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File 140969893660.png - (33.40KB , 500x1000 , 1409178254063.png )
65615 No. 65615
Anyone got some ballza Polandballs?
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>> No. 65616
What are these Polandballs you speak of
>> No. 65617
File 140970218482.png - (130.14KB , 828x1754 , 1394121674619.png )

I save very few Polandballs, but this one made giggle for a very long time.
>> No. 65618
It would be funny if it Poland weren't doing jack shit about anything along with everyone else.
>> No. 65619

It's funny because Poland used to be a military powerhouse. I think there are a lot of nuances that make me find it funny, maybe I'm just being pretentious.
>> No. 65620
At the time it appeared as if though Poland was going to do something about it. They sent tanks to their borders and such.
>> No. 65631
It's a meme from 4 big dicks up my asshole and Krautchan. I'm not sure why the OP hasn't been banned yet.
>> No. 65635
File 140972302646.jpg - (545.85KB , 1412x1211 , Romance.jpg )
To be fair, it did start on Krautchan and then spread to 4, but it is also one of the better "memes" to come out of there.
>> No. 65644
File 140974793439.png - (104.77KB , 500x4648 , elInpzy.png )
God forbid that someone post something entertaining. You might as well say the reason you don't listen to Rammstein is "They're German, thats where the Nazis came from."
>> No. 65650
I've yet to see anything entertaining and I have a near retard-level ability to be entertained by practically anything. It's a stupid meme regardless of where it came from. I haven't seen a lot of support for any of this horseshit yet either. Maybe you would be better off circle-jerking over these comics with those who would appreciate it more? Just a suggestion, tiger.
>> No. 65653
You seem to be the only with any problem with it, maybe you should be the one to find alternate sources of entertainment if it bothers your little head so greatly.
>> No. 65654
No, this is the only thing I'm ballza at.
>> No. 65672
It's not so much a meme as it is a kind of fan fiction. Each of the comics is (presumably) an unique creation by an artist other than the original, but using the same formula and art style of the original. They mostly tell different stories and make different jokes. So, it's not really a meme. That said, I don't approve and I don't find them very entertaining.
>> No. 65687
File 140983197131.png - (98.11KB , 1092x2188 , 6773.png )
my favorite
>> No. 65691
File 140986694475.png - (235.42KB , 1021x1700 , TkSrRBK.png )
>> No. 65698
I've never understood why israel is a cube
>> No. 65700
jewish physics
>> No. 65706
I'm of the mind that if I wanted to see poland ball comics, I would go to KC.

I also don't want to be a d, so I'm not sure how to stand.
>> No. 65708
Be a man and give it to 'em like a d. Don't be a pussy and passively take it in.
>> No. 65719
>I'm of the mind that if I wanted to see porn I would go to a porn site.
That's how silly your statement sounds on this board.
>> No. 65721
That comparison isn't valid to what he said. The OP is asking for something that is in abundance somewhere else in a place where it's rarely found. It's like going to a forum on knitting and asking for tips on buying jet skis. A knitter or two might have some jet ski purchasing tips, but it's a poor place to go for such things.
>> No. 65738
File 140996674743.png - (80.82KB , 900x2682 , pb6.png )
Except this is "/b/"

So, post anything, really. Or is there is a list of pre-approved topics that I can look at?
>> No. 65740
Yeah, post anything. But don't be a little bitch if a few people think you're a shithead for bringing shithead Krautchan comics here and assuming we all are in on the unfunny joke, shithead.
>> No. 65745
No one did that, shithead.
>> No. 65747
File 14100062364.png - (209.71KB , 769x1283 , v6830.png )
This is the only one I can find on my computer.
>> No. 65755
dun geddit
>> No. 65757
London, aka "Tan Town" is filled to the brim with immigrants.
>> No. 65759
Heh, I think these are funny. Moslems are 8 balls, japan only attacks people from behind, poland talks shit. Hilarious.

Also, as an American I'm surprised I actually was able to tell who all these countries were. It's the one ballza thing that's ever come of my daily reading of the BBC.
>> No. 65805
File 14101883197.png - (778.04KB , 848x4969 , uCgEHga.png )
I found this one.
>> No. 65830
>> No. 65906
File 141031285819.png - (143.45KB , 620x2450 , 1373647507322.png )
I wouldn't really call it a meme. They're just simple comics based on stereotypes of the countries involved. For example, there are lots that play on the idea of Germans being closet-Nazis, and the Brit ball is drawn with a monocle and top hat.

It's just fun, silly political humour.
>> No. 65907
White British make up less than 50% of London's population.
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