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File 14161191809.jpg - (79.95KB , 643x960 , cute runner girl butt.jpg )
68063 No. 68063
what do you listen to when you run?
i'm on Mr. Lif and Nas lately
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>> No. 68065
I listen to the sound of my TV

From my couch

Because I'm not running
>> No. 68066
Italo Disco because that's all I've been listening to lately.

>> No. 68076
I don't run, I walk briskly. I listen to an eclectic mix of shit no one cares about anymore to shit no ones heard of to shit that plays on the radio. Sometimes I do get into a genre kick though right now its mostly things that fit into the goth or steam punk category. Last month it was bubblegum dance music from the early 2000's late 90's.
>> No. 68077
Is that video related to your reply or are you just paying your respects to one of the greatest human beings of the last century?
>> No. 68102
I run without music. It's like meditation.
>> No. 68118
By the way, that is not Italo disco.
>> No. 68226
File 141654660154.jpg - (35.29KB , 500x375 , asdfgtrerhn.jpg )
ur not italo disco
>> No. 68252
It certainly sounds like italo disco.
>> No. 68254
Italy is the a land of pretentious monsters.
>> No. 68255
I love listening to gangster rap music when I run.
>> No. 68256
If you believe "sounding like" means the same as actually being, then I'd like to sell you some gold coins at the going rate for gold. Just ignore the fact that they have chocolate inside of them.
>> No. 68259
Oh, you're one of those people.
>> No. 68263
Legitimate businessmen? Because that's what he sounds like to me. I think you should take his offer.
>> No. 68265
My first thought on looking at that butt was that it was a twinky gay man's butt.

What have you done to me, 99chan?
Made me better, that's what.
>> No. 68292
>> No. 68293
Post some real italo disco, then.
>> No. 68340
Guy looks like an Indian Sammo Hung.
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