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File 141565809310.jpg - (47.29KB , 500x398 , gandhi first blood.jpg )
67909 No. 67909
What race are you most sexually attracted to?
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>> No. 67910
Half-white half-Japanese. AKA the only correct answer.
>> No. 67911
You are a lonely adolescent boy, angry at his father, and scorned by his mother for not marrying you instead of your father.
>> No. 67912
I cannot deny any of that, sir.
>> No. 67932
Lately, it seems to be anyone non-white. I'm not sure why that is. My school has a pretty large population of East and Southeast Asians, African-Americans, and Latinas, plus a smattering of Middle-Easterners. For some reason they all tend to catch my eye faster than white girls. My last two girlfriends were also Mexican, and I haven't dated a white girl since I was 17.

Anon, am I a race traitor?
>> No. 67953

I always felt the race-traitor loophole was adopting white kids.

If I marry a black woman but adopt white kids/make a clone of myself, am I not still continuing whitedom?

Because damn, brown sugar.
>> No. 67956
I am white and I prefer super pale girls with perky pink nipples.
>> No. 67958
File 141569799813.jpg - (21.40KB , 400x266 , gingerfluff.jpg )
I am white and for some reason I really like the way jewish boys look. I also like white guys and dark skinned asians.
>> No. 67959
File 141570203432.jpg - (81.25KB , 391x391 , mathieuchedid5.jpg )
Whatever race this hunk is.
>> No. 67960
File 141570205246.jpg - (40.51KB , 329x500 , mathieuchedid3.jpg )
>> No. 67961
File 141570206992.jpg - (31.74KB , 460x520 , mathieuchedid4.jpg )
>> No. 67964
I'm white and I'm only attracted to white women. Other races are just ugly to me and they have a smell to them that I consider unpleasant.
>> No. 68023
I like pure girls foremost/ followed by iranian/indian/turkish girls. White girls come after.

I am not otherwise into asians or blacks or latinos.
>> No. 68024
I am white, and I like hispanics, whites, and asians, in that order, but I like them pale
>> No. 68030
I'm white and I prefer whites. It saddens me that there are so few here in the DC area.
>> No. 68034
I just pretend that blacks are whites and vice-versa. So many white people are confused when I tell them how articulate they sound.
>> No. 68052
Are black people confused when you don't become uncomfortable around them?
>> No. 68055
They're more uncomfortable when I talk about how difficult it is being white and I victim-blame those killed by gangs and cops.
>> No. 68069

Honestly, black people oppressing whites is something that needs to be talked about more.
>> No. 68071
I've always liked Italian women. Really, skin is not much of an issue as long as you're not a bitch. But Italian women are bella.
>> No. 68072
Interesting question to dissect. I'm attracted to different races dependent on gender. For males in order of attraction:

-native American
-native mixed race
-white mixed race

For women
-Half native mix
-East Indian
-white mix

I generally don't find myself sexually attracted to full blood white men or full blood black. I find full blood black facial features are too large most of the time and with whites the skin tone is blotchy with pink and the facial features aren't smooth or defined like more Asiatic races.

With women the features are usually more delicate an softer, Some black women and some native Americans I don't find myself attracted to because of the over enlarged features.

Keep in mind this is me generalizing their are exceptions to the rule.

I wish this question would have been more then just sexual Attraction because I figure in cultural identity and country into my Idea of attraction. for example being half native American I have a bias towards liking natives more because we share a cultural identity where as blacks I have little in common with culturally.
>> No. 68073
This quotation oppresses women.
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