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File 13999772375.jpg - (34.22KB , 400x288 , australian.jpg )
61758 No. 61758
When it rains, my already crappy internet connection gets even worse; from around 1Mb (lowercase b) to about .42Mb. This happens because the pit full of copper cabling in my front yard fills up with water and worsens the connection.

This means that no video will buffer faster than it plays. A gif takes an eternity to load. Uploading? May as well fax it in.

You americans and your googly fibers know nothing of cyber poverty.
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>> No. 61759
File 139998891813.gif - (1.36MB , 478x360 , 1391824432087.gif )
>the pit full of copper cabling in my front yard

That's some fourth-world level shit, what the fuck man
>> No. 61760
File 139998986590.png - (523.80KB , 628x361 , copper mine.png )

We like to call it 'the copper mine'. It's ehellza citizens retirement plan, to dig up the internet wires and trade them for pennies.
>> No. 61763
>trade them for pennies.
...copper for copper?
>> No. 61772
File 140001815679.jpg - (51.99KB , 600x450 , waiting-for-a-fax2.jpg )
We should start 99fax, a fax machine network where we fax pictures and arguments about grammar to each other. Sort of like a bbs but wasteful because it uses paper and ink.
>> No. 61777

truly a worthy project
>> No. 61781
Why don't you cover it? You know, to stop the rain from going in?
>> No. 61802
File 14000655177.gif - (947.93KB , 500x157 , giphy.gif )
>> No. 61803
holy shit fix that already

how do you just sit by and suffer??
>> No. 61813
Are aboriginal girls hot?
>> No. 61817
The same as with anyone: sometimes.
>> No. 61818
Well, whether they know it or not everyone in the US gets shitty, sub-par Internet that they're also forced to overpay for. Might take some easily-coverable wires over that any day.
>> No. 61820
Australians get sub-par, shitty everything that they're forced to overpay for though.
>> No. 61824
File 140009129454.jpg - (39.40KB , 460x330 , australia-aborigines-460.jpg )
I think Australian aboriginals are hellza hellza beautiful. I'm always kind of in awe of them. I don't know why. It's not a sexual thing, I just think they look incredible.
>> No. 61825
File 140009149473.jpg - (116.28KB , 940x627 , this girl is 21 years old.jpg )
No need to clarify it's not a sexual thing.
>> No. 61827
File 140009276082.png - (191.34KB , 300x300 , abbo.png )
Aborigenes with pale hair are beautiful.
>> No. 61829
File 140009362651.png - (78.06KB , 554x369 , abbo.png )
Melanesian genes are pretty fucking bomb despite not conforming to modern standards of beauty.
>> No. 61848
File 140010484532.gif - (2.13MB , 240x240 , australia.gif )
Do you live in Darwin or something?
>> No. 61849
Are... are those thousands of spiders going down a waterslide?
>> No. 61852
o noeas wymn bein opresd by modern standers of buty
Daddy long legs.
>> No. 61854
The modern standards of booty ARE hellza oppressive, it's ballza to hear someone echo my sentiments.
>> No. 61858
I was talking about the men, too. Abbo men tend to be short.
>> No. 61861
I don't think it's as simple as "it is what it is." The government may not be enforcing beauty standards, but you fall into the libertarian trap into thinking that the government is the only coercive and influential force in society.

The emphasis should be on individual health and/or happiness, but instead we get a society where every other woman wants to get cut up so they can look like the model on TV. Beauty IS subjective, and the damage that every movie/TV show does by casting exclusively "pretty" people and every other reality show being about ugly or fat people getting makeovers is measurable and significant.
>> No. 61862
I swear Verizon is throttling my connection. Every time they send a technician out, someone at the centre office flips a switch and turns my internet on to the highest speed, just long enough for the guy to tell me there isn't anything wrong.

Later that night, the internet will drop the connection every half a minute or so. This has been going on for months, but apparently they will only reimburse me for the time since they have "verified" the problem, which they consistently refuse to do. They offered me four days reimbursement, but said that if I accepted I would not be able to ask for more. What the fuck.

I have unplugged all the phone lines and got brand new wires for the modem. I would give years of my life for stable internet at this point. But i don't feel like upgrading to FIOS while Verizon is strong arming me like this. Every time I tell them my connection problems they say "sorry to hear that, have you heard about fios?" I don't want to buy your fucking service while you are ding me around. If they won't provide the service I paid for now, how do I know upgrading is going to solve anything?

I'm even considering paying for shitty comcast, just to spite Verizon. I am sick and tired of these bastards screwing with me.

I had to wait 20 minutes until the internet came back before I was able to post this.
>> No. 61863
>or are you just going to go on a rant about the NSA enforcing thin privilege or something?

When you act like a dhead, it doesn't make people more likely to accept your viewpoint. It just makes you a dhead.
>> No. 61871
File 140013334766.jpg - (7.41KB , 259x194 , index.jpg )
You know what you have to do: burn them. Burn them all. Show them the error of their ways. Send them to the fires of Hell burn them burn them burn them burn them all burn them
>> No. 61872
Just call up their specialized disconnect line and lay out the issue for them, and they'll do everything they can to get you to stay. You might have to be prepared to actually disconnect, though. I had a temporary copper line installed for my job, the cheapest possible phone service you can get, and they still tried to say or do anything to get me to stay. Might not work but you could give it a shot.
>> No. 61873
I had the misfortune of calling them today, and they told me to unplug all my phone lines. By luck, the internet happened to turn back on by the time I was finished, and the lady on the phone insisted that she had solved the problem. I tried explaining that it probably just came back on it's own, and that it cycles through connects/disconnects, but got stonewalled. She insisted it solved the problem, and that I need to buy new filters.

I honestly think their strategy is to keep me on hold long enough so that when they actually get a rep to talk to me, the internet has come back on, and they can walk me through the same exact retarded steps "Is your internet light on" as if I'm some senile 84 year old grandmother, who has never used a modem before.

Do you think using the windows internet connection logs will convince them of anything? I have a report documenting 5+ hours of downtime in the PM hours today, substantially after the rep declared the problem "solved" for the umpth time, and for which they were conveniently after business hours.
>> No. 61874
No the people on the other end of the line would not know what to do with lines. Their strategy is to keep getting you to pay for their service, nothing more. There could be shenanigans in terms of them turning it on and off, but you won't be able to prove that.

Calling the disconnect like, accusing them of various shenanigans, threatening legal action... those will get the guy on the other end to shit his pants. Again, might not work. I have comcast and they hellza suck in a variety of ways but I've never had a problem with blatant throttling.

When I had that temporary line, it kept cutting out whenever it rained, and I had to call them three times before they actually went up the telephone pole and found out that the cover was off of the box and all the wiring was exposed up there.
>> No. 61989
I had pretty much the same problem except it was the junction up on the pole that would get water in it when it rained.

I called like 2 or 3 times about static on the line and it wasn't getting fixed. I eventually had to disconnect everything from the phone box on the side of my house, and then clip on with a beige box to verify that yes, the problem was on the phone companies side, (in the rain I might add, safe rite?) and then I needed to be very specific that the problem only occurs when it's raining. That got 'er fixed.
>> No. 68408
It's not a conscious choice, people just don't want to look at uggos on TV and in movies. Not everything is a conspiracy.
>> No. 68409
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