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File 140941475596.jpg - (18.95KB , 588x400 , make-a-wish.jpg )
65416 No. 65416
if you could have one wish under the condition that it cant significantly change the course of anyones life what would it be?

I would wish away top ten lists, or lists measured in 10s in general. They always phone a couple in. I'd read a 7 whatevers list over a 10 whatevers list anyday.
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>> No. 65422
Could I wish for an object which would have the potential to change someone's life significantly?
>> No. 65423
File 140942836696.jpg - (15.35KB , 236x314 , pinkurple.jpg )
I would make all colors natural hair colors.
>> No. 65425
This question can't be answered as is. I can't think of anything that wouldn't have the potential, no matter how improbable, to significantly change someone's life.
>> No. 65426
probably not
> significantly change

not maybe kind of sort of down the road lead to change
>> No. 65428
But what if I ask for a seemingly insignificant object like a rock which I then use to smash someone's head?
>> No. 65429
File 140943466376.png - (404.28KB , 345x429 , kigurumi2.png )
I would turn everyone into an anime character. It would be a purely cosmetic change.
>> No. 65430
I would make my hair perfect for the rest of my life. Or I would give myself the ability to walk daintily in super high stripper heels. Or I would make myself look young forever.
>> No. 65431
So, what are you saying? What is the timeframe for significant change? Unless it's immediate or simultaneous, all of these things could still potentially significantly affect someone else.
>> No. 65432
Shorts are now called pants. Pants are now called longs.
>> No. 65433
The death of survey threads. I don't browse often anymore, but are we going back to them, then?
>> No. 65436
I'd just wish for a couple billion dollars for myself.
>> No. 65437
Not the way I interpret causality. Secondary effects can hinge on even trivial matters.
>> No. 65443
I'd wish for everyone on 99chan to pull their heads out of their asses and just have fun with a thread concept instead of overthinking every fucking thing in order to sound smart

>> No. 65446
i wish everyone i hate had gooey sticky hands for the rest of their lives
>> No. 65447
You just described some of the main traits of 99chan. It sounds like you wish you weren't here. I bet the mods could grant your wish for you if you ask nicely.
>> No. 65448
I'd want to be a pretty lady but keep all of my current fetishes so I could make money easily.
>> No. 65450
>> No. 65451
Nah I'm far too manly to ever pull off the whole two-soul injun thing.
>> No. 65459
I wish for my toenails to stop growing.
>> No. 65461
Wish that I never started using nicotine
>> No. 65462
No kidding I'd wish to be either the Doctor or a very similar demigod-like entity.
>> No. 65465
That would significantly change the course of your life, you retard.
>> No. 65469
A lot of these break the rule of not significantly changing lives, his just breaks that rule a lot more. a couple replies get what I meant
>> No. 65472
File 140952360522.jpg - (43.44KB , 468x475 , nickimin2.jpg )

I would wish for Nicki Minaj not to be so trashy. This song almost seems like a parody of rap music.
>> No. 65473
this. I literally can't post anything because of this. If I could wish one thing they only changed my own life I would wish I was born a girl.
>> No. 65474
That would change other people's lives. Think about the boys who would develop crushes on you.
>> No. 65475
Don't think about it too hard, guys. I think OP just wanted to discuss really mundane wishes.

I wish everything ballza wasn't so unhealthy.
>> No. 65478
Then the OP should have just asked us to post mundane wishes and not this unanswerable question.
>> No. 65480
I don't care.
>> No. 65486
>> No. 65519
I'd wish to always be a comfortable temperature
>> No. 65523
What if you jumped into boiling water? Would you still boil but be comfortable at the same time?
>> No. 65525
Tennis is now called floor ping pong
>> No. 65542
I wish I could cum at will, with or without physical stimulation and I would produce twice as much semen as I currently do.
>> No. 65572
Damn. Did you read the comments? They caused me to become upset.
I'd make it so alcohol doesn't give hangovers.
>> No. 65574

That would have a pretty major impact on my life
>> No. 65596
Which ones made you upset? Was it people arguing over whether or not that song is real music? Was it the guy spamming about some rapper named Don C? Is it the people arguing whether over whether or not god exists?

The tweens commenting on the video are cute. "this is why I listen to "emo" music", teehee... I didn't know emo was still popular. That comment section is like middle school all over again.
>> No. 65597
File 140968383319.png - (10.71KB , 602x84 , urth.png )
>> No. 65598
File 14096849386.jpg - (119.51KB , 800x600 , 7JbVP79.jpg )
That's kind of a youtube meme. You just got coaxed into a snafu.
>> No. 65600
File 140968651251.jpg - (572.90KB , 1920x1080 , elementalbear.jpg )
I wish bear was an element instead of air.
>> No. 65601
I don't think we're build to breathe bear.
>> No. 65603
Yeah, well, I wish we could breathe bear.
>> No. 65604
File 140968924976.jpg - (84.28KB , 400x267 , Waterbear.jpg )

Chances are you've both breathed in bear at least once in your life. And it's probably still alive, inside you, having babies and eating your dinners.
>> No. 65606
I wish all my fingers were middle finger
>> No. 65613
Every man is named Tyree, every woman is named Shawndelle.
>> No. 65663
File 140977594427.jpg - (84.52KB , 500x490 , bearkiss.jpg )
What could I do to increase the amount of bears in my body? I would like to be a cute little bear zoo.
>> No. 65707
You fucking monster. I'll track you down, stick my gooey hands down your throat and tear out your heart.

I fucking hate gooey hands.
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