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File 140973294648.jpg - (37.89KB , 500x287 , face down ass up.jpg )
65638 No. 65638
How do you like to take it in the ass? I prefer face down or cowgirl style. If I'm on my back with my legs in the air then the cock Quick, everyone sage this threads my bladder and makes me have to pee.
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>> No. 65639
>> No. 65640
>> No. 65642
i love cheese graters
>> No. 65645
>> No. 65647
Got it. It's b.u.m.p.

Quick, everyone sage this thread.
>> No. 65648
can we have a cheese grater for "I fuck kids"?
>> No. 65656
I'll grant you a cheese grater in exchange for unrestricted access to your anus for about an hour.
>> No. 65657
Cowgirl is a sexist term.
>> No. 65659
>> No. 65660
File 140977132834.png - (861.97KB , 1600x1066 , d76116e82aa44d9926193f166d611827.png )
Transcows might be offended if they weren't so dumb by design. They're like retrads in that case.
>> No. 65662
I fuck kids.

>> No. 65678
[email protected]
>> No. 65679
File 140979947929.gif - (1.37MB , 250x250 , 432.gif )
I like to be on top so I can see his face
>> No. 65685
File 14098207836.jpg - (169.53KB , 600x900 , chimaira-joaxv-93e428.jpg )
that's hot. i get to see an old fling in 2 weeks. i only stayed with him because of his amazing cock. can't wait
>> No. 65688
Congratulations. You will be completely incontinent by your 30th birthday.
>> No. 65689
That's ballza news for my diaper fetish
>> No. 65699
File 140988118945.jpg - (20.25KB , 250x250 , tumblr_n2o64oL3q41qf384fo1_250.jpg )
the anus is amazingly elastic. you might be surprised at what it can do. mine continues to surprise me despite all of the things i have put in it.
>> No. 65703
File 140992347237.jpg - (145.34KB , 1024x915 , oYzHxAL.jpg )

The anus may be willing but the heart may protest.
>> No. 65867
I imagine his last words were "I REGRET NOTHING" for some reason.
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