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File 140950805550.jpg - (233.82KB , 720x960 , humongous.jpg )
65456 No. 65456
I've been taking elephantine dumps this week and I don't know why.

What is your feces like?
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>> No. 65457
File 140950815521.jpg - (248.41KB , 960x720 , anaconda.jpg )
Holy shit, just look at this fecal anaconda
>> No. 65458
I think that poop is seriously bigger than my penis.
>> No. 65460
A baby carrot is bigger than your penis, bitch.
>> No. 65463
You call that "elephantine"? Amateur.
>> No. 65466
Alright, it's a poop-off. Put up pics with household items for scale. Winner takes all.
>> No. 65467
What have you been eating? I want to shit like that. It doesn't happen often, but when it does I love it.
>> No. 65471
An iranian beef sandwich probably caused it. That turd was very painful when it came out.
>> No. 65477

If you look closely at the left most part of the curve (as viewed) you can see what appears to be some sort of thin and circular metal ring, like a straightened paper clip or a key ring, or maybe a poor man's wedding ring. What the fuck have you been eating?
>> No. 65479
A "beef sandwich" is actually Persian slang for homosexual sex.
>> No. 65481

Do you know that because you're Persian, gay or both?
>> No. 65482
I'm the motherflippin' Toilet Survivor, biatch.
>> No. 65483

>> No. 65484
It's a cock ring... I-I've been sucking off persian cock...
>> No. 65485

Is that you rickb?
>> No. 65498
Pamela Hayden is the hottest 60-year-old of all time.
>> No. 65524
File 140960233576.jpg - (260.41KB , 960x720 , tinyshit.jpg )
Today I took a tiny shit.
>> No. 65553

Did you just mix your shit and piss in the same bowl? You're a fucking monster.
>> No. 65554
I generally sit so that I can piss and shit at the same time. Much more practical than standing up to pee.
>> No. 65555

That's absolutely disgusting. If you were a logger it might have been acceptable, but it appears that you're not so it isn't.
>> No. 65569
Wait a cotton-picking second, there are people who urinate, flush, then shit? And they think they're the normal ones? Jesuits.
>> No. 65607
I sit down all the time. Only time I stand to piss is at urinals. Its comfortable to sit, lets me read a bit of my book and makes sure I don't tinkle all over the seat or even the floor.

For whatever reason, my d likes to separate my piss stream into two, sometimes three streams. I very rarely get all my piss into a toilet.
>> No. 65621
I actually sit pretty often too. It's nice to just relax and sit on the toilet for a few minutes, innards all loose and free. I piss then just sit there a while, thinkin about stuff, realxin. I only ever stand if I'm in public or in a hurry.
>> No. 65702
I've had too many incidents involving accidentally pissing all over myself or my friends' bathrooms. I always sit down when I've been drinking because those are exactly the times when you piss yourself and "maybe if I just drench my pants with water people will think the sink exploded on me or something" sounds like an excellent idea.
>> No. 65704
i pierced my d so now without jewelry i have 2 streams at right angles. it's a fucking mess if i don't sit down
>> No. 65709
Please film yourself peeing standing up with no jewelry!
>> No. 65710
If he actually does it, could we give this gentleman his own token as a reward?
>> No. 65711
I'd like to see him piss while pinching his urethra shut, so the urine all comes out the piercing hole.
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