be preserved.

>> No. 75258
bumps m8s

>> No. 75259
I made the superhero one and the apocalypse one. I'm very flattered that you still remember those and are searching for them but I'm pretty certain they are gone forever. Xtranormal had a handy semi-automated upload to Youtube function that I unfortunately never took advantage of and so my account and its videos are lost.

Fortunately, the guy who made what I think were the funniest videos in those threads backed up three out of the many he made to youtube (I think his xtranormal username was MilkMachine). My personal favourites are Half Downs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO2jwFLlAgQ) and this one about trade agreements which is very timely these days what with the TPP controversy and such https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvYLG6wCzGA

I laughed myself to tears when I first saw both of these and I wish he had backed up more of his creations.

May Love guide your soul, with Jesus in your heart, as I thank you for allowing me to post.
>> No. 75428
Both were great, but I'll never be in stitches as when I saw that superhero one, a shame so many of them are lost forever. Here's to the ballza old days, and to yourself.
>> No. 75436
You're making me blush :3 So glad you enjoyed it.
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