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File 141567299037.jpg - (1.38MB , 1968x3264 , C360_2014-10-24-20-26-14-789.jpg )
67918 No. 67918
tell me about your favorite foods
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>> No. 67919
Can you stop making threads?

>> No. 67922
I really love Qdoba, I get something weird though. I get double ground sirloin, brown rice, green chili salsa, two giant scoops of cheese. ballza stuff.
>> No. 67926
Sorry, this is an amazing thread with potential for being a 99chan legend.
>> No. 67928
Guys, what foods do you like? Asl? Oh, I like tacos lol. We are on the cutting edge of thread-making.
>> No. 67929
>> No. 67944
I am an exorcist who drove out an evil spirit from >>67918.
I'm very sorry >>67918 had started this thread.
I apologize if this thread has hurt your feelings.
Normally >>67918 is a kind boy who could not harm even a fly.
But one day, out of curiosity >>67918 played Kokkuri-san.
He may have done it only for fun, but his curiosity affected his fate.
What occurred to >>67918? An evil spirit possessed him.
>>67918 was no longer what he had been.
Everyday, with raising a strange cry, >>67918 would urinate, defecate, or wound himself suddenly.
Then >>67918 would sit at the personal computer in his room obsessively, devote himself completely to destroying bulletin boards.
His parents were completely at a loss what to do with their son, asked me to exorcize the devil from >>67918.
I rushed to >>1's home and what I saw was a horrible sight.
>>67918's whole body was covered with scars. He gave off a bad smell.
>>67918 was muttering "Mansei, Mansei" in a low voice.
Right away, with uttering an incantation, I sprinkled Holy water on >>67918.
An ordinary devil would have gone away at this point.
But this one was hard to defeat. At the end I was yelling at it, rather than uttering an incantation.
After the struggle I had succeeded in driving out this devil from >>67918.
Now peace had returned to his family.
I believe >>67918 will never behave eccentrically, nor start a thread like this.
To the readers of my letter, let me give you some advice, though it may be superfluous. It would be better to keep away from Kokkuri-san and the like.
>> No. 67945

Is this for real?
>> No. 67969
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>> No. 67976
Corn soup, strawberrys, Lemon meringue pie, pumpkin pie, apple crisp, New york style strawberry cheese cake, cabbage rolls, cabbage stew, shepherds pie, perch, sushi, kielbasa sausage, peanut butter and banana sandwich, General Tao's chicken, Swedish meatballs, Singapore street noodles, gumbo, jambalaya tacos and escargot, poutine, nanimo bars.
>> No. 68033
Oh Jesus Christ OP, I had to do a double take on your image. For a split second I thought that was some kind of straw coming out of the top of the spam pack like a demented Capri Sun.

I nearly threw up.
>> No. 68035
OP, I really do find rape to be deplorable, but I do think women go overboard with how bad it really is. It is no secret that, unless it is very violent, rape, like sex, feels ballza physically. We as a society ignore this fact, because it's seen as "uncaring", so we sentence non-violent rapists to decades of imprisonment for simply making a female feel ballza.
>> No. 68038
I, too, have no concept of emotional and non-physical pain, because I am dead inside. Only emotionally dead people like us should be able to tell others how to feel about non-consensual sexual acts.
>> No. 68041
Okay, I'm sorry. If someone makes me feel ballza and I didn't explicitly ask for it, I'm scarred for life, 100% of the time. Nice victim complex.
>> No. 68042
I know man, I agree with you totally. I know for one that a ballza ass pounding makes me feel nice, prostate stimulation and all. It's impossible for that not to feel ballza unless it's violent. As such, I don't know what the problem is with forcible anal rape, I see no reason why such a thing would cause emotional distress.
>> No. 68043
For some women, sex hurts or doesn't feel particularly ballza. Tons of women are anaorgasmic and women with small vaginas may feel a lot of pain from regular penile penetration.
>> No. 68044
That's not the same thing and you know it. Gay, anal sex is not the norm.

You're making shit up based on your own sad experiences. Real data says otherwise.

Straw men and various other logical fallacies is all you guys have? I know the truth isn't pretty and I understand why you have to attack me personally.
>> No. 68045
Whether or not it's the "norm" is a non-sequitor, we're not talking about social norms, we're talking about science and facts that may disagree with the social norms. The prostate has many nerve endings and is very sensitive, and stimulation of it has been proven to increase sexual stimulation and intensify orgasms. According to your logic, no man should complain if another man fucks them in the ass with proper care to ensure it is not painful, because he's only doing it to pleasure him, and no one should ever complain about something that feels ballza being forced upon them. But if the homosexual aspect is too much for you, you can just say that if a woman stimulates a man's prostate against his will, that it's not really rape, because prostate stimulation has proven to feel ballza.

You're ultimately using the same logic, are you not? Since the vast majority of women are turned on when something stimulates their vagina, there's no reason for them to complain because it feels ballza. For some reason I doubt you would feel the same about a big, hairy fat woman sexually molesting and sodomizing you against your will.

The fact is that there's a difference between stimulation and pleasure. Just because someone's vagina is being stimulated doesn't mean they are even feeling sexual pleasure out of it, similar to how just because you could pop a boner if your prostate is stimulated doesn't mean you are particularly enjoying the experience. As such, men and women who get raped very rarely report enjoying the experience. I'm sure there are ways for you to test out your theory that rape feels ballza, maybe you should conduct your own experiment.

Here is a scholarly article regarding some of the dynamics of sexual stimulation and pleasure. It talks about many things, but pretty much all articles on the issue dating back decades have concluded that it is very hard for women to feel pleasure during sexual activity without desire, and sexual arousal is something that is important to their overall sexual pleasure.


If you have sources, then I would like to see them, as you are rather proud and quick to claim that you have scientific authority.
>> No. 68047
didn't someone post a link a while back of forums where rape victims admitted to being sexually aroused by the rape?
>> No. 68049
Pleasurable physical stimulation or even orgasm during - and arousal at the thought of it after - rape are well-documented. This does not, however, decrease the emotional trauma of being violated in one of the most basic ways an individual's personal sovereignty and safety can be violated.

You say these rape victims "admit" to pleasure or arousal as if this is some sort of secret that undermines their victim status, but that is not the case. In the first place, this arousal does not contradict the trauma, as I said. And in the second place, it could be a source of further shame, confusion, and pain.
>> No. 68050
Furthermore, having a safe, anonymous space like that forum, to discuss these complex and difficult experiences is probably very helpful and healing for a lot of these people, so using the existence of that forum as a weapon against victimhood, using it to call out the supposed hypocrisy of rape victims, is very disrespectful.
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