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File 141585544974.gif - (464.36KB , 483x408 , dickms.gif )
68014 No. 68014
So I was reading about circumcision around the world and I found this: http://www.circumstitions.com/Pacific.html

>But perhaps the most bizarre method is that practised in parts of the Western Solomons. A cut is made across the top of the foreskin at the back, and the glans is threaded up through it. As the penis grows, one imagines, it becomes impossible to unthread it. The foreskin then forms a little wrinkled bunch under the glans, about the size of a pea. This is, of course, thought to improve heterosexual intercourse (though women might appreciate it more if the bunch were on top where it could reach the "G-spot"). Again, since everything is still there, this is probably preferable to cutting anything right off.

What do you think such a penis would look like? It sounds really strange.
>> No. 68017
>though women might appreciate it more if the bunch were on top where it could reach the "G-spot

Maybe they do it from behind and it still does reach.
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