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No. 64793
  Why are cows so adorable?
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>> No. 64796
  It's really amazing how we slaughter them every day for meat.

If I weren't heartless I'd probably be a vegetarian.
>> No. 64797
File 14072791705.jpg - (191.02KB , 500x493 , friendlycow.jpg )
seriously though cows are fucking delicious
>> No. 64798
File 140727932931.jpg - (71.36KB , 540x415 , cowfriend.jpg )
Doesn't it freak you out how we have to desensitize ourselves to violence if we want to live a normal life? Even vegetarians have to live with the knowledge that their friends and families support the slaughter of cute cuddly animals. We're a pretty cruel species.
>> No. 64801
Naww, man. We're evil goldfish living in an eviler ocean. Or rather, our nature is only evil because existence requires us to do great evil.
>> No. 64802
Yep. I don't think we're evil at all, we're just cruel. But like you said, we've got a ballza reason to be.

We kill shit left and right without giving it a second thought. Some things we can't avoid killing. Insects, grass, microscopic organisms... All in all this world's pretty grody.
>> No. 64803
  Oh jeez. Everything on this guy's channel is farm themed parodies of things from pop culture.

>> No. 64804
>> No. 64809
I know he's amazing
>> No. 64810
Would you kindly stop being such a whiny faggot?

>> No. 64812
I'm not whinyyyyyyy

Shut uuuuupppp
>> No. 64934
Cows can and do get aggressive and trample people to death. Sorry, if we're going to be killjoys, nobody gets to have fun.

My dad saw OPs video recently but I didn't get to see it. I finally got to see it now!
>> No. 64942
What's your dad's skype ID? I want to talk to him about cows.
>> No. 64961
Cows are surprisingly intelligent creatures. From my experience with them, growing up on a farm where we had a herd around 120, I can say that they are approximately as intelligent as a dog. Although because of their size they can be dangerous.

I remember my job used to be bring feed out to them in the winter on an old crap golf cart, they associated the sound and color of the golf cart with food so as soon as they heard it coming down the hill all the cows would come running. Classic Pavlov's bell. Sometimes if there was a calf whose mother died during child birth, we would bring the calf to the house for a few weeks to nurse it to the point where it would survive. Keep in mind that an adult healthy cow is worth several hundred dollars.

We would give these "house cows" names, like Annabelle for example, and the cow would remember the name and us for its lifetime. I could be out in the field years later and call "Annabelle!!" and the now fully grown cow would come running like a dog whose name you called, trying to nuzzle me.

Once while we were trying to load an unruly young problem bull to take to the slaughterhouse he turned on me. The bull was really pissed off, compounded by my liberal use of the shock prod, and charged me. I tried to sidestep it but his head got me right in the ribs, I was lucky and was only badly bruised but it could easily have been much worse if he had gotten on top of me.

Overall, cows are really cool but I still eat them. Meat agriculture gets a bad rep because of all the "Factory farms" that receive a lot of publicity, but there are still tons of family beef farms out there where the cows get to happily graze in pastures without being forced into tiny cells. The most traumatic experiences they have is being loaded in to trailers and having the deed done itself.
>> No. 64979
Those are adorable stories. Makes me nostalgic for my rural childhood :3

>Meat agriculture gets a bad rep because of all the "Factory farms" that receive a lot of publicity, but there are still tons of family beef farms out there where the cows get to happily graze in pastures without being forced into tiny cells
I hear ya. I'm borderline-vegetarian these days (swinging toward veganism lately, actually) mostly due to the massive amounts of water and feed that go into producing meat. Beef - factory farmed or no - is particularly bad on this front, so I mostly steer (pun!) clear. Every so often, though, I get these massive meat cravings, so I'll go to a nearby farmer's market and buy a pound of beef from this local family.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how different the world and the agriculture industry would be if everyone a) cut back on their meat consumption and b) made more ethical choices with the meat they buy. It's not any more expensive than the grocery store to buy local, grassfed meat, at least not in my city. Though there are a ton of farmer's markets here and a lot of viable ag land just a few minutes' drive from the city center. I'm sure it's different in more metropolitan areas.
>> No. 64998
I was in FFA once, when I was still in middle school. I raised chickens and one lamb but my brother raised a heifer and a steer, I remember going to their pens and they'd always been sticking their tongue all up in their nose, retracting it and smacking their mouths, just to go back up again. Then we'd siphon water into their buckets (the spigot was a ways away from their pens) and they'd stand there slobbering up their noses.

Cows are retards.
>> No. 65000
If you could pick your nose with your tongue, you'd do it. That's like saying dogs are retarded because they lick their own cocks.
>> No. 65004
>Once while we were trying to load an unruly young problem bull to take to the slaughterhouse he turned on me. The bull was really pissed off, compounded by my liberal use of the shock prod, and charged me. I tried to sidestep it but his head got me right in the ribs, I was lucky and was only badly bruised but it could easily have been much worse if he had gotten on top of me.

It's not like he had options, man.
>> No. 65079
>> No. 65086
When I was about middle school age living in farmland we had to cross a farmers field to get to the nearest lake. We knew the guy, he was always cool with it.

One day, we took my friends dog and for the breed he was (yellow lab) he was kinda foul. Always moody, wanted to fight, exc. We get to the field where the cows were, and of course the dog ends up agitating the cows, and they began to line up. We walked a bit farther before recognizing that they were following us. We stopped several times, and they got closer each time, stomping their hooves and starting at us.

Within the next five seconds, They started to charge, my buddy started fucking screaming at the top of his lungs, I screamed RUN at him and we both were simultaneously laughing hard and running as fast as we have ever ran before. We ditched our fishing equipment and made it to a bank which we could jump over that the cows wouldn't cross. He made it. I did not.

Just a few stitches was all I had for my troubles. I also pissed on the electric fence in that same trip, but that's another story for another time.
>> No. 71728
I have it on ballza, trusted authority that cows are dumb.
>> No. 71825
I feel like meat would be fine if we just didn't eat so much of it. I'm a vegetarian because I don't like the environmental damage done by the meat industry. I feel like a lot of things would be better if so many people need a form of meat with every meal.
>> No. 74509
File 144016157272.jpg - (17.99KB , 281x325 , whatifmykneesarentthatgreat.jpg )

Sup Regs
>> No. 74532

I eat all the meat I want and make up for it by not having children because they're the ultimate carbon footprint multiplier.
>> No. 74534
File 144026061078.gif - (2.97MB , 320x179 , 0.gif )
What if you have kids and teach them to have a negative carbon footprint? See? Now you're adding to the carbon footprint by not having them.
Your move sir..
>> No. 74537
>I'm a vegetarian because I don't like the environmental damage done by the meat industry.
You see, this is what I dislike about most vegetarians. What, you think that your not eating meat somehow reduces the amount that's produced or something? Or do you just not want to get involved so you can shift the blame to someone else while the situation changes absolutely in no way? That's an idiotic reason to be a vegetarian. The meat industry is not going to reduce its production just because there's one bloke who doesn't buy meat. I say it's even more disgraceful not to eat it since the cows or what have you have already been slaughtered. It's a waste and somewhat disrespectful to the dead animal itself.

Or maybe the meat industry *is* monitoring each and every one of us and adjusting their production accordingly. Yep. That must be it.
>> No. 74542
It's the old "my vote won't matter" argument. It's never about just one guy. It's about collective action. I don't go to Walmart, more or less because they have low-quality shit everything, but also because they treat their employees like shit. Of course me doing that is going to put Walmart out of business, but if enough people think like me it can hurt them.
>> No. 74547
File 144029503493.jpg - (128.84KB , 500x375 , joint.jpg )
Yes, I'm such a narcissist that I think Meat Inc. is going to be horrified by the decline in my purchases of deli meats and go preemptively bankrupt.

there is no moral value in choosing, as an individual, not to participate in an industry I see as harmful
>> No. 74550
File 144029597197.jpg - (126.14KB , 800x800 , aXm8129xjU.jpg )
>>74537 Not who you're replying to but for me the thought that keeps me wanting to be vegetarian or vegan is about aliens. Now, I have been able to reduce my meat consumption greatly but sometimes you just get a craving for some, your body telling you it's lacking some nutrients (because I probably don't get all them how I eat) but yeah that's shit hard to give up.

Okay but yeah back onto why I personally would love to be fully vegetarian. So, because cows are seen a lesser beings than humans we reserve the right to do some pretty terrible things to them. Less so in places where cows are free-range but even still their life's are pretty much controlled from start to finish in order to extract tasty meat from them. Then there's the way factory farms treat cows which is even worse.

So yeah the main line of thought is that if aliens came down to earth and were superior to humans the way humans believe they are superior to cows and other animals we eat, why shouldn't the aliens build factory farms for human meat? Assuming that humans might be some sort of delicacy for them. My only way to subjugate this feeling in me that aliens would be wholly in the right to do such things was if I myself chose not to do such things to others. Basically if you don't want to be factory farm raised to be meat for some alien you have a better moral ground to argue upon if you didn't partake of the same things yourself.
>> No. 74551
What makes you think aliens would want to eat human meat, or indeed would even have biologies capable of processing human meat?
>> No. 74552
The meat of apex predators in general tends to be pretty gross because of biomagnification. It's the same reason that humans don't (generally) eat meat from, say, lions or wolves.
>> No. 74553
>if aliens came down to earth and were superior to humans the way humans believe they are superior to cows and other animals we eat, why shouldn't the aliens build factory farms for human meat?

Probably becauase humans take over a decade to mature, so that would be fucking stupid.
>> No. 74554
File 144029828931.gif - (1.02MB , 500x500 , JMAD5Tr.gif )
>>74551 because it's like pork but even more tasty.

>>74553 maybe aliens are ballza at playing the long-con and earth is a farm for human meat.
>> No. 74555
I'd say that the differences between humans and cows are that humans are sentient and tool-users. After all, there is no cow equivalent to Randy Quaid, the Academy Award-nominated actor/drunken fighter pilot.
>> No. 74561
Shut up Randy
>> No. 74566

The meat industry doesn't produce meat on the assumption that every person in the United States eats meat. They create meat in order to meet demand from stores. Those stores attempt to order as much meat as the customers want, but with as little extra as possible. The meat producers raise animals and slaughter them, but attempt to only raise as many animals as necessary. They may be imperfect at monitoring your eating habits, producers do monitor them, yes. There is not as much meat produced in the US as if all 7.3 million vegetarians ate meat. If there were 14.6 million instead, the effect would be roughly twice as big.

Also, what are you defining as a moral action?
>> No. 74571
>Also, what are you defining as a moral action?
Maybe ethical would have been a better word than moral.
>> No. 74624

Not quite. You are forgetting the export/import market. Any producer in a perfectly competitive system will maximize production, knowing that there is always someone somewhere who wants to buy at any price. Because the market is globalized, your personal production or lack thereof will not affect the price of the ballza, so the only options are maximum production, or complete shut down.
>> No. 74655
But would the definition of "maximum production" change if enough people had no desire for the product? Like if enough people became vegetarians to have a significant impact on the market, would that change the size of what maximum production is?
>> No. 74714
File 144107388353.jpg - (66.96KB , 604x453 , chair.jpg )
Man, I fucking love cows they are great creatures. Here's some OC for all you OG cow lovers out there from my farm working days. This chair got blown off my porch during a storm out into the field, and this cheeky little bastard decided to make it into his necklace. It was quite a struggle to sneak up onto him in order to take it off his neck and bring him to freedom. It was quite fashionable, but I had to get my chair back.
>> No. 74716
why didn't you just shoot the cow and get your chair back easy peasy?

jk, my real reaction is this:
>> No. 74724
File 144111382347.jpg - (23.92KB , 400x400 , Zooey-Deschanel.jpg )
i fucking hate cows! they are ugly, stupid, creatures that poison our lands and use vital resources.
around here, cows shit everywhere. it dries up and sits until monsoon season when it gets swept into the rivers. there it degrades, robbing the oxygen from the water, killing all the fish. it gives you infections if you try to swim in rivers or lakes. they use tons of water and food.

cows are ugly nasty creatures which should be banned from america
>> No. 74729
I live near a decent amount of cows and I don't have an issue with water infections or monsoon season. Sounds like Calcutta problems.
>> No. 74733
File 144114605983.jpg - (1.45MB , 3008x2000 , indigenous farmer in vidarbha.jpg )
I was just thinking "dude must live in Tanzania or some shit" but then he's all "ban cows in America!" and I was like "whaaaat?"

Though I hear hurricane season is rough in Wisconsin.
>> No. 74770
File 144135735718.jpg - (204.16KB , 1600x1200 , zd.jpg )
arizona, basketball americans
>> No. 74778

Arizona is a desert wasteland, if there are cows there it's not the fault of the cows but the people the decide to raise them there on the artificial irrigated grasslands. "Monsoon" in Arizona? Yeah right. Cows are awesome and your attack is baseless.
>> No. 74792
i fucking hate zoe deschanel! she is an ugly, stupid, creature that poisons our lands and uses vital resources.
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