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File 143194060498.jpg - (8.75KB , 236x252 , c73e4fd78c0805d4e3a6f23bf6bffc97.jpg )
72708 No. 72708
I'm look inf symbol that represents The only attached picture picture is the only one I could find that definitely states the meaning of the symbol as "control". I'm looking for another symbol of the same meaning, as this picture is not aesthetically pleasing to me.

Any other symbols/tattoo ideas with the meaning of "control" would by much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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>> No. 72715
If you need a tattoo to convince yourself that you're in control then you aren't.
>> No. 72716
File 143199842060.png - (2.91KB , 142x434 , Untitled.png )
get this one, it says "conqueror's courage" in ancient Korean.
>> No. 72718
File 143199891038.png - (4.38KB , 296x566 , penis.png )
>> No. 72719
When in doubt, words in a blackletter script always make for popular tattoos. You can't get any less ambiguous about meaning control than the word "control."

Where would you put this, by the way?
>> No. 72722
It's an artistic expression that control connot exist without chaos (I should have mentioned my theme in my OP). This is in no way to validate my post and I have apparently approached the wrong platform to ask such a question.
>> No. 72723
Oh the underside of my forewarms, if you read my previous post each would be on either side.
>> No. 72726
>I have apparently approached the wrong platform to ask such a question.
I could point out the obvious about your choice of where to ask this question, but I believe that's now called "victim blaming" and "slutshaming."
>> No. 72727
>It's an artistic expression that [thing] connot exist without [opposite of thing]

just get a fucking yin yang or something and go drown yourself in the toilet at starbucks after showing all your "apsiring writer" friends.
>> No. 72729
File 143201621665.png - (3.32KB , 324x220 , control.png )
>> No. 72731
File 143201682869.png - (15.32KB , 500x364 , Cadeneta_FNPL_svg.png )
So I guess we're just posting cool fascist symbols now, I can dig.
>> No. 72732
File 143201734480.png - (17.12KB , 600x400 , 600px-Flag_of_the_Syrian_Social_Nationalist_Party_.png )
Syrian nationalists have a pretty cool flag.
>> No. 72733
File 143201739755.png - (25.54KB , 750x375 , Flag_RNU_svg.png )
Even Russian fascists can't stop themselves from spamming red all over the place.
>> No. 72734
File 143201920355.gif - (1.12KB , 324x216 , nl}nsb1.gif )
Dutch fascists were pretty baller.
>> No. 72735
File 143201947528.png - (12.57KB , 796x708 , sumbol.png )
>> No. 72736
File 143201988497.jpg - (24.75KB , 361x332 , Control-key-image.jpg )
>> No. 72746
I take it English is not your first language. You might want to put tattoos aside for a bit, just until you've managed to get a hold of the language you're attempting to use.
>> No. 72759
Fuck you ya basketball american ,he can get whatever tattoo he wants on his forearms because he's in control.
>> No. 72760
That looks like the symbol of a second-rate yellow Marvel character from the 70s

He doesn't need to be able to speak english to get a tattoo of a symbol...
>> No. 72761
  I've been listening to Run The Jewels 2 a lot. I want to get "you can all run naked backwards through a field of ds" tatted on my face.
>> No. 72782
SME Blocked Content in the US
>> No. 73055
No YOU look like the symbol of a second-rate yellow Marvel character from the 70s, you fuckin jabroni shithead.
>> No. 73068
File 143376791859.gif - (4.46KB , 200x200 , brand.gif )
This is the symbol of Pink Floyd; they control the world of prog rock.

>> No. 73079
Half of them are dead and the other half always hated the "prog rock" label.
>> No. 73083
A lot of prog rock bands were like that. Jethro Tull did an over-the-top proggy album because they were mad that people called them prog rock, and it's one of the best prog rock albums of the golden age.

These cheesy hipsters were so fucking contrarian that they hated people calling them contrarian and liking them for it. I mean sure, "progressive rock" was sort of a pretentious label but compared to everyone else at the time it was also accurate.
>> No. 73138
Why is prog rock called prog rock?
>> No. 73159
They had to call it something. However, they needed a label in between "pretentious wankers up their own ass with themselves" and "musicians with real talent and training not limiting themselves to banal formulaic bullshit." They picked something in between that makes everyone unhappy, and that's all you can ask for.
>> No. 73162
Early on some music writers called it "art rock" which is still a label used today but that is hellza pretentious because it presumes that only that is artsy rock. While some prog rock backs could also be called psychedelic, that was a different phrase which had different connotations, and bands like King Crimson or Jethro Tull weren't hellza psychedelic, at least not all the time.

The harder question is hellza what counts as prog rock bands or albums. Are The Who and Led Zeppelin or even The Beatles prog rock because they occasionally did some proggy stuff? Or does one have to create 25 minute instrumentals in 13/7 time signature in order to be considered progressive?
>> No. 73190
I could write a 5k word post replying to the last four, but I'm too depressed to argue about music.

Maybe I'll write it and post it on /mu/, sometime.
>> No. 73212
File 143425976544.gif - (29.04KB , 221x366 , glitterbear.gif )
why are you depressed?
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