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File 141037219888.png - (51.91KB , 695x340 , miipenis.png )
65943 No. 65943
How come the Japanese don't draw ds everywhere?
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>> No. 65946
File 141037247672.png - (121.12KB , 1280x800 , meh_ro10850.png )
they do... in their porn
>> No. 65950
File 141037285761.png - (88.83KB , 768x432 , paulrobertsonheaven01.png )
Fun fact: that picture was, in fact, made by an American. His name is Paul Robertson.
>> No. 65953
Does he like meatloaf?
>> No. 65955
File 141037409663.gif - (930.75KB , 500x500 , airbrushed-cover-by-paul-robertson.gif )
I don't believe he ever said anything about that particular dish.
>> No. 65961
We should have atom bombed every Japanese city, town, village, and settlement. They are a filthy, bottom-feeding scumfuck of a people.
>> No. 65962
If humans were bottom-feeders, there wouldn't be starvation.
>> No. 65964
The Japanese don't starve, because they will even eat their own children.
>> No. 65996


lol, you weren't even alive you fucking idiot
>> No. 65997
I was born July 24th, 1923, in Bozeman, Montana, you dirt bag. I hope you dramatically trip and fall where nobody can hear you.
>> No. 65998
I want to see that mans nightmares. His and junji itous, maybe shintaro kagos as well.
>> No. 66007
>His name is Paul Robertson.
You sure his name is not Robert Paulson?
>> No. 66019
File 141047836420.gif - (1.73MB , 864x432 , paulrobertsonnightmare.gif )
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