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File 141002855697.jpg - (109.59KB , 985x1000 , coffinworkdesk.jpg )
65749 No. 65749
Multiple people in my facebook feed are posting crowdfunding sites to help pay their bills.

People I know are panhandling through facebook.
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>> No. 65750
You are who you have loose associations with through online social network communities.
>> No. 65762
Damn that's a great idea, I should start doing this. I should tell homeless people about this. Instead of sitting on the street all day they could just go laze around the library and panhandle over the internet. Truly we live in a glorious age when even the most unfortunate souls of our society can forsake the physical world completely.
>> No. 65763
There are already enough homeless people in the library. Please do not encourage them. Some people still do use actual books to read.
>> No. 65767

So you're saying there's something wrong with taking a bath in a public sink, and smearing shit everywhere when you have perfectly available toilet paper, because you got into the habit due to not being able to afford tp after closing hours?
>> No. 65775
Hey, buddy, it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. If you let people wash themselves in sinks, you might as well let people marry livestock. I don't want my hardly-earned tax dollars funding a homosexual sink bath with books everywhere. Benghazi.
>> No. 65777
I'm actually pretty surprised I haven't heard about anyone trying to marry livestock yet.
>> No. 65796

there's tons of results on google for it
>> No. 65959
>> No. 65980

I once married a dog, and she and I still live happily in Croatia. You may call our lifestyle wrong, but we are a proud couple with a happy, long life ahead of us. Well. I do.
>> No. 65987
File 141041333034.jpg - (28.73KB , 432x382 , 1409187940733.jpg )
It works. My friends wife does it and gets quite a bit.
>> No. 66001
How does it work? Is the cause or project they want to fund "paying my water bill"?
>> No. 66012
I'm not that guy but I suspect a few people in my town do it. Basically after a heavy rainfall or something like that you make up a sob story. For example, your basement flooded and the insurance won't cover it and you lost all these family pictures and furniture and waah waah you need money. Or you know, something like that. You lost your job due to the recession, the banks are being mean to you and you need money, etc. People will just throw money at you because of this whole mentality that we can fix the entire world by donating money instead of caring.

I suppose this is more along the lines of a scam than panhandling but whatever.
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