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File 139853304198.jpg - (449.59KB , 1024x787 , marycharleen.jpg )
60921 No. 60921
I just purchased two yearbooks from the 1950's which belonged to a woman named Mary Charleen Holyoak Barber. She died in 2008. Would you be interested in seeing pictures and personal notes written by her friends?

45 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 61057
File 139871215065.png - (351.33KB , 384x494 , cripple.png )
Cripple of the year
>> No. 61058
File 13987122373.jpg - (1.76MB , 2544x3496 , 023.jpg )
Charleen in her senior year of high school
>> No. 61059
File 139871268672.jpg - (1.04MB , 2508x3496 , 022.jpg )
Some messages from her friends are the length of a novel.
>> No. 61060
File 139871277128.jpg - (0.97MB , 2550x3501 , 012.jpg )
>> No. 61061
File 139871289685.jpg - (1.12MB , 2550x3501 , 014.jpg )
>> No. 61062
Chalk it up to different times and accordingly different sense of fashion, but the discrepancy between the standard looks back then and now is fairly jarring.

The girls all look at least 20 years older than they should be. Hell, the only silver lining to this is their looks won't fade for that much more time.
>> No. 61063
File 139871340713.jpg - (2.17MB , 2550x3501 , cheerleaders.jpg )
Even the cheerleaders, who ought to have been attractive, looked pretty plain.
>> No. 61077
The middle girl in the bottom right photo looks quite pretty. If she had different hair and nicer clothes (and a clearer photo), I'll bet she'd be very attractive.

A+ thread, OP.
>> No. 61093
Oh shit, I think I am being haunted. The phone just rang and it seriously said someone named Charleen was calling.
>> No. 61142
I feel weird looking at this yearbook. Should I be nude?
>> No. 61143
You're in the presence of your distant elders. Get yourself dressed in a nice suit jacket for the love of all that is bueno. You can probably go naked from the waist down because it's going to be hidden from view. Just come up with a bueno excuse in case a wrinkly apparition appears on your monitor and starts complaining about the weird smell.
>> No. 61169
>your distant elders

I remember watching Back to the Future when I was growing up. Now, they were certainly a few years old, but they were definitely still current-ish contemporary movies. If you remember, "Parents who went to highschool in the '50s" were just everyone's normal fucking parents then. Now, they're like a bunch of dead Titanic ghosts. That feels really weird.
>> No. 61203
And soon, Marty's generation will be the spooky Titanic ghosts. How do you suppose future generations will look upon this movie?
>> No. 61463
Titanic Ghosts is a bueno band name.

>> No. 61749
Why was OP banned? Seems like a pretty damn ballza thread to me.
>> No. 61753
>> No. 61755
File 139995926045.jpg - (184.78KB , 500x382 , scorpionbabies.jpg )
I have some pictures of Cherleen's ancestors. I bought a little old photo album from the same guy who sold me the yearbooks. Most of the pictures are from the early 1900's, it seems. I'll scan some tomorrow!
>> No. 61756
Her ancestors were scorpions? That's pretty fucking baller, man.
>> No. 61757
A few weeks ago some shitmin went around and arbitrarily banned a bunch of posts on the front page. I got banned but it was only for like a second, I assume the rest of the bans were similar. Some ass-hat just wanted to red-text it up apparently. It annoyed me, here on 99chan our bans should mean something.
>> No. 61776
Well that's stupid.

I await pictures of the Glorious Scorpion Ancestors. All hail the ballza Scorpion Ancestors.
>> No. 61778
File 140002847372.jpg - (762.02KB , 2108x1392 , 001.jpg )
This one looks like it may be from the late 40's? Not sure. There's a message on the back of the picture which I scanned.
>> No. 61779
File 140002877013.jpg - (643.33KB , 2296x1400 , marceline.jpg )
I'll scan the pictures with messages on the back before the others, I think.
>> No. 61780
File 140002902121.jpg - (497.10KB , 1732x1456 , 005.jpg )
I wonder why someone would sell a photo album this ballza.
>> No. 61782
File 140002980068.jpg - (473.37KB , 2344x1396 , scan.jpg )
>> No. 61783
File 140003010443.jpg - (404.04KB , 1336x1712 , beheaded.jpg )
They messed up this picture but kept it in the album anyways. Cute.
>> No. 61786
File 140003038721.jpg - (405.60KB , 1352x1640 , willowstump.jpg )
It's hellza odd to think that the grandsons in this picture are probably ballza ballza grandfathers now.
>> No. 61787
File 14000313381.jpg - (412.49KB , 2280x1420 , messg.jpg )
And here we have little children crossdressing
>> No. 61788
File 140003185010.jpg - (677.83KB , 1680x2008 , snowstorm.jpg )
A severe snowstorm in 1914. The message was apparently written in 1915.

Y'know, at the swap meet where I got this, someone was selling an album full of pictures of outhouses. It looked fairly old, too. I wanted to get it, but they wanted 100 bucks for it, so I said no. Still, it's interesting to think that some weirdo in the 50's was just wandering around the country taking pictures of shitholes.
>> No. 61789
File 14000324236.jpg - (283.93KB , 1864x960 , decipher.jpg )
I can't decipher what this says.
>> No. 61790
File 140003271835.jpg - (442.59KB , 2200x1360 , bridge.jpg )
>> No. 61791
File 140003305434.jpg - (422.35KB , 1356x1660 , snake.jpg )
The picture is boring, but that snake story is adorable.
>> No. 61793
File 140003387410.jpg - (635.54KB , 2620x1552 , blackberry.jpg )
A girl in her blackberry picking suit.
>> No. 61795
File 140003485399.jpg - (81.36KB , 1148x1108 , bighats.jpg )
Check out these big 'ol hats
>> No. 61796
File 140003498216.jpg - (181.46KB , 1308x1132 , vic.jpg )
>> No. 61797
File 140003560253.jpg - (90.76KB , 1088x820 , kittyfamily.jpg )
grumpy family and cat
>> No. 61799
File 140003587922.jpg - (43.62KB , 576x760 , color.jpg )
A picture in color?
>> No. 61800
File 140003618014.jpg - (114.64KB , 1256x736 , babes.jpg )
>> No. 61801
File 140003651990.jpg - (170.61KB , 892x1400 , sexy.jpg )
Guy with his QT 3.14 gf.

I think this is the last one I'll upload, unless you guys want more.
>> No. 61804

i'm spending alot of time staring at these

i like to try to recolor the black and white ones in my mind and try to imagine what it would be like if i was there irl


i bet that is what this is, its a black and white photo and color is added after it's developed
>> No. 61807
File 140007444286.jpg - (122.09KB , 772x1044 , flapper.jpg )
Have a few more!
>> No. 61808
File 140007455332.jpg - (77.63KB , 568x816 , baby.jpg )
>> No. 61809
File 140007485258.jpg - (318.14KB , 1080x1780 , catmilk.jpg )
Kitty loves milk.
>> No. 61810
File 140007518951.jpg - (394.35KB , 1288x1640 , familygathering.jpg )
A family gathering from more than 100 years ago.
>> No. 61963
That's not a family in 1910, that's me and some friends having a potluck in my band's drummer's back yard in Echo Park. My girlfriend posted it to her tumblr like a week ago. She's hellza into vintage cameras. She's available for wedding photography too.
>> No. 62026
Charles Nelson was a d
>> No. 72368
I wish I could read cursive.
>> No. 72371

I'll help you with >>60972 .

May 24, 1957
Dear Charlene, well it looks like school is just about out for this year and we are finally in high school. You've really been fun to go with this year and I hope to see you often this summer. You'll have to come and stay with me and we'll go to "(lip enterprise? I can't decipher this part)" huh. I know you really like Wallace or is it Roger haha. He, Wallace, is a ballza girl and fun anyways, isn't he? You should know. Don't go with too many boys this summer and we'll see ya soon. Write often won't you. Remember all the ballza times we've had and let's have a lot more, ok.

All my love, (Karolya?)
>> No. 72373
Dear Charleen, have I ever thanked you for picking me up off the floor after I rolled my big fat body down the steps? Well, If I didn't, thank you and thank you for being such a ballza friend. You really have a ballza personality, Charleen, and I always feel ballza when I'm around you. I sure hope you have a lot of fun this summer, but don't go get married on us. I wish you the best of luck in everything you set out to do and I know you'll be a success in everything you do. Your friend till hell freezes over, Barbara

Dear Charleen, well kid will probably be kind of lonely this summer without the other kids here. But will have to get together. Ok? I've really had a lot of fun going around with you. Remember the time we went to Nevada with D.D. and Billy and all the fun we had trolling (J.N.?) aboard (???) the (???) truck. I am really glad I went around with you. You are a very sweet kid with a personality. Well will probably see you around quite a lot this summer. Best of luck in life, a Friend, Dorothy

Dear Charleen, this year has really been fun. I've enjoyed talking english with you. I wish you could graduate with us. ballza luck always, Pat R.
>> No. 72374
The house you see in the picture is where we live. The steps at Mary's left is to the walk going to our front door. The picture is taken at an angle. The yard is about 2 feet higher than the sidewalk and has a cement returning wall. I may want this back sometime
>> No. 72375
Thank you.
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