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File 140965875315.jpg - (65.50KB , 646x960 , 10593002_10152255646750812_850124278652112181_n.jpg )
65578 No. 65578
where do you stream tv shows from? i'm in japan and trying to watch orange is the new black. the torrents files are too much for my crappy netbook to play well.
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>> No. 65580
Why are you in Japan? That's stupid.
>> No. 65583
Have the Japanese criminalized the use of capital letters?
>> No. 65584
File 140967247533.jpg - (2.35MB , 2448x3264 , 20140830_232148.jpg )
pithy yet eloquent.
do you write haiku?
>> No. 65585

Your handwriting is atrocious.
>> No. 65589
What part of Japan are you in, and why are you there?
>> No. 65592
I'm having a really difficult time deciding whether his English handwriting is worse than his Japanese characters. They both look like they were mashed onto paper by a slobbering mongoloid.
>> No. 65614
Why are you watching Orange Is The New Black instead of watching weird Japanese gameshows while you sniff some panties you bought from a vending machine?
>> No. 65686
why not both?
>> No. 65701
calligraphy experts in this ITT
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