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File 142932131761.jpg - (318.53KB , 875x1000 , emo.jpg )
72147 No. 72147
How do you think a human being with absolutely no emotions would behave?
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>> No. 72150
I would imagine logic guided by self preservation would rule most of their actions.
>> No. 72151
Even sociopaths have the emotions of fear, and pride etc. This keeps them from killing random people, because they realize that in the end they would get caught.

Someone with absolutely no emotions at all would be very dysfunctional.

You can find a classical depiction in Camus' The Stranger. Someone with no emotions doesn't invest much in self preservation.
>> No. 72155
What do you think being friends with a sociopath would be like?
>> No. 72158
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It's fun at first when he just wants to do hoodrat stuff, but then it gets dangerous when he wants to do progressively serious criminal acts.
>> No. 72165

You're always being tested by them and unless you earn their respect they will think nothing of fucking you over. I like to keep the odd sociopath in my social circles because they keep you sharp just as a function of requiring that you pretty much have to be in order to come out ahead in the relationship.
>> No. 72252

Annoying. They don't know how to process the emotions of others so they retract from people that they emotionally provoke. They refuse to acknowledge their own wrong doings and will gladly do whats in their own interest over whats in the interest of the majority.
>> No. 72253
We're talking about sociopaths, not women.
>> No. 72254
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>> No. 73116
A human with no emotions would just sit all day. They would do nothing at all because without emotions, they have no motivation to do anything. They might not even eat.
>> No. 73125
That depends on if your definition of emotion, and where you draw the line between emotion and instinct. For example, crustaceans are capable of recognizing and withdrawing from harmful stimuli, but there is some debate as to whether it's truly suffering, in the human sense, or simply part of a self-preservation instinct to keep the crab alive.

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