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File 140959617160.jpg - (58.85KB , 634x423 , white wins.jpg )
65521 No. 65521
LOL this man's white genes are so powerful they completely beat his wife's black ones.
>> No. 65522
As someone who has known salt-pepper kids before, it doesn't show in a lot of them, at least not until they're older. It's usually small stuff, in the hair or nose or horse vagina.
>> No. 65556
I think he might be the great white hope.
>> No. 65559
Do not be fooled, that child is the antichrist.
>> No. 65560
Are you implying that that picture was taken in the early 60s?
>> No. 65561
>> No. 65571
Maybe he cheated on her with a white woman.
>> No. 65579
You don't think his wife would have noticed not being pregnant or giving birth?
>> No. 65581
Well, blacks are pretty gullible.
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